Saturday, February 10, 2024


Kampe të sigurta mbrojtjeje
Dhe unë një kurorë gruri e artë jam
Me trupin tim të zhveshur
Para portës së universit.

(Nga libri “Bija e Perëndisë”)


Në lutjen e qetë të shirave të tu,
Virtyti i dashurisë simulohet
Në mantelin e Zotit trupin tim vëzhgon
Heshtje e pastër
Errësira që sjell dashuri
Dëshira për të rritur ëndrrën time
Dhe qiriu i verës
Është ndezur nga një jetë e shenjtë
Mbretëron në kurorën e dimrit
Shkrime të shpirtit tim
Në mbrëmje pasioni im krijon
Bën të lindë ekzistencën.
Nata merr frymë rëndë
Nga rëra në kullotën e botës
Dhe në dijeninë e qiellit
Unë jam nusja e shkretëtirës.

(Nga libri “Bija e Perëndisë”)  


Oggi portiamo ai lettori Iris Calif nata in Israele. Lei è poetessa, scrittrice, traduttrice, giornalista e ballerina. Iris è redattrice e traduttrice delle riviste: Universal Poetry, Mokasini, Culture & Lifestyle Magazine, World Poetry e del sito web di letteratura “Rooms”. Iris Calif è Membro dell’Associazione dei Compositori, Autori ed Editori Ebrei in Israele (ACUM). Iris è la vincitrice del premio: Il Miglior Poeta Mondiale Dell’Anno assegnato dal Consiglio di Amministrazione Della World Union of Poetry Journals – The Journal Of Rendetion Of International Poetry (ITRC – Multilingual) in Cina il 18 novembre 2023. Iris ha inoltre ricevuto un diploma dall'”Unione degli scrittori professionisti russi” e dalla rivista internazionale “Arina NN”, registrata presso il Ministero della Cultura russo per il suo contributo alla cultura mondiale “Comunità Poetica Internazionale” (2022). Iris è Membro della Società degli Artisti e degli Scrittori SAPS del Mondo (Polonia). Calif fa parte anche del Comitato Editoriale del World Poetry Yearbook 2024 (edizione inglese). Ha conseguito un Dottorato Onorario dal Forum Internazionale per la Creatività, l’Umanità e la Coesistenza (Marocco)


Nel fiume notturno,
Il cipresso dei tuoi occhi
Lega la mia anima e lo spirito nudo
Raggiunge il mio mondo innocente,
E una rumorosa danza della mente.
Sto ballando per il tuo amore
Purificando il mio corpo
Secondo i tuoi bisogni.
I venti delle tue stelle
Affogando i sensi
Nell’aureola del sole
Raccolto silenziosamente
E nella corona del cielo
La mia passione si sgretola
Avvolto nella solitudine del tuo cuore,
E la luna è fragile
Un lampo d’anima dorata
In una danza umana.

(Dal libro “Figlia di Dio”)   

(L’umanità di fronte al cancello dell’universo)

I fiumi di sole, il battito della notte
Ma io un piccolo grano nudo sono
Una luna viola respira nella sua grandezza
E nei suoni della pioggia,
raccogliendo la mia giovinezza,
Nuda nel viola taciturna
Avvolgendo la mia casta memoria vergine
La mia anima creò
Bagnando l’amore nel cielo, paradiso,
Campi di sicuro riparo.
E io sono una corona di grano d’oro
Con il mio corpo nudo
Di fronte al cancello dell’universo.

(Dal libro “Figlia di Dio”)


Nella calma preghiera delle tue piogge
simula la virtù dell’amore
Nella veste di Dio osserva il mio corpo
Candido silenzio
Il vento
L’oscurità che porta l’amore
Il desiderio di far crescere il mio sogno
E la candela estiva
È accesa da una vita santa
Regna nella corona dell’inverno
Scritture della mia anima
La sera la mia passione crea
Fa nascere l’esistenza.
La notte respira pesantemente
Della sabbia nel pascolo del mondo
E nella conoscenza del cielo
Io sono la sposa del deserto.

