Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Very rarely we get a chance to celebrate the unique  achievements of a poet and lover of humanity whose work traverses the globe and stands as a living example of faith in humanity, and empathy. This world is proud of souls like Dr Mountassir Aziz whose long lists of achievements is not only highly inspiring but also shows him as a larger than life figure of a human cut in the size of a superman. GALAXY INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION feels honoured to honour Dr Aziz with the award GLOBAL ICON OF LITERATURE WORLD PEACE AND HUMANITY.


Dr . Mountassir Aziz is:

 poet international and ambassador of humanity and creativity  from Morrocco

*President of international forum of creativity and humanity.
 * Ambassador of Inner Child Press Washington in North Africa.
* Ambassador of WIP (Nigeria) in Morrocco

*Membre  and cordinator in Morrocco  North Africa

Of Humanity

Cordinator in North Africa of UWMC ( united World Movement children )

  Ambassador of Humanity mission and Peace  in Morrocco.

Cordinator of the Arab Media Network in Morocco

He  participated in 5 poetry international anthologies
 follow ......

Mountassir has 6 poetry collections in Arabic: The Sad Melody, Play Waiting, Double Play and Pain and Scratches on the Waiting Face. As Much as Fancy Comes Reproaching is the title of his new poetry work, which is in print. His poems have been translated into various languages, including Amazigh, French, Spanish, Italian,  serbian , Slovaquie languge  Germany ,English  Phillipino and Japanese. Mario Rigli, a renowned Italian poet and painter, has translated some of his poems and sang it as a musical composition together with the well-known Italian composer, Fabio Martoglio. His works have also been translated into Italian by Maria Palumbo, into English by William S. Peters and Nizar Sartawi and Nassira Nezzar ....

The poet has received more 10 honorary doctorates and high honors due to his literary work and service to humanity. The World Federation of Goodwill Ambassadors has recognized his significance with a Certificate of Goodwill Ambassador from Morocco. He passionately devotes his global acclaim to serve as a humanist and humanitarian leader and an ambassador of creativity and peace.

Aziz has been an invitee to a large number of cultural conferences and international poetry festivals . Dubaï , Belgique , Romania , Hindia, Espagne.Egypt. Tunisie . Chine . Palestine ......
عندما يَجَنَّ الليلُ
بقلم لطيفة الأعكل المغرب


عِنْدمايَجَنَّ الليل
ويعمّ الكون السُّكون
يُطلّ طيفكَ مِنْ بينِ الغمام
يَسري الشّوْقُ بيْنَ جوانحي
تَحرقُ نارُهُ أضْلُعي..
أتيهُ في مُرُوجِ خيالي..
تُغازِلُ الذّكْريات وِجْداني
فأتوارى خلف جدار الصمت
و أرتّق بأنفاس الآهات
أسمال صبري الحزين
أعبثُ بأزْرار قميص الليل
وأتهالك على صدْر  الوَتين ..
أتجرّعِ كؤوس وحْدتي...

سماء ليْلي كئيبة ، حزينة
غابت عنْها النُّجُومُ،
واخْتفى عنها القمر ..
يُغازلُنيِ الوَجدُ
أُعانقُ قيثارتي ..
وأعْزفُ لحنَ الليلِ الحزين
على وترِ الأنين
تَخنُق الدّمعةُ أنْفاسي
ويُبعْثِرُ الحنينُ اِشتياقي

مُخيلتي مُنهكة
طال بردُ الشّتاءِ أزْهارها
ذبُلت  واصفرّ عودها
أستعينُ بالقصيدة ،
يَتحجّرُ البوحُ .. كِبْرياء
أُلمْلِمُ حُروفي المُلقاة
على رصيفِ الورق ،
وأنْقُشُهامِنْ حِبْرِ الوريد
 على شَفتي...

