Monday, October 25, 2021

©® Joanna Svensson



If you light a candle

For another soul

When darkness has

Already swept his existense

Then that candle

Will burn for you

And sweep you as well

In its mantle of thankfulness

The bright and the good

Will always come

From the books of light

Out of the hidings of the universe

Where everything will

Reflects itself

Beause of good

Comes always good

Even though

You don't reflect

So I'm so glad

For being able

To light a candle

A light of hope

For a soul

A singel soul

Condemned by all

To eternal darkness!

©® Joanna Svensson

© Private picture

Friday, October 8, 2021

Slavka Bozovic

 Dancing in the galaxy


Your thoughts fertilized the sky tonight

The sounds of celestial harps echo through the galaxy

Millions of sparks come from the core of the constellation

And those magical notes ripple in my veins.

Following my wish, I danced in the fields of dreams

Carried by the wings of the night, I felt the spindles of the sky

My footsteps were on the edge of a whitish cloud

When I saw your silhouette, naked to the waist.

You held out your hands to me, I thought they were Orpheus' wings

The magic of your body is reflected in my eyes

I melted with happiness as your right arm wrapped around my waist

In that cosmic love spell, I would dance with you forever on long nights.

The lovely movements of my footsteps ignited lust in you,

Hugging himself tightly, he murmured; "Love, I only love you",

In the ecstasy of love, passion and lust united in will,

I softly whispered: "Please don't separate me from you"!

The universe fell silent, the moon slowly fell asleep,

Dancing, we reached a limit that no one had yet reached,

With the birth of the horizon, the mighty parody stops,

Only the sisters of the star know the traces of our seductive footsteps.

Author: Slavka Božović

Country: Montenegro

Monday, September 20, 2021

Éva Petropoulou.Lianoy

 Good morning

My soul sometimes


With passion

People are so far

My soul sometimes

Need affection

My soul for years

Leave with portraits

Portaits of people I love





My soul sometimes

Become so small

Need air

Need hug

My soul sometimes

Is a child

That want to smile

My soul sometimes

Feel the sadness of the whole world

My soul sometimes

Is a bird that wish

To fly high

Travel far

See you 

Give you a message.... 

©©Eva.. Petropoulou . Lianoy

Monday, August 23, 2021

By Zbigniew Roth

Washed with tears in the room

life cannot be torn from the envelope of memories

where the world of childhood dreams was microscopic

but his spongy ego was just developing

where the body is unaware of the surrounding challenges

he kept getting more and more true desires

when the shutters of happy eyelids flicker "

he kept the images of everyday life in the eye

this was accompanied by the fact that the taste and aroma were assessed

who is stuck in the landscape of personal desires

an image of sincere love, yet unknown

but now it is too distant in its true form

the border of our native customs cuts us off

where thought cannot tenderly embrace the Afghan woman

it's as if the leaves don't make contact with the raindrops

which wind of history will caress at will anyway

© dr.h.c. Zbigniew Roth

Poznań Pl. 08/23/2021 1:02 PM

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Authored by S. R. Chandralekha



Freedom is precious universal crown gem 

All in one uniform beating drum,

Marched to open green stadium, 

And began to sing song in one medium. 


Freedom is life"s magnificent fragrance, 

Makes heart overflow with joy and confidence,

Gives colour wings to realize life dreams. 

Its a progressive self vital energy, 

Helps to scale mountain peak bravely.

Though freedom enjoyed under certain limitations  

But can walk expressing views proudly,

Without hurting sentiment and emotions of anybody 

Freedom helps to understand each other well  

Moving in different directions. 

But life without freedom is as man in a dark prison. 

Authored by S. R. Chandralekha 



 الدكتورة الأديبة نجاح إبراهيم


أتدري لو أتيت؟

منْ خلفِ البلاد 

دموعُك تصلُ يباسَ خدّي

ترجوني أن أصفَ 

في ليلةِ الميلاد 

حالَ البلاد:

سكونٌ مثلُ روحي المطفأة من بُعدكَ

وعتمةٌ توخزُ ضميرَ ضوءٍ مهجور


مطرٌ راعبٌ، شغوفٌ يهمي

حتى إني خشيت مدّ دمي 

من الشباك



وأعمدةُ لهبٍ تسابقُ الضّوء

نحو الله..