(Dal libro “Figlia di Dio”) 

Përgatiti dhe përktheu Angela Kosta Akademike, shkrimtare, poete, eseiste, kritike letrare, redaktore, promovuese, gazetare

Preparato e tradotto in italiano da Angela Kosta Accademica scrittrice, poetessa, saggista, critica letteraria, redattrice, traduttrice, giornalista

 Rana Moqtader 

__(ترجمة من الفارسية للعربية)___

            _ترجمه از پارسي به عربى _



بقلم :رنا مقتدر _أفغانستان

ترجمة : حامد حبيب _مصر


كما  قالوا

ماذا ستكون ثمرةُ الحياة؟


مُحاطةٌ بظلالِ الريحِ القاتمة

وبِخِتم الصمتِ على شفتيك

يريدون أن تكون سماؤك دائمًا بلا عبادة

وحديقتُك بلا زهورٍ وأشجار

وأنا وأحلامي

لدينا القوة معا

الذي لا تسمح بذلك أبدًا

لا شيءَ على صورةِ عقلك

يا عش الغراب



أعتقد أنَّ

الطرقَ ذات الاتجاهِ الواحد 

يُمكنها الحكمُ على رحيلي

ازدحامٌ شديدٌ في كلّ زقاق 

أنت تعرف!

أنّني عانيتُ منك الكثير من الجروح

اللونُ الشاحبُ لشفتي 

هو شاهدٌ على هذه القصة

لا نهايةَ لها ولا آخِر 

لكن في كل مرة كنت تضحك عليّْ


جاء القمر لزيارتي

ومن سبعة جهات

ينحني لحذائي



کانال رنا مقتدر:

انگار گفتند

چه ثمری خواهد داشت زندگی

رویاهایت را

درمحصور سایه های مغموم باد


وبرلب هایت مهر خاموشی بکوبی


آسمانت همیشه بی پرستو باشد

وباغچه ات  بی گل ودرخت

و من و رویا هایم

با هم اقتدار داریم 

که هرگزاجازه ندهی

روی تصاویر ذهن ات هیچ

کلاغی لانه کند



بیاندیش به من که 

رفتنم رافقط جاده های یکطرفه می‌تواند قضاوت کتد 

درازدحام کوچه ی سنگین جدایی


من زخم های زیادی ازتو خورده ام

رنگ پریده لب هایم شاهد این ماجراست

بی انتها و بی نهایت 

اما هرباری که به سویم خندیدی  

من فکر کردم

ماه به زیارت ام امده 

واز هفت جهت

کفش هایم را سجده می کند


نويسنده  : رنا مقتدر_أفغانستان

مترجم : حامد حبيب _مصر


Angélica Maria Escavassa


    Angélica Maria Escavassa é brasileira e residente na cidade de Votuporanga, no interior do Estado de São Paulo.

    Ela tem curso superior e é formada em Letras e Espanhol pela UNIFEV – Centro Universitário de Votuporanga –SP.  

    Atuou na área de Educação como Técnica em Educação nível IV na rede municipal de ensino de Votuporanga, ensinando técnicas de artesanato para crianças do primeiro ao quinto ano do ensino fundamental em regime de tempo integral.  

    Angélica Maria Escavassa vem de uma família de artesãos e, no meio familiar, ela iniciou seu aprendizado a quarenta anos atrás. Ela é artesã do Programa do Artesanato Brasileiro e artista pintora autodidata no mundo das artes.

   Como artista autodidata apaixonada pela Arte visual, ela representa a arte Contemporânea que, conectada com a atualidade, desenvolve a valorização social, de pertencimento e autoestima. Vale ressaltar que desenvolveu trabalho voluntário num programa de ensino para senhoras.

   Como referência, ela observou as técnicas de renomados artistas nacionais e internacionais, aos quais admira, assim como as cores aplicadas por eles em suas artes, visando aprofundar seu conhecimento e visão da arte pictórica. 

   Assim, foi aprimorando o seu trabalho e desenvolvendo um estilo próprio, com resultados que cunham a sua identidade autoral. Sua técnica e cores, com materiais variados, são combinadas a fatores adquiridos como a experiência pessoal, a observação da natureza, a emoção e a reflexão quanto à sociedade. Suas ideias refletem, na criação artística, a conexão entre a arte, as pessoas e o mundo.

    Na preparação dos seus projetos de artes visuais em telas, painéis, madeira e vidro, ela define os traços e executa as etapas das pinceladas e espatuladas com tintas a óleo ou acrílica, nas cores fortes, tons pastéis e até mesmo aplicações.

   A artista Angélica maria Escavassa tem participado de exposições virtuais nacionais e   internacionais e já coordenou e participou de diversas exposições presenciais em sua cidade. 

   Além da pintura, a música e a literatura são outras de suas paixões. 

   Na música, ela já participou de vários grupos musicais como cantora coralista na sua cidade e atualmente é membro do Coral Canto Livre da Prefeitura do Município de Votuporanga.

   Na literatura, ela se prepara para publicar seus livros “ Romances” e “Contos Infantis”, tem participações no lançamento de livros “Antologias” de algumas editoras, com minicontos e poesias, e participa de concursos literários em academias virtuais.

