Monday, February 12, 2024

 By The journalist Hamed Majmaii

Dr.Libertad Bentancourt

The Mexican writer, radio host, photographer, and poet Dr. Libertad Bentancourt... a legend of creativity blended with the sweetness of words and the diversity of cultures.

If you want to talk about Mexican literature and culture, you must evoke its rich heritage full of captivating beauty into the world of creativity, where differences, dimensions, customs, traditions, and seasons of creativity abound, distinguishing themselves in importance and significance for the society that lives in it despite all the development in that country with its multiple languages and cultures that emerged mixed with the beauty and dreams of tequila music, mariachi music, and embroidered sombreros in western Mexico. Each region or state enjoys a unique cultural identity accompanied by corresponding cuisines and popular songs and crafts that its inhabitants take great pride in.

Mexican cultural heritage is rich with diverse and luminous cultures, a blend of original, Spanish influences, and a commitment to revitalizing and preserving traditions, such as Day of the Dead, Mexican Independence Day, Cinco de Mayo, and many regional celebrations. These festivities are filled with lively musical scenes, influenced by the diversity of cultural conflicts from which the princess of creativity, as they called her in her country, Dr. Libertad Bentancourt emerged, leaving your pen amazed before her activities that extend beyond the realm of culture, building institutions and her impact and influence in the general cultural milieu.

Our creator today is from a country distinguished by all forms of artistic creativity, whether in the field of fashion design with its unique designs or colors, or the pleasure of tacos and fajitas with their unique tortillas, or in the field of its music mixed between nationalism and urbanism, such as the guitar, trio, and maracas. Or in its distinguished literature in novels, poetry, and theater... And let's not forget her handcrafts and artistic skills in pottery, textiles, embroidery, and tobacco. In addition to her acquisition from a mixture of her Hindu-Spanish heritage and her social culture, which brought together Hindus and religious stories...

So, our creator today, her prominence and brilliance came from the depths of those conflicts and differences that she experienced and lived in her rich country with its diverse cultural heritage, abundant with Aztec and Mayan temples: which are considered one of the most important landmarks of ancient American civilizations. As well as its traditional dances: such as the grasshopper dance and the descent dance. And traditional Mexican dishes: such as fajitas, tacos, and tortillas. - And handicrafts: such as the famous Mexican rugs and pottery. And traditional Mexican art: such as painting... From here, our poetess began to take her creativity, blended with the sweetness and taste of her civilization and rich history mixed with the beauty of the past, to play her words and melodies on the strings of modernity, infusing freedom into the souls of her readers with her creativity. Such is the Mexican-born artist, poet, writer, photographer, administrative coordinator, business manager, radio and television consultant, actress, certified trainer, ambassador of good intentions, and educational guide Dr. Libertad Bentancourt, of Mexican, Spanish, and Lebanese origin, born in Mexico City. She has traveled to different countries around the world. In Houston, Texas over the past twenty years. She worked as a goodwill ambassador, versatile writer, poet, artist, professional photographer, actress, director and artistic consultant, business advisor, speaker, host of Houston Radio, presenter, interviewer, teacher, organizer of artistic events, festivals, and volunteering for good deeds. She is known for her dedication to serving others. She founded the global movement called "Love of Life," which elevates her professional life to a much higher level because this network not only facilitates her extensive work in many fields but also facilitates her connections in almost every corner of the world, enabling them to fulfill their positive roles in serving humanity in general.

Photography occupies a very important part in her active life. A lover of philanthropy, she is a creative individual who has received four honorary doctorate degrees, including an honorary doctorate from the Global Summit of Knowledge 2022, Mexico City. Honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity and Humanity (IFCH) 2022, Kingdom of Morocco. Honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity and Humanity (IFC) Kingdom of Morocco and the Arabic INM Lebanon, 2022. International organizations. International academies 2022. (The seventh peace meeting. Human rights. 

Professional experience - Companies and positions 
HIS WISDOM High School, Houston, Texas, September 2022 - June 2023. 
Worked as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, emotional intelligence consultant and trainer, peace and art ambassador, and supporter of involved specialists. Volunteering. 
ALAR HISD Institute | ESL teacher for parents in various HISD schools Houston, Texas 2023. 
Public figure | Social media manager 2010 - present 
Radio host and content creator manager. 
PETER LIK FINE ART Houston, Texas, August 2018 - January 2020 
Art and sales consultant. - Administrative consultant for vice presidents and directors. - State-level training and communications coordinator in money laundering. 

Creative no matter how much we talk about her, we find no limit to her brilliant, inspiring, and masterful work as a radio writer, poet, artist, and photographer.

