Wednesday, August 7, 2019

جدار الصمت

الشاعر ابو حمزة شرف الدين
تستمتعيني صمت
عند نشوة بوحي إليك
هل تهطل عليك
المعاني وتجمعينها بأقداح
أم تستعذبي عذابي
نحري موجه إليك بغفلة
من إحساسي
إرمي غدرك في خاصرة
ولا تأسفي
خيباتي ستداوي أوجاعي

كل وعودك سراب لم أعد
أؤمن بها
خيباتي المغلفة
تأخذني إليك شوق
لم استعجل لكنها حماقات
ليتك تعي حقيقة
خوفي عليك أن تتلاشي
وعود سرابية
وتنكتبي في مساحة قلبي

في مدارج خيالي
المستشري في ملامح جمالك
لي علامات
كلما ظهرت واحدة
أوقعت وسط قلبي أثرها
أشعلت وهج
وفاضت بين أضلعي نشوة

أبو حمزة

Dear poets  , friends and family

Join us & SHARE

We are very happy and excited to announce the creation of the group : World Healing, World Peace 2020. This group was established to provide and keep you abreast of the information necessary for the upcoming 'open for submission' World Healing, World Peace 2020 poetry anthology as well as the 'World Healing, World Peace 2020' International Poetry Symposium to be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey in April of 2020.

In this group, you will not be allowed to post simply because we but wish to use this group as a means to distribute necessary relevant information pertinent to this cause. Only a select few Administrators will have this power, however you, the membership will have the ability to comment and ask questions which we will address. Please, no advertisements or other posts, links, etc. in the comments.

Join us, and stay tuned and abreast of the developments as they manifest.

Bless up

Inner Child Press International
'building bridges of cultural understanding'

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

<My Heart Love You Like Grass>
Author/Tian Yu

I'm not even a dust in the worldwide.
It's more like an inch of grass in the blank sky.
Waiting for the sunshine and moonlight,
Waiting for the unfolding of fortune prophecy to my life.

Until you suddenly appeared beside me.
You're like a lovely angel coming slowly.
Heaven and earth have turned the century abruptly.
Your heart and soul are rooted in my blood quietly.

If the heart is in love,
The roots of dead trees are irrigated.
You are the spell of wisdom.
Many lead me out of the haze.

If the heart is in love,
I'll forget all the difficulty.
It seems that everything has been changed.
I don't say anything about my feelings.
Just because the love exists.
Joanna Svensson


I saw my Guardian angel
An early morning in June
Sleeping in my hammock
Between the cherry trees

His wings were resting
On a cloud - danced by elfs
Just above the meadow
In the morning

I have seen it
Quite a few days now
Flying around and inspecting
That all the little birds
Breed and develope well
And that all the flowers
Get colored magically

All that lives and dwells
In my summers garden
Love the angels' beautiful inside
It's thanks to him it's multiplying
That all seasons - are enchanted still

When evening falls
And night is sweeping, tucking in
With its calm
All living creations

Then he puts himself to rest
Here, right here in my hammock.
Stringed up between the cherry trees

Just waiting til the next day
To do it all over again

With his loving spirit
He touches  all living - all around
I see him often
In my garden
Singing lives' and fulfilments song
Everything he touches - comes to life!

©® Joanna Svensson

© Private picture Joanna Svensson

Sunday, August 4, 2019

الشاعرة البولندية
Alicja kuberska 
Alicja Maria kuberskقصيدة القطار مترجمة بقلم الشاعر شروق حمود 
صعدت قطار الحياة
صفر اليدين،
دون ملابس
ولا مشاعر
ورقة بيضاء فارغة
ورقة نشاف تمتصّ كل شيء.

سأخرج منه مثقلة برزمٍ من الانطباعات والذكريات.

رزم حزمتها بحذر
بعضها تلاشى
مثلما يتلاشى الحبر عن الرسائل القديمة.
ربطتها بشرائط من كل الألوان
البيض منها ذكريات لا ضرورة لها
والسود منها هي الكثيفة الصادمة.

قابلت الكثير من المسافرين
خلال رحلتي الطويلة هذه
قابلت أيضآ سائقي الدراجات
الذين صعدوا القطار
في محطات مختلفة.

كل لقاءٍ
حتى هذا اللقاء الأقصر 
مثل ومضة شمس أو رفرفة جناحي فراشة
ملأ وأثرى حقيبة خبراتي.

Friday, August 2, 2019

<Love is New and Only>
Author/Tian Yu


White Rose's Flower Language,
With the impression of silence,
I'm old enough to love for always.
Your smile appears in my dreams.
And I didn't really care that I love you at once.

The distance between you and me,
It doesn't blur feelings.
I also want to restrain my love gradually.
I know I suddenly missing you.
It's your voice that makes my heart warm again.

I don't want to be entangled by love like this.
But most afraid of being close to you,
Somehow let love hold me tighter to be free.

I'm falling in love with you.
And gradually I can't control my feelings.
I want to turn all sunshine into tender love for you my baby.

I'm falling in love with you.
And gradually I can't control my feelings.
I feel that my love has finally found the ladder to climb,
Love is new and only.
<Flowers and Leaves>
Author/Tian Yu
It's hot,
it's cold,
it's love and it's pain.
There is always a feeling of stagnation.
It's blue,
it's red,
and it's empty.
You can't escape this life again.

One flower,
one leaf,
one light and one thick.
There is always a world in our hearts’ beat.
One understanding,
one mystery,
one difference and the same.
Just not every single,
just not every dream.

How free and turbulent the day and night
can be tolerated by everything like water with delight.
The stars can't contend for the brightness of the moon,
but they are still alone and eternal tonight.

If there must be such silence,
There are bound to be endless,
and there are bound to be ups and downs
that seem to be the same.
The old and the new are born again.
Everything new is going on without the stress.

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

Dra Hc Maria Elena Ramirez  🌹✨🌹La Inmaculada Concepción De La Santísima Virgen María.✨✨🕊️🌹Conceda La Paz En El Mundo. AMÉN.  La Inmacula...