Saturday, February 1, 2020

أحلى هزيمة
Emad Abdul El Malik
حبيبتي ....
آسرتي ......
ذات يوم
ذات لحظة
ذات لقاء
وحين إقتحمت
عيناك المدججتان
بكافة أنواع أسلحة
الهمس المدمر
والسحر والجمال
تصوري أسقطت جميع
قلاع قلبي المحصنة
دون أي رد
دون أي مقاومة
دون حتى
 أي دفاع
تصوري أيضا
إنها حقا أحلى
هزائمي الشنيعة
التي لحقت
 بقلبي العجوز
المسكين الجبان
وأخيرا وكما
هو متوقعا ومعروفا
من أي معركة خاسرة
لاذ قلبي المتخاذل
هو الآخر

عماد عبد الملك الدليمي

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

💨باب اليباب 💨
جفيرم سهام
🌴يادار الاحباب
ازورك اليوم
بعد طول غياب
فإذا عش
خال يباب🍂

البوم 🦉
طرد حساسين
الحب وعوض
 غناء  الشحارير 🐦
بزعيق الغراب
واحتل  مراتع
واغلق منسج
العناكب مداخل

عانق ياسمين
الفرح خنقه
حتى سال
دمه سواقي
في انسياب 🎋🎋

💫كيف افترقنا
كيف مات
دون سابق اعلام
أو معرفة أسباب 🌊

🌹كيف بالله
عش الغرام
وخمائل الياسمين
تلالا من تراب .🍁🍂

🌹الشاعرة  سفيرة السلام والانسانية د.سهام جڨيريم.🌹

Sunday, December 22, 2019

My  Poetry -   by  ( Aziz Mountassir)
Translated in Hindi  by  Professor  Dr. Deepti Gupta from Pune, India
قصيدة بعنوان شعري للشاعر عزيز منتصر مترجمة للغة الهندية
मेरा  काव्य

मैं   चाहता  हूं   कि  मेरा  काव्य
शान्ति  और  मुहब्बत  बन जाए
मैं  चाहता  हूं कि मेरा  काव्य
दुनिया भर के कफ़न फ़ना कर दे
मैं  चाहता  हूं कि मेरा  काव्य
सैनिक को  शिष्ट नागरिक में रुपान्तरित  कर दे ।
मैं  चाहता  हूं कि मेरा  काव्य
विधवाओं और अनाथों  के आंसुओं  में  सोख लें
मैं  चाहता  हूं कि मेरा  काव्य
ऐसा उजला ग्रह बन जाए, जिसके बिना
दुनिया के देश  अंधकारमय रहें
मैं  चाहता  हूं कि मेरा  काव्य
ऐसी अनूठी शान्ति बन जाए
जो  प्यार,सहास्तित्व और सुरक्षा  के शस्त्रों से लड़ें
मैं  चाहता  हूं कि मेरा  काव्य
अरबवासियों और  युद्ध और बारूद के धुएं  से दूर दुनिया  के  देशों   के   लिए
भाई-चारे  की  कौली  बन  जाए ।
मैं  चाहता  हूं कि मेरा  काव्य
पर्वतों  से  जी भर कर प्रणय निवेदन  करती   हुई
सुकून  भरी लहरों  वाले  महासागरों और सागरों के सूखे रेत  को  शान्त  और शीतल बना दे

डा. दीप्ति  गुप्ता

Poem by Aziz Mountassir
               Translated into
               English  by
               Houda Elfchtali


I want my poetry..
To be peace and love
I want my poetry..
To tear up the shrouds
I want my poetry..
To transform
The soldier
Into a civil citizen
I want my poetry..
The turn my absence
Into windows '
And orphans 'tears
I want my poetry..
To be a planet
Without which
The nations are dark
I want my poetry..
To be that kind of peace
That will fight
with the weapons of love,
Of coexistence
and of security
I want my poetry ..
To be a brotherhood hug
Between Arabs
and the world
Far from the  wars
And far from the smokes
On oceans and seas
Where the waves are calm
And where
They address the mounts
With bounty
I want my poetry
To make the sea sands
Be full of peace