Stay creative, my lady.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

 عيناها جنون الحب

عبدالباسط الصمدي أبوأميمه


أنا عاشق أدركه الشعر

بأول يوم سهر فيه مع القمر

و اشرقت الشمس 

على حنايا قلبه ليل و نهار

قلبي الذي يفيض حنانا

و حبا يدمع عاشق لامرأة

عينيها جنون الحب ترسم

 لمشاعري كلمات مالها حروف

و ابتسامتها السريعة على

 خطوط القلب ترسم لي 

طريق ماله رجوع

بعيونها أنا أرى الفرح 

حتى لو غلفه ألف سحاب 

هي لو كانت بأرض تغطيها الثلوج  

أشعر بالبرد و يبدأ الربيع

بإزالة الثلوج من فوق الهضاب

لأجلها ابحرت ليال مع الأمواج

و من نظرة وقت الشروق

ربحت الحب و لم أخسر قلبي

و لأجل قلبها الذي أحب

ناديت بصوت عواطفي

و غزلت لحنينها الغالي

من وريدي شالا كالحرير

غالية هي و جميلة جدا

و مثلها لم تر عين قلبي

أحبها و حبها قدرا جميلا

و كان هو القرار الصائب

عبدالباسط عبدالسلام قاسم الصمدي _ اليمن

Saturday, February 10, 2024

 Tamikio L. Dooley

About the Author 

 Tamikio L. Dooley is a multi award-winning author. She is the author of 150 titles and 90 published books. The author writes fiction and nonfiction of crime, thriller, mystery, fantasy, historical, western, romance, zombie apocalypse, and paranormal. In her spare time, she writes short stories, poetry, articles, essays, health books, children books, diaries, journals, inspiring books, culture and African American books, and history books. 

She is the founder and publisher of CreatiVIngenuitiy Magazine, Literary Editor-In-Chief of The Pen-Craft Literature Magazine, editor of Friendship and People Magazine, General Director of Elite Magazine and Newspaper. Tamikio is the Ambassador of Elite Arab Creative Union of the Royal House, Humanitarian, Daily Global Nation Newspaper, International Forum for Creativity Humanity (IFCH) and Ageena International Non-Profit Organization. 

She is a member of Dream Equality, International Culture Day and Creative for Peace, The Palace of Culture University for Science Arts and World Peace, and The Union of Writers and Artists in Hungary. Tamikio is the International Affairs Secretary of the World Wide Writers Association.

Tamikio is featured in Humanity Magazine, Elite Magazine, CreatiVIngenuitiy Magazine, Kidliomag, and Connections E-Magazine.

She has received awards and certificates published in Bard’s Day Key Anthology, People’s Poetry Parliament, and Multinational Pen Soldiers Poetry Anthology.  

Tamikio received an honorable recognition as the best crime author in September 2016, awarded the World Literary Award 2022, National Poetry Stage Bangladesh Award 2023, International Peace Medal Award, Peace Award, certificate for Hyperpoem Book (a poetry book publishing 1700 poets) “Zheng Nian Cup” National Literature (second place prize) 2023, Virtual International Artist Gallery Certificate, Best Leadership Award 2023, Best Poetry Collection Award 2023, People’s Poetry Parliament Literature Certificate 2023, and won her first crystal trophy award in the crime category, along with other awards.

Tống Thu Ngân 


Tống Thu Ngân 

Đào mai đã nở tưng bừng

Xuân nồng đã chớm nghe chừng rộn vang

Xuân ưa giấc điệp mơ màng

Nghe chừng rực rỡ nắng vàng biển xanh

Bồ câu nhặt thóc bên mành

Xa xa én liệng trời xanh hòa bình

Em cười bên khóm hoa xinh 

Nghiêng nghiêng đời xuống cho mình ở chung 

Đường hoa giờ đã sang mùng

Hương xuân thơm ngát trong từng nụ hoa

Đoàn viên trong khắp mọi nhà

Nồng nàn xuân thắm mẹ cha vui mừng 

Bao năm xuân đến đã từng

Bôn ba rồi cũng phải dừng bước chân

Bên cha, bên mẹ tình thân

Anh em ruột thịt bội phần thương yêu 

Đường xuân nô nức dập dìu

Mình đi trẩy hội mọi điều hạnh thông

Đầu xuân ước nguyện duyên nồng

Đào mai nở thắm chào đông xuân về...

Tống Thu Ngân@All Rights Reserved

February 10/2024

TTN 1835



Kampe të sigurta mbrojtjeje
Dhe unë një kurorë gruri e artë jam
Me trupin tim të zhveshur
Para portës së universit.

