Wednesday, March 27, 2024

 Yatti Sadeli's poetry



The room I was in felt quiet

The night wind cuts your skin

Moonlight illuminates


And in the arc of the sky in the gaps of wind and mirage

There was a beautiful silhouette before my eyes

Who dances in the light of the full moon

Which continues to haunt my consciousness

Which makes me lulled into the embrace of the night

The moon with its rays is so beautiful

And a red line at the edge of the sky

Like a watercolor painting

Like that silhouette in the twilight

The leaves sparkle in the gentle breeze

Lying face down on the grass

Looking at the moon hoping to fall asleep lulled by dreams about you

Between the twinkling stars

I speak to myself and convey the words of my heart

Where are you, dear heart?

I miss dancing in silent song

When the silhouette of your incarnation moves away

I mourn the loss that brings so much pain to my heart

Because you are the beauty that was created

Who always illuminates the darkness

You are the creation of the creator's masterpiece

Leave things for a moment

Accompany me in the darkness of the night

But you still go in silence

Leave an inch of loneliness behind

In the silent song that you whisper.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024




Stasera la mia canzone è amara.

Il mio corpo scalzo nell'oscurità.

I desideri mi hanno lasciato con la voglia e senza vestiti!

Mi ha spogliato nudo in ginocchio e mi ha fatto suo con eccessive promesse di bugie lussuriosi...

Poi mi colpì con il suo gelido silenzio.

La notte in cui capì che il suo amore era solo una conquista in più per i suoi trofei.

Tremavo tutta, nuda senza scarpe...

e -per sentirsi bianchi e divini-

Dimenticavo che quasi tutti gli uomini sono così.

Ero solo il suo divertimento.

Il semplice utilitaristico.

Quello che sa solo comporre canzoni, versi e cruciverba.

La notte mi ha portato via la magia

e ha strappato la mia anima dal mio egocentrismo

come un amaro, la passione rosa.

Lodò i miei seni e il mio pube, mentre mi avvolgeva nel fuoco della sua lingua insanguinata...

Mi ha detto parole folli... finché non ha bevuto il mio seno e la febbre della mia anima.

e -parlare di piaceri con simboli vaghi e sconnessi-

Mi ha preso la vita, ha distrutto l'intensità del mio sesso piccolo e stretto.

Alondra Gutiérrez Vargas 

Antonio Cirillo

Monday, March 25, 2024

They Call Me Love

Written by:©Nassira Nezzar(Nassira poeta )

#Love_Poetry ✍️

Indian song by Emraan Hashmi 🎶🎧💖)

I put my cheek on the cheeks of roses

I enter hearts without passing

through doors or windows

My magic is in my power

I hold you tight and take you higher

With my magical wings

I hover here and there..

kissing the stars, the moon,

the white clouds and the sun’s rays

They call me love

I look as the red colour with its contradictions

When I knock the doors of hearts

I don’t ask for permission

I’m not a sacred religion

I’m not restricted to something “allowed”

or something “forbidden”

I’m the wind, I’m the sun, I’m the rain

I’m the snow…

I’m the owner of all my seasons..

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Autora : Maria del Carmen Luna Pérez.

Poeta de Villahermosa, Tabasco.México

La tarde arde en hojarasca

Aquí en el trópico húmedo 

En Ucrania arde en fuego y muertos

En tres dias

Niños, mujeres, jóvenes y ancianos huyen 

De sus hogares entre tanques de guerras y bombas

Un mandatario Ruso ha perdido la cabeza

Dice mirar neonazis en esas tierras

Creo mira más las riquezas de ese suelo

Un hombre de cultura trata de defender el suelo que lo vio nacer

Y lo arman hasta los dientes

¿Cuánto pueden aguantar? 

El demonio está suelto y trata de tirar cabezas como cuentas de alaborios

El calor deambula entre los edificios reuidos

Y muchos se ocultan en los sótanos a metros del vientre de la tierra 

A estas horas cuando tú leas 

Habrán desaparecidos miles de Ucranianos

 Nadie pudo hacer nada

Un olocuasto en la puerta europea se avecina 

Y tus recuerdos son cada vez más lejanos

La luz se pierde en la larga avenida

Y la sombra de los árboles son fantasmas sedientos de mí del poco oxígeno que tengo

Hay recuerdos en las escaleras de la inconsciencia

cadáveres en putrefacción 

Y ya no me duelen

Te lo confirmo aunque la guerra sí 

me cause angustia

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

بقلم الدكتور محمد بنعبد الله 

رمضان وتربية الضمير ...