    A artista Angélica Maria Escavassa é acadêmica da ACILBRAS- Academia de Artes, Ciências e Letras do Brasil- cadeira 673, e está na liderança da Sucursal Acilbras de Votuporanga e Região metropolitana de São José do Rio Preto como Fundadora e Superintendente.



Votuporanga –SP



The writer and literary figure of Albanian and Italian origin, Angela Costa... is beautiful, the creativity of the Balkan migrant... and the culture of the clash of successive civilizations..

The writer and literary figure of Albanian and Italian origin, Angela Costa... is beautiful, the creativity of the Balkan migrant... and the culture of the clash of successive civilizations...

 Hamid Al-Majjami

 An innovator unlike all the innovators that my pen touched upon and I wrote about them in a way through which I was able to introduce them to you. Our innovator today is the result of a long struggle between civilizations and their sharing, influence, and influence in the society in which that innovator lives, because as soon as she gets rid of occupation and domination, another occupation comes to be planted within her.  Her society is another innovator from the central Balkans who combined the Ottoman and Italian culture. They tried to control her country a lot, but she got rid of those conflicts, and despite getting rid of them, her language became a combination of Indian and European. A creative writer who worked in all journalistic and literary activities and cultural organizations to create and deliver her message with the professionalism of the writer.  The professional who searches for the roots of creativity and the immortality of the word in its creativity, which carries within it the three styles of her country’s music around Shkodër and Tirana, in the north, and Labz and Tox in the south.  There is a marked contrast between the ruggedness and heroism of the songs of the North versus the soft, gentle, and exceptionally beautiful tone of the South.  These disparate patterns are unified.  Such as Nordic heroic epics, sweet lullabies, love songs, wedding music, work songs and other types of songs.  Among those diverse cultures is Barza, our creator, the poet, writer, and journalist. Albanian-Italian origin. She is called Angela Costa, to take from all those contradictions and multiple cultures from which she tried to draw her creativity, and to breathe into her soul the breeze of sweet inspiration, to write about her pain, free herself from it, and deliver her message to the world with all love and humanity. Angela Costa was born in  Albania, as soon as its popularity became stronger, moved to live in Italy in 1995 in apartheid (Perugia).  To practice her profession with love and passion in the field of writing, poetry, journalism, article editing, and translator.  Conducting dialogues and interviews in the newspaper “Calabria Live” with director Santo Strati - editor of the literary language magazine Tamiko International, Elite magazine - director of Libano SHMRIH Nar Zein Bani Hashim, News 7 - editor Dr. Aziz Monastir, Saturno magazine - director Francesca Galileo,  In “Alessandria Today” - directed by Dr. Pier Carlo Lava - she writes interviews and translates for the Balkan weekly newspaper “Gazeta Nacional” (Albania).  The director is Mujud Bok Babag - he collaborates and translates articles by Italian and Albanian scholars for the Italian-Albanian newspaper Gazeta “

Furthermore, Angela Costa is the Ambassador of Culture and Peace for Morocco (ICfh - International Federation for Human Creativity), and was recently awarded the title of Doctor of Arts by the Elite Directorate of International Arab Creatives, and by the International Federation of Writers and the International Federation.  Peace issued by the Attorney General of the Royal Palace, His Highness Prince Dr. Ahmed Ali Shaker Al-Samad and Her Highness Princess Dr. Nar Zein Bani Hashem, Ambassador of Writers and Artists in the World (SAPS - Poland), Member of the Writers and Artists Association of Greece, Ambassador of The Daily National Global, Member of the Angeneea Organization  International non-profits, etc... Angela Costa has received various certificates of appreciation, including: Certificate of Honor from “Orfeo” magazine (Pristina - Kosovo), Certificate of Appreciation from “Rrënjet - Le Radici” newspaper, Official Certificate, Global Alliance for Peace Award,  Certificate of appreciation from the creative magazine P.LO.T.S... Translated and published her poems in various foreign languages ​​such as: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, Greek, German, Bengali, Romanian, Croatian, Macedonian, Chinese, Talamite, Polish, Korean, Malayalam, Portuguese  , Hungarian, Turkish, Urdu, French, Japanese, .  Our creator has translated and published literary and poetic texts in magazines and newspapers by famous classical poets such as: Lagos Boradesi, Dritiro Agoli, Luigi Pirandello, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Cesare Pavese, Giovanni Pasquali, Giuso Carducci, Eugenio Montale, Federico Garcia Lorca, Emily Dickinson, and Hermann Hesse.  And many authors from all over the world... She is creative, despite all the giving she has given. You feel her humility, and you are happy to talk to her and read to her, despite the difference in languages, but creativity and culture do not stand in the way of barriers for those who are serious about searching for her. And how happy I was to present such an innovator to our Arab society..
 My dear, creative doll

