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Monday, February 26, 2024

Marie Moldovan

Marie Moldovan is a Saskatchewan native and Ontario immigrant. Some would call them a reverse snowbird, who feels most comfortable surrounded by snowcapped mountains. 

Nomadic by nature, Marie is multifaceted and has mastered many skills. They dub themselves a jack of many trades and master of some. However, because Marie has acquired a plethora of diplomas spanning the educational spectrum, Marie’s mother on the contrary would call them a professional student.

Marie would accredit their adaptability to the training they received as a Canadian Forces medic, and their artistic ability to their family. Both attributes have aided her along her journey from the points of homelessness and despair to the place of stability and optimism she has arrived at today. 

In 2018, Marie was diagnosed with service-related PTSD, and within the same breath of time became a widow.

Unresolved trauma, and the loss of their husband caused Marie to skirt the edges of insanity. Faced with losing complete touch with reality, they returned to writing and art.

In a sense writing and art saved Marie’s life, at least that’s their claim. Fortunately, for the world, Marie’s choice to embrace creation has led them to captain a new life as a publisher, illustrator, writer and artist. 

Marie is the author of 20 years of Winter and has currently opened the doors of her own publication organization, aptly named, I Ain’t Your Marionette. Her book is an autobiographical collection of poetry and art. She published it in hopes to make a way for others who have suffered similar traumas to feel safe knowing that they are not alone nor are they to blame for their experiences. 20 Years of Winter is Marie’s source of empowerment offered to those victims to stand up to their perpetrators and to speak out against victim shaming.

Saturday, February 24, 2024


Dr Bhawani Shankar Nial 

Translated by

Bankim Mund 

It was not the fire

Of hunger

That hardly aware

Of how the day

Follows the night.

It was not the fire

Of greed for power

That breaks

Or restores the laws

Time and again;

That outlaws

The rules, regulations

Even the


And Parliament.

It was not my fire

Of allurements

That lures me

Sometimes something,

Even enticing me

In my oblivion towards


Royal palace

And valley of famine.

It was not the fire

Beneath the belly

But something

That hardly differentiates

 Time, day, month, space

Fortune, misfortune;

May be a conflagration

That can annhilate

All the materialistic pursuits :

Palace, empire

The rich, the poor

And their

ceaseless dream;

May be the inferno

That devours

Love, hatred

Even time:

The past, present

And future.

The fire... fire:


The inner world


The outer world.

Fire.. Fire... Fire




Odisha, India

Tuesday, February 20, 2024



Guamúchil, Salvador Alvarado Sinaloa México



Guamúchil, Salvador Alvarado Sinaloa México.

Quiero decirle al mundo que hay

Algo que me preocupa

Y en mis noches de sueño mi mente de eso se ocupa

Porque se ha invertido y creado la guerra

Para beneficio de unos cuantos?

Sin pensar en nuestros niños

Que son en nuestras vidas alegría y de gran encanto dueños. 

Porque en el campo de batalla nos matamos entre hermanos tan sólo para que 

Sé Enriquezcan quienes al mundo 

Hacen daño. 

Dejemos ya ese fusil

Unámonos en un abrazo, todos somos

Hermanos sin importar raza o color 

Que tu sufrimiento es el mio hermano y tu dolor mi dolor. 

Hay una lucha que tenemos que empezar

Unidos todos pues en un abrazo por la paz del mundo hermano.

Sunday, February 18, 2024




The main goal is to unite the efforts of all types of creativity, literature and art, specialists, entrepreneurs, bodies of all levels of creative intelligentsia, creative Unions, Academies, associations, groups, investors, other interested organizations and structures to create favorable conditions for the development of literature, art and cultural activities at the international level.

Magnifying the voice of writers, academic programs, and the organizations that support them, while advocating for diversity and excellence in creative writing.

Promoting literature, art, peace, humanity, women's rights, magazines on children's rights and creativity, reviving the world heritage and presenting it in all corners of the Earth.

Organization of contests, exhibitions, conferences, festivals, congresses, advertising and intermediary and other services for collective use (including online), and other events that do not contradict the legislation of the member countries and participants of the parties.

To expand partnership cooperation in different countries in the field of literary, cultural, humanitarian and print-journalistic activities by independent creative and humanitarian collectives and organizations engaged in and propagandized cultural and literary values of all countries and all peoples of the world, without restrictions on skin color, nationality and religion, to promote the culture of their peoples, humanism and humanity, literature and