تأمل ... نمارس الصوم ولا رقيب علينا إلا ضمائرنا المؤمنة ... وكأنما يدربنا ربنا بالصوم على نوع من الحكم الذاتي الذي نراقب فيه أنفسنا بأنفسنا دون ما حاجة إلى قوانين أو أجهزة متابعة بشرية ... هذا الضمير الحارس الذي يستمد صحوته وتألقه من رقابة الله جل وعلا، يظل دائما متقد الشعلة، موصول الضياء، باسطا سلطانه على الإنسان، والصوم في تعريفه كف عن الشهوة وعزوف عن الطعام والشراب ... ولا تجد النفس أشق ولا أقسى من تنازلها عن شهواتها الحلال إرضاء لله وابتغاء ما عنده من الثواب لذلك كانت في أمس الحاجة إلى الضمير أو النفس اللوامة، ولو ارتفعت تلك الرقابة عن الصائم لحظة واحدة لأكل وشرب وتنعم وتلذذ في رمضان متخفيا عن أعين الناس ثم يبرز إلى المجتمع بعد ذلك لابسا شارة الصائمين فمن ذا الذي يستطيع أن يكشف أمره؟ بل من ذا الذي يميز بين صائم ومفطر؟ 

إنه الضمير المؤمن الحي ... يظل متيقظا عاملا آمرا زاجرا يكافح الشهوات ويدعم الطاعات في السر والعلن ... وما أحوج المجتمع كله إلى أصحاب الضمائر الحية، وما أروع أن يعيش الناس جميعا تحت مظلة الضمير!!! وإذا صح أن الصوم يربي في الصائم شعور المراقبة ويوقظ ضميره الحي، فما أحرى أن يستصحب المسلمون رقابة ضمائرهم طوال العام.... لا في رمضان فحسب ... وما أجدر أن نتقي الله ونراقبه في كل موقع في أعمالنا وأقوالنا، في سلوكنا ومقاصدنا وبذلك يتطهر المجتمع من كل فساد وانحراف ...

آه لو تألقت رقابة الضمير في مجتمعات المسلمين لما وجدنا بينهم من يتآمر على بلده أو يستغل موقعه من السلطة أو ينفق أموال الدولة في سبيل الشيطان ...

لو بسط الضمير رقابته على الناس لما وجدنا من يزور أو يرتشي أو يسرق أو يعبث بكرامة الوطن أو يتجر بهمومه ومصائبه ...

لو عاش الناس تحت مظلة الضمير لما انحرفت أقلام وزلت أقدام ...

وما تغيرت الحياة وحدث البلاء والوباء ووجدت الخيانة وانتشر الظلم إلا يوم ضعفت رقابة الله في قلوب البشر وأصبح جسد الإنسان خاوي من الضمير الحي والقيم النبيلة ...

قال الله تعالى : " ألم تر أن الله يعلم ما في السماوات وما في الأرض، ما يكون من نجوى ثلاثة إلا هو رابعهم ولا خمسة إلا هو سادسهم ولا أدنى من ذلك ولا أكثر إلا هو معهم أين ما كانوا، ثم ينبئهم بما عملوا يوم القيامة، إن الله بكل شيء عليم "   

                                               - المجادلة 7 -

اللهم ارزقنا خشيتك في السر والعلن ...

                اللهم آمين يارب العالمين

                   بقلم : الدكتور محمد بنعبد الله

                 سفير الإبداع والأمل والسلام العالمي


Dr Shalini Yadav was born at Rohtak in Haryana (India). That's poet, writer, humanitarian, ambassador of peace and professor, holds a PhD in Post-colonial Literature and M. Phil in English Language Teaching (ELT) from the University of Rajasthan. During her tenure as an educator in India, Libya and Saudi Arabia, she has participated and presented papers at conferences, chaired sessions and delivered keyspeeches. She has written scholarly research articles for various National and International refereed journals and edited volumes. She is an active member of various literary societies. She is also an efficacious member of the editorial boards of various qualitative journals and Magazines. She has authored and edited 13 books till now. She is recipient of Savitribai Phule Excellence Award-2023, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Award-2023 and Acharya Mahaveer Prasad Dwivedi Award.


Dust and rages take us nowhere,

We all wish to live United here.

A sonless mother with dried tears;

Or a woman trying to save her respect, she wears;

After listening a cry from a heart of a child;

How can we be so barbaric and wild?