Libertad Bentancourt

Friday, February 9, 2024

" Daughter of Nation Anila Bukhari"

Anila Bukhari is a tremendous Girl  from Pakistan. She is the pride of Pakistan and a source of satisfaction for the entire international community. She is a creator with a purpose. She is a Girls Rights education activist, Children's Rights advocate, peace Ambassador, Youth Leader, and a brilliant published author of bestselling 11 books. Her poems have been published on global magazine websites and have been translated into 16 different languages, including Hindi, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and many more. Her work has been published on websites, journals, and in worldwide anthologies in 50 countries.

She used writing as a tool for change. She hails from Pakistan, where she faced many difficulties in a male-dominated society, but no one could stop her. Anila highlighted the issues of child marriage, forced marriage, women's empowerment, girls' education, orphan rights, and many other social issues in her books. In her books "No More Tears," "Whispers of the Heart," "Daughters Not a Curse," and "Magic Melodies," she highlighted these issues and raised her voice on topics that people often avoid and are afraid to talk about. In her books "The Change Maker" and "Moonlit Moments," she worked tirelessly to pay tribute to living legends through featured artists and poets who champion talent.

She started writing at the age of 10 and became active in her social activities at the age of 14. She worked tirelessly for 8 years for peacebuilding. Now, in her 20s, she has received many international awards, including the prestigious International Excellence Community Service Award from the House of Parliament in London, where her profile competed with over 800 other champions, and she won the award in November 2023 as the youngest Pakistani of the year. She also received the International Book Peace Award from Italy in 2021.

Her story has been featured in international media, including newspapers, television channels, and print and electronic media, as a role model. She has been featured in Geo News, Independent Urdu, Bol News, Art News, Urdu Point, Daily Pakistan, and many others. Her poetry has been narrated by famous hosts at various high-class open mic events in New York and Birmingham.

She initiated a project called "No More Brides, Just Shine" to end child marriage. In this campaign, she organized many sessions, webinars, table talks, and activities such as ending child marriage speech competitions and child marriage essay competitions. She also celebrated World Girls Education Awareness Day in 15 countries and organized poetry sessions worldwide. Additionally, she has educated over 2000 students on women's education through various activities.

She has put in a lot of hard work for peacebuilding and to end child marriage. Through her project "Hopeful Hugs," she provides dolls to countless homeless children and donates hair wigs to cancer patients who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy.

She is inspired by Mewlena Rumi in her writing and by Maya Angelou and Khalil Gebran. Her goal is to educate every woman and create a world free from the harm of child marriage.

Her work has been recognized on an international stage. Her poems have been displayed as the first Pakistani poetess in art galleries in the USA, Florida, and the Philippines.

Her work on the issue of child marriage has made her a champion. She is a beauty with brains, with a beautiful heart and beautiful eyes.

" Thirsty Mother"

Thirsty Mother, yearning for a toddler,

Her heart aches, her tears run wild.

She dreams of tiny feet and sweet laughter,

But sadly, her hands remain empty, incomplete.

She prays to the heavens, with all her might,

For a toddler to hold tight.

But fate has not been kind, her womb remains barren,

Her dreams of motherhood always unfulfilled, untold.

She weeps in silence, in the dark of night,

Her longing for a baby, an endless fight.

She sees other mothers, with their precious ones,

And wonders what she did wrong, what she has not done.

She feels the pain, deep in her soul,

As the years pass by, her heart takes a toll.

She longs to feel a life growing inside,

But her body betrays her, and her desire slowly dies.

She tries to be strong, to put on a brave face,

But inside she's crumbling, in this infinite race.

She longs to hold a child, to hear it cry,

But it feels like a distant dream, a distant sky.

Thirsty Mother, with a heart full of love,

But never given the chance, to hold her own dove.

She weeps day and night, in solitude,

For the child she never had, for the motherhood she never knew.

But even in her pain, she finds a way,

To spread her love, every single day.

She may not have a child, to call her very own,

But in her heart, a mother she has grown.

Thirsty Mother, though her arms may be empty,

Her love knows no bounds, it is pure and plenty.

She may have never been able to give birth,

But in her heart, she's a mother, for all it's worth.

Anila Bukhari

 Artist Ettour Hasnaa Ettour

الفنانة التشكيلية حسناء الطور على القناة التلفزيونية الأولى المملكة المغربية 

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

Iris Calif    Photography Combined Vith Painting: The Artist Zehava Neter Model: Iris Calif Iris Calif , Resident of the State of Israel, po...