قلوبٌ راجفةٌ وكنائسَ باردةٌ

وشموعٌ ترتجفُ رؤوسُها

أمامَ حزنِ مريمَ العجيب

والمرايا ملآى بالغُربان

لا أدركُ فيها معنى

لم يَعد لوجهي واحدةً 

أرجعُ من السّواد

أطوي أعماراً نازفةً وجعي


أنقشهُ وشماً داكناً على حدقتي

قلتَ وأنتَ تشيحُ الدّمع عن مسمعي:



باردةٌ وسادتي


يُحتَضرُ بين أصابعي وبَياضي

وقلبي يُشبه شاعراً يبحثُ عن أنثى

يُشكّلها قصيدة

تنادمُهُ طوالَ ليلِ سُكره

" ورداً " تغدو

و" ديك الجن" يبدو

تُفرحُ قلبَه

وعندَ انشقاقِ الفجرِ 

ليته لا يقتلُ

ولا يأثمُ

يبكي ضياعاُ



قلتَ: والآن؟

ظلامٌ .. ظلامْ

وأسراب القطا من العطش

نامت قهراً على صدري

والصّباح ثقيلُ القوامْ

أمهلني وقتاً

أُشعلُ كبدي قنديلاً

أتلو الصّلوات

علّ قلبي من صمتهِ

يفتحُ أنجماً

وتنطلقُ الأغنيات

فتأتي إليّ..

أتدري لو أتيت؟

سأجبُّ الخساراتِ المؤلمةَ

أرنو لاحتراقات 

تشفُّ رؤىً مذهلةً

ومدنُ الحزنِ التي لوّعتني

تمسحُ ما علقَ بها 

من مواويلَ مُتعبةٍ

وأطيافَ شاحبةٍ

وأمواهَ مالحةٍ

وبوصلةٍ خربةٍ التصقت بحنجرتها

أتدري لو أتيت؟

يُسرَجُ من دمي قمر

طاعن بفضّته العتمة

أواكبُ تمدّده حدّ عرشِ العَالم

فوقَ المآذن

في الطرقات والحفرِ

وأبوابُ المدن!

تنقشُ شموساً


مسارحَ لنسغٍ دفيء يأتلقُ في الشّجرِ

أتدري لو أتيت؟

أقمصةُ روحي تشتعلُ أرجواناً

وشعري يشهقُ في مرايا المطرِ

سأرتدي صوتي  

ظلاً يُماشيني على ورقِ الطريق

يُصيّرني فرحاً

يُشبهُ لازورد كفيك

أتدري لو أتيت ؟

سأرشفُ ندى الطريق بهدبي

وأعلنُ أمامَ الكون :

أن أنوثتي اكتملت 

والجلنار على أظافري 

عصافيرَ نارٍ

تغاوي الرّقصَ في نبضي

وأنّ الحياة داهشة 

والموتَ بعيدٌ

ومن النظرة الأولى في بابي

 ستعرفُ ما بي

 واحتفاءاتي ليست

لغير نبي.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Ashok Kumar 


The holy  cities  of lord burning  Italy , Greece and Spain 
Thousands of loving people flee from their sweet home in pain 

Humble heart weeping for such anger of nature
How would we  forget this destruction major ?

Fire fighters playing their role 
To save all people from the destruction ; their major goal

Let me pray for their peace and prosperity 
O wilfre fire !
Don't destroy their nature beauty 

If I were a bird knows how to fly in the infinite sky 
Oh ! Sweet soft soul can listen innocent cry 

Soul  appeal clouds for the divine rain 
To heal the wounds of   suffering  people pain 

AUGUST 04,2021

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

Dra Hc Maria Elena Ramirez  🌹✨🌹La Inmaculada Concepción De La Santísima Virgen María.✨✨🕊️🌹Conceda La Paz En El Mundo. AMÉN.  La Inmacula...