(Nga libri “Bija e Perëndisë”)


Në lutjen e qetë të shirave të tu,
Virtyti i dashurisë simulohet
Në mantelin e Zotit trupin tim vëzhgon
Heshtje e pastër
Errësira që sjell dashuri
Dëshira për të rritur ëndrrën time
Dhe qiriu i verës
Është ndezur nga një jetë e shenjtë
Mbretëron në kurorën e dimrit
Shkrime të shpirtit tim
Në mbrëmje pasioni im krijon
Bën të lindë ekzistencën.
Nata merr frymë rëndë
Nga rëra në kullotën e botës
Dhe në dijeninë e qiellit
Unë jam nusja e shkretëtirës.

(Nga libri “Bija e Perëndisë”)  


Oggi portiamo ai lettori Iris Calif nata in Israele. Lei è poetessa, scrittrice, traduttrice, giornalista e ballerina. Iris è redattrice e traduttrice delle riviste: Universal Poetry, Mokasini, Culture & Lifestyle Magazine, World Poetry e del sito web di letteratura “Rooms”. Iris Calif è Membro dell’Associazione dei Compositori, Autori ed Editori Ebrei in Israele (ACUM). Iris è la vincitrice del premio: Il Miglior Poeta Mondiale Dell’Anno assegnato dal Consiglio di Amministrazione Della World Union of Poetry Journals – The Journal Of Rendetion Of International Poetry (ITRC – Multilingual) in Cina il 18 novembre 2023. Iris ha inoltre ricevuto un diploma dall'”Unione degli scrittori professionisti russi” e dalla rivista internazionale “Arina NN”, registrata presso il Ministero della Cultura russo per il suo contributo alla cultura mondiale “Comunità Poetica Internazionale” (2022). Iris è Membro della Società degli Artisti e degli Scrittori SAPS del Mondo (Polonia). Calif fa parte anche del Comitato Editoriale del World Poetry Yearbook 2024 (edizione inglese). Ha conseguito un Dottorato Onorario dal Forum Internazionale per la Creatività, l’Umanità e la Coesistenza (Marocco)


Nel fiume notturno,
Il cipresso dei tuoi occhi
Lega la mia anima e lo spirito nudo
Raggiunge il mio mondo innocente,
E una rumorosa danza della mente.
Sto ballando per il tuo amore
Purificando il mio corpo
Secondo i tuoi bisogni.
I venti delle tue stelle
Affogando i sensi
Nell’aureola del sole
Raccolto silenziosamente
E nella corona del cielo
La mia passione si sgretola
Avvolto nella solitudine del tuo cuore,
E la luna è fragile
Un lampo d’anima dorata
In una danza umana.

(Dal libro “Figlia di Dio”)   

(L’umanità di fronte al cancello dell’universo)

I fiumi di sole, il battito della notte
Ma io un piccolo grano nudo sono
Una luna viola respira nella sua grandezza
E nei suoni della pioggia,
raccogliendo la mia giovinezza,
Nuda nel viola taciturna
Avvolgendo la mia casta memoria vergine
La mia anima creò
Bagnando l’amore nel cielo, paradiso,
Campi di sicuro riparo.
E io sono una corona di grano d’oro
Con il mio corpo nudo
Di fronte al cancello dell’universo.

(Dal libro “Figlia di Dio”)


Nella calma preghiera delle tue piogge
simula la virtù dell’amore
Nella veste di Dio osserva il mio corpo
Candido silenzio
Il vento
L’oscurità che porta l’amore
Il desiderio di far crescere il mio sogno
E la candela estiva
È accesa da una vita santa
Regna nella corona dell’inverno
Scritture della mia anima
La sera la mia passione crea
Fa nascere l’esistenza.
La notte respira pesantemente
Della sabbia nel pascolo del mondo
E nella conoscenza del cielo
Io sono la sposa del deserto.

(Dal libro “Figlia di Dio”) 

Përgatiti dhe përktheu Angela Kosta Akademike, shkrimtare, poete, eseiste, kritike letrare, redaktore, promovuese, gazetare

Preparato e tradotto in italiano da Angela Kosta Accademica scrittrice, poetessa, saggista, critica letteraria, redattrice, traduttrice, giornalista

 Rana Moqtader 

__(ترجمة من الفارسية للعربية)___

            _ترجمه از پارسي به عربى _



بقلم :رنا مقتدر _أفغانستان

ترجمة : حامد حبيب _مصر


كما  قالوا

ماذا ستكون ثمرةُ الحياة؟


مُحاطةٌ بظلالِ الريحِ القاتمة

وبِخِتم الصمتِ على شفتيك

يريدون أن تكون سماؤك دائمًا بلا عبادة

وحديقتُك بلا زهورٍ وأشجار

وأنا وأحلامي

لدينا القوة معا

الذي لا تسمح بذلك أبدًا

لا شيءَ على صورةِ عقلك

يا عش الغراب



أعتقد أنَّ

الطرقَ ذات الاتجاهِ الواحد 

يُمكنها الحكمُ على رحيلي

ازدحامٌ شديدٌ في كلّ زقاق 

أنت تعرف!