               Poem by
             Aziz  Mountassir
               Translated into
               English Azizby
               Houda Elfchtali

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Poem by Aziz Mountassir
               Translated into
               English  by
               Houda Elfchtali


I want my poetry..
To be peace and love
I want my poetry..
To tear up the shrouds
I want my poetry..
To transform
The soldier
Into a civil citizen
I want my poetry..
The turn my absence
Into windows '
And orphans 'tears
I want my poetry..
To be a planet
Without which
The nations are dark
I want my poetry..
To be that kind of peace
That will fight
with the weapons of love,
Of coexistence
and of security
I want my poetry ..
To be a brotherhood hug
Between Arabs
and the world
Far from the  wars
And far from the smokes
On oceans and seas
Where the waves are calm
And where
They address the mounts
With bounty
I want my poetry
To make the sea sands
Be full of peace

               Poem by
             Aziz  Mountassir
               Translated into
               English Azizby
               Houda Elfchtali

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

مواسم الحياة /The seasons of life

The seasons of life
مواسم الحياة

هناك وقت للذبول
وقت للإزدهار
هناك موسم من الضعف
وموسم من القوة
وقت البحث
ضاع في البرية
ويمكن العثور عليه
في وقت
 البكاء والفرح
و الظلام والوقت
في نهاية النفق
ستجد وقت الوصول
Stella L.luna

The Seasons of Life.

There is a time to wither
and a time to bloom.
There is a season of weakness
and a season of strength.
A time for searching,
getting lost in the wilderness,
and a time to be found.
A time of tears and a time of joy.
A time for darkness and a time
for the light at the end of the tunnel.

(C) S.L.Luna
L&G ( Liliana) Ilire

Pasqyra e kohes
Un jam aty pas !aty pas !pasqyrës
Aty pas u futa si hije nën një xham
Vërtet e preka me dorë,pas e pas ngela
Që para të dalë përballë pasqyrës
Sa bukur të duket kopja e juaj
Shumë shpejte te stampon atë që ti je
E shëmtuar apo e bukur nuk të ngatëron
Linjat e trupit shpejt ti tregon
Po ti hap driten të të shohë mire
Ose dil tek hena  te ndricoj fytyrën
Ti fli  si bukuroshja e fjetur
Nëse në të gdhirë të  shoh plotë drtitë
Para pasqyrës përballë u gjënda
Dhe flas me të unë pa u menduar
Por habitshëm je një kopjo aty shehë
Magjike në fytyrën tënde vjen
Shtriga që pyet pasqyrëne shëmtuar
Apo borëbardha  si ëngjëll fluturon
E kërcen nëper lindinat e pyllit
Vec mëndja shkon tek një përrallë
Ah ! atë,nuk e sheh dot  në pasqyra
Mendimet e gabuara janë në Altar
Mendon para pasqyrës miresin e zjart
Kurrë asnjehere pasqyra do të flasi qartë
Djetor-, 2019-
L&G(Liljana) Ilire

Saturday, December 14, 2019

WISH FOR PEACE  original poem by ( Sabrina Rubin)
Translate to lunguage Arabic by (Aziz Mountassir)
I am writing today
That i am not feeling inside,
Where is mankind?
Naked criticism for you
Yes we are vagrants from here to there
Inner struggles are there
War, bullet, cry,  rape,  child abuse
Guilts are in my brain
Suffering a lot of this pain
Don’t let the world cry
Don't let the dove die
Where is serenity?
Path of beautiful lagoon
Where destiny welcomes
Surrender soul for humankind
No anger, no jealously
Walk in this radiant way
Live in love and harmony
Spread your hand for victims
Raise your hands for victory..

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

Dra Hc Maria Elena Ramirez  🌹✨🌹La Inmaculada Concepción De La Santísima Virgen María.✨✨🕊️🌹Conceda La Paz En El Mundo. AMÉN.  La Inmacula...