All and sundry have the same blood,

Then why to fill the earth with corpses flood?

Be the ambassador of peace and harmony

Feeding the starving souls a spoon of affection's honey.

It's not so difficult achieving the state of bliss

We just need to discard the demon's kiss.

Embracing and enlivening sensitivity,

Can be enroute to positivity and sensitivity.

Battles and Mayhems be the pointless

When we stand together with kindness.

Respect and empathy are humane essence,

Where poetry adds more in the fragrance.



I realize every so often

Diaspora within myself

Where the displacement occurs

Two spheres; two identities 

I keep on crossing the borders of each

As what I am supposed to be sometimes

Or what I am exactly

My identity disperses

From one periphery to another

Sensitized estrangement 

Distancing hostility 

Which I often experience

And resist with great efforts

Within and in exterior

Adjustment of two identities

Which try to surmount one another

I shuttle between both

Which are two different shelves of me

As opposite to each other

Sometimes conflict;

 Attempt to overlap 

I am occupied by both

Keep on shifting

When I enter in one’s margin

The other continues to haunt me

As one is traditional and customary 

Another is enlightened and contemporary

They combat and fight back

And try to change them

From hyphenated 

To un-hyphenated identity

I face an ever changing uncertainty

This makes me an outsider

Occasionally deep inside me

The sense of impermanence 

Makes me a diasporic within

And I exist between two opposite poles

It requires lots of strength and vigour

To suffer the trauma 

To adjust myself

Between the pull and push of two selves

Furthermore I try to assimilate them

I apply the strategy of negotiation

And carry on with hyphenated identity

To be a competent survivor.


Wavering and swift you are

But don’t wipe out

The environs

That encircles you 

The woods 

Which you pass through

Those trees 

Standing still to see your flow 

That soil 

Where you leave marks 

It’s not righteous 

Flowing boisterously 

Playing carelessly 

Amusing frankly 

Crossing unknowingly 

So be with your water’s edge

As a river you are!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

About the Author  Tamikio L Dooley 

 Tamikio L. Dooley is a multi award-winning author. She is the author of 150 titles and 90 published books. The author writes fiction and nonfiction of crime, thriller, mystery, fantasy, historical, western, romance, zombie apocalypse, and paranormal. In her spare time, she writes short stories, poetry, articles, essays, health books, children books, diaries, journals, inspiring books, culture, African American, and history books.

She is the founder and publisher of CreatiVIngenuitiy Magazine, the Editor of Friendship of People Magazine, and the Ambassador of The Daily Global Nation Newspaper. Tamikio is the President and Founder of Tamikio Dooley Writers Coach Organization, the President of Empowering Education Skills and Programs, the President of Alliance for Culture and Artistic Heritage, Peace and Resilience (ACAHPR), the Ambassador, Honorary President, Chairman, and Advisor of (IFCH) International Forum for Creativity and Humanity Kingdom of Morocco, an English Trainer and Writer Skills Communication Specialist for Employability at EngLang Skills Training Academy (ELSTA) Organization. Tamikio is also the International Affairs Secretary of the World Wide Writers Association.

Tamikio is featured in Humanity Magazine, CreatiVIngenuitiy Magazine, Kidliomag, Friendship of People Magazine, The Daily Global Nation Newspaper, Connections E-Magazine, along with other magazines and newspapers.

She has received awards and certificates for her works published in Bard’s Day Key Anthology, People’s Poetry Parliament, and Multinational Pen Soldiers Poetry Anthology.  

Recognition Awards & Certificates

-An honorable recognition as the best crime author in September 2016,

- National Poetry Stage Bangladesh Award 2023,

- Higher Honorary Award 2023,

-Certificate for Hyperpoem Book (a poetry book publishing 1700 poets) 2023,

- “Zheng Nian Cup” National Literature (second place prize) 2023,

-Virtual International Artist Gallery Certificate (2023),

- Best Leadership Award, Best Poetry Collection Award 2023,

-People’s Poetry Parliament Literature Certificate 2023,

-Certificate of Appreciate Memorial of V.M. Terehov 2023 (Russia Nizhny Novgord),

-The World Literary Award 2022,

-Won her first crystal trophy award in the crime category (2016), along with other awards and certificates.

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

Dra Hc Maria Elena Ramirez  🌹✨🌹La Inmaculada Concepción De La Santísima Virgen María.✨✨🕊️🌹Conceda La Paz En El Mundo. AMÉN.  La Inmacula...