أنّني عانيتُ منك الكثير من الجروح

اللونُ الشاحبُ لشفتي 

هو شاهدٌ على هذه القصة

لا نهايةَ لها ولا آخِر 

لكن في كل مرة كنت تضحك عليّْ


جاء القمر لزيارتي

ومن سبعة جهات

ينحني لحذائي



کانال رنا مقتدر:

انگار گفتند

چه ثمری خواهد داشت زندگی

رویاهایت را

درمحصور سایه های مغموم باد


وبرلب هایت مهر خاموشی بکوبی


آسمانت همیشه بی پرستو باشد

وباغچه ات  بی گل ودرخت

و من و رویا هایم

با هم اقتدار داریم 

که هرگزاجازه ندهی

روی تصاویر ذهن ات هیچ

کلاغی لانه کند



بیاندیش به من که 

رفتنم رافقط جاده های یکطرفه می‌تواند قضاوت کتد 

درازدحام کوچه ی سنگین جدایی


من زخم های زیادی ازتو خورده ام

رنگ پریده لب هایم شاهد این ماجراست

بی انتها و بی نهایت 

اما هرباری که به سویم خندیدی  

من فکر کردم

ماه به زیارت ام امده 

واز هفت جهت

کفش هایم را سجده می کند


نويسنده  : رنا مقتدر_أفغانستان

مترجم : حامد حبيب _مصر


Angélica Maria Escavassa


    Angélica Maria Escavassa é brasileira e residente na cidade de Votuporanga, no interior do Estado de São Paulo.

    Ela tem curso superior e é formada em Letras e Espanhol pela UNIFEV – Centro Universitário de Votuporanga –SP.  

    Atuou na área de Educação como Técnica em Educação nível IV na rede municipal de ensino de Votuporanga, ensinando técnicas de artesanato para crianças do primeiro ao quinto ano do ensino fundamental em regime de tempo integral.  

    Angélica Maria Escavassa vem de uma família de artesãos e, no meio familiar, ela iniciou seu aprendizado a quarenta anos atrás. Ela é artesã do Programa do Artesanato Brasileiro e artista pintora autodidata no mundo das artes.

   Como artista autodidata apaixonada pela Arte visual, ela representa a arte Contemporânea que, conectada com a atualidade, desenvolve a valorização social, de pertencimento e autoestima. Vale ressaltar que desenvolveu trabalho voluntário num programa de ensino para senhoras.

   Como referência, ela observou as técnicas de renomados artistas nacionais e internacionais, aos quais admira, assim como as cores aplicadas por eles em suas artes, visando aprofundar seu conhecimento e visão da arte pictórica. 

   Assim, foi aprimorando o seu trabalho e desenvolvendo um estilo próprio, com resultados que cunham a sua identidade autoral. Sua técnica e cores, com materiais variados, são combinadas a fatores adquiridos como a experiência pessoal, a observação da natureza, a emoção e a reflexão quanto à sociedade. Suas ideias refletem, na criação artística, a conexão entre a arte, as pessoas e o mundo.

    Na preparação dos seus projetos de artes visuais em telas, painéis, madeira e vidro, ela define os traços e executa as etapas das pinceladas e espatuladas com tintas a óleo ou acrílica, nas cores fortes, tons pastéis e até mesmo aplicações.

   A artista Angélica maria Escavassa tem participado de exposições virtuais nacionais e   internacionais e já coordenou e participou de diversas exposições presenciais em sua cidade. 

   Além da pintura, a música e a literatura são outras de suas paixões. 

   Na música, ela já participou de vários grupos musicais como cantora coralista na sua cidade e atualmente é membro do Coral Canto Livre da Prefeitura do Município de Votuporanga.

   Na literatura, ela se prepara para publicar seus livros “ Romances” e “Contos Infantis”, tem participações no lançamento de livros “Antologias” de algumas editoras, com minicontos e poesias, e participa de concursos literários em academias virtuais.

    A artista Angélica Maria Escavassa é acadêmica da ACILBRAS- Academia de Artes, Ciências e Letras do Brasil- cadeira 673, e está na liderança da Sucursal Acilbras de Votuporanga e Região metropolitana de São José do Rio Preto como Fundadora e Superintendente.



Votuporanga –SP


المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

Dra Hc Maria Elena Ramirez  🌹✨🌹La Inmaculada Concepción De La Santísima Virgen María.✨✨🕊️🌹Conceda La Paz En El Mundo. AMÉN.  La Inmacula...