كان حلما بقلم عزيز منتصر
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Give it to me, man
Give me sun
She lies
The cold of the heart will warm ...
Let the earth
In which the trees will grow
Let the vegetable grow
fly high
Let the heavens breathe this oxygen ...
Let the sea rage
In his waves to polish the stains of the black light ....
Let ... words penetrate the heart, and enable all these ...
Let the words ...
Thursday, November 25, 2021
STOP violence against women
By: Slavka Bozovic
Oh, how my soul hurts
when I see a woman as a wounded bird
must she be condemned to an eternal tear
if out of love she became attached to a selfish bum.
I'm sure she loved him very much
and gave him everything she had in life
served him, bore him children
And he is harassing her, like the last idiot.
I feel her tears and sadness unspoken,
as if a scalpel were cutting a part of my heart
as I watch her oppressed and tortured
my words fly to the heavenly messengers.
And I pray to the Creator and the apostles
from hell to deliver her, with their powers
to resurrect her tired body
and the wounded wings strengthened to fly freely.
I am an opponent of bruises from all forms of violence
I wonder, is there justice in this world?
To keep the abuser away from children and women
because he is not a friend to her or the child.
Violence leaves catastrophic consequences
destroys society and the survival of humanity.
Say STOP to violence against women
for without a woman there is neither love nor offspring.
By: Slavka Bozovic
Country: Montenegro
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Elisa Giglio
"Sei mia, ti respiro, ti ingoio, ti schiaccio. A ogni passo leggero e scalzo mi nutro di te come avida figlia.
Rinchiusa questa terra come fosse un corpo mi accingo a camminare, maschio e femmina, liberando l ' anima, piegata, negata, innamorata al ritmo del battito m' innalzo attorno alla mia gabbia, con elevate sensazioni di bellezza sorge l 'invisibile, discende-ascende.
Grida la grande madre generando rituali, parla senza rumore attorno al fuoco creando spazi e abbandoni di ricerca interiore, desiderio assoluto d'energia.
Vita trasformata in Dea, Gaia sola ci nutre in pura attrazione, senza limiti coglie la nostra ribellione educandoci.
Fonte divina dopo il "Caos" risorge l'immortale, furibondi la distruggiamo senza darle tempo,lei che è il principio e la fine porta il mio corpo nuovo attraverso lo spazio ed il tempo.
Io sono tua."
" Sulla madre terra scrissi del tuo solco..."
La mia Kaos
Sunday, November 21, 2021
الواحدة بعد منتصف العمر
بقلم عبد الحق الفكاك
ربما تمة شيئا ما قد تبقى ، فأنت الامل وان كان مجرد رؤيا مفعمة بالتشاؤم ، و رغم دلك فحبك يمنحني تغرة يمكن التنفس منها ، ولو كانت بحجم تقب الإبرة ..
على الأقل يجعلني حلمك أشعربأني لازلت على قيد الحياة و بأني أحد الأحياء في هدا العالم ..
ربما تلطخت أيامي بالهم و كتير من الأحزان ، و قبل ان يضيئ بهاء قمرك ظلمة حياتي ، كنت وقتها رهن العزلة ..
بعد ان تخلت عني إبتسامتي و سلمتني للسهو والنسيان .. و قد إعتراني الخوف من المجهول ؟
نعم إن الوحدة خلاء مرعب ، وإن كانت مكانا تجدر زيارته من حين لآخر .
ربما قد لا تحضرني اليوم كل دكرياتي ، لكنك أحييت في داخلي كل الآمال ، و ها انا أبعت مرة اخرى شخصية اخرى .. وإن كانت بنفس اخر !
نعم .. ها انا اخرج للدنيا كما تخرج الكتير من الأحلام من تحت ركام السنين .
حتى بقع الصدأ التي كانت قد أصابت داكرتي بدأت تتلاشى، وصرت أدكر تفاصيل ملامح وجوه جمعتني بهم نقاشات و مشادات حول الحب و الامل و اشياء أخرى ...
كان دلك في بداية العشرينات من عمري ، عندما كنت لا أخطئ نغمات الحياة و أستقبل الأيام بحماس متزايد .
أجل إنها الواحدة بعد منصف العمر .. حيت منحني حبك عمرا فوق عمري و أيقنت أن سلسلة السعادة لم تقطع بعد ..
و أن شمسا ما في الأفق قد لاحت أشعتها و صارت تدفئ ليالي الباردة .
فهاهي دي عينيك و قد سقتني نبيدا جعلني أتماهى مع لدة العشق و اسعد وحشتي .. فشكرا لك بعد أن غيرت بعض الشيء من المعتاد ..
و لم تعد الأمور تسيرعلى شاكلة الأيام ..
شكرا حتى و إن كان حبك مجرد عبور في زمن عابر .
شكرا لقدومك .. وإن كان دلك بعد منتصف العمر ..
المهم أنك عدت و لو بعد طول الإنتظار .
بقلم : عبدالحق الفكاك
Friday, November 19, 2021
By: Slavka Bozovic
Life consists of joy, pain and disappointment
often the burden of injustice suffocates us
then in the realm of silence we seek salvation
in this way we ease the burden on the afflicted soul.
In this strange, cruel world
people feed on other people's pain and torment
therefore, do not show tears, as a sign of weakness
they will bite you on the heart, pour salt on the wound.
Close the gates of the tender soul
build a solid wall, somewhere deep in the bowels
boldly, like Sisyphus, slowly move that burden
just keep quiet, so that no one notices or sees.
Draw a smile, go out among the people
do not let the ungodly rejoice in pain
it will pass, as will all that passes
With firm faith that better days are coming.
Open your soul to the paper, take the pen
it feeds on letters or completely new ideas
only with a strong will tears are overcome ...
Therefore, never show weakness in front of this world!!!
By: Slavka Bozovic
Country: Montenegro
Last Dance
Slavka Bozovic
I remember one summer from my youth
when I agreed to go to the ball, with a loved one,
since then, grief has been measured in decades
and, my heart breaks when I remember that June night.
It was our unique evening,
I wore the dress he bought me,
a hug shone around my neck instead of a necklace,
and through a kiss he whispered to me:
"My love, you will be the most beautiful tonight."
Holding hands on the podium, we stopped,
a storm of applause shook the hall,
we enjoyed the beauty that overshadowed everything
and not realizing that this was our last dance.
And now it's like I hear those magical footsteps,
and a striking expression sewn to the lash
as I intertwined with him,
as if his firm hands had turned me into a bird.
There is still indescribable sadness in my heart,
and the outlines of the time when the summer night was fleeing,
our last dance that was divine,
the game of unfortunate fate overshadowed everything.
I'm still keeping a black piece of tulle,
I never wore his dress again,
a sad swallow nestled in my heart
it reminds me of the last dance and lost love.
Maybe he hears the melody of this song in the distance
I'll ask the wind to take it to him,
so that he may whisper to him that he is left, sorrow and my eternal restlessness,
as well as pain packed into a letter without an address.
© Slavka Bozovic
Country: Montenegro
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