لطيفة الأعكل  المغرب
 جٓنّٓ الليل : أظلم الليل واشتدّ سواده
حين عشقتك
بقلم زهرة النرجس ربيعة ازداد


حينها تسلمت مفاتيح سعادتي
وزعت زهور الحب باقات باقات
اقتلعت بعاصفة حبك أشواك أحزاني
أحسستك في كل ذرة مني
تبعث فيها روحا جديدة
تزيل عنها تعب السنين
أنت لست ككل الرجال
أنت تملك أسرار الإناث كلهن
تعرف كيف تداعب العيون
كيف تضم الجفون
كيف تعشق بجنون
أنت برقتك
تشبه سقوط الماء فوق جسد
أنهكته الحمى
وفي عنفك
تشبه الرياح وهي تعري الاشجار
من أوراقها اليابسة
تشبه الامطار وهي تطهر  الارض
من نجاستها
أنت في همسك
صوت يحمل كل الألحان الجميلة
أنت في حنانك
قلب أم تفرح بمولودها بعد طول انتظار
كيف أفسرك؟؟؟؟
كيف ألخصك؟؟؟؟
في كل يوم تأتيني بالجديد  المذهل
في حروفك أستنشق الحياة
في ابتسامتك أمتص الشهد
في حديثك أرتوي ماء معينا
لا زلت أتوق لعناقك
وأشتاق  ....أشتاق للقياك

زهرة النرجس ربيعة ازداد

Monday, February 3, 2020

عشق للعاشقين
بقلم قمر بنصالح

أنا حلم راقص بين القلب و الفكر
يبحث في ثنايا الرّوح
عن طيفك
علّه يراك
ينعم بلقياك
و يبوح لك بسرّه المكتوم
سرّ أسير بين الضّلوع
ضاقت به السّبل و الرّبوع
يريد أن يتحرّر من أسره
يريد الطّلوع
قبل أن تكفّ شمسه عن البزوغ
فجأة يتوقّف عن الرّقص
و يطفأ الشّموع
و يفيض دمعه المنهمر
من عيون السّراب
تذكّره عاقبة عشقه الممنوع
آلام، أوجاع
و بقايا دموع
تمسح أيّاما بالحبّ قد حلمت
قد غنّت و تمنّت و صلّت بخشوع
أن يجمع قلبيهما
لكنّ القدر كتب الكلمة الأخيرة
رسم سكّة فراق بلا رجوع.
Serpil Devrim


the forest is buried in the dead drunkenness
in the dark of the night lengthwise
the unconscious majority with the feeling of foreboding
stagger at the roots of the mind where they take a stand

there is nobody there
there are nobodies there

while they dream with great difficulty
with centuries-old dogmas sanctified in their multi-leaf branches
without organic links they fall into the space
whose celestial correspondence is unknown

there is nobody there
there are nobodies there

when eternal explains everything
nothing the batman dresses in greens
without being able to realize the truth from its white
resigning sophistically with unexpected happiness

there is nobody there
there are nobodies there
Serpil Devrim


biraz daha dur yüreğim
içinde gömüler bulunan
yeraltı mezar odam
kimleri alarak gömüldün kendi içine
kimler taş kesilip yapıştı lahitine
yaşadıklarına şahidim

yetmezken kafir Hirodes'e bile
gökyüzünde milyarlarca yıldız,
hiçbir anlaşmanın hükmü yok
farklı zamanlarda farklı yüzlerle
derininde uyanık derin devler unutma
senin atardamarından beslenen

biraz daha dur yüreğim
ağır ve hantal fillerin de nesli tükenir
bir yudum bile içmeden dur
kutsal sulardan, Ganj nehrinden
ölümsüzlük ve sabır yalanını
yeryüzü o zaman cennetin olacak
sadece krallar ve soyluların değil...

Serpil Devrim


(All the misfortunes in the world, hope is but a dream. May this poem sweep away all your misfortune and unhappiness.🌹❤️
———Coronavirus pneumonia is very serious recently, how are you my dear?You must pay attention to your health,may god bless you🙏)

The Silent Spring

By Tianyu

Listening to the feelings of the spring,
With a touch of melancholy.
With the predawn bell,
Leaving midnight to go to the dream.

The silent hours,
I hoped there were no death in the world,
Just coz god was tired of noise,
Hope the earth be quiet anyway,
So the landscape today,
Will be like a very sad and light sadness.

All things come to life,
Sure the flowers will bloom.
Don't be afraid of how the stars are deflected,
Destined for a brightest world,
The thick fog couldn’t conceal the arrival of spring like this.

Listening to the feelings of spring,
It's a little chilly.
In the hope before the dawn,
All regrets are the enlightenment of destinies.

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

Iris Calif    Photography Combined Vith Painting: The Artist Zehava Neter Model: Iris Calif Iris Calif , Resident of the State of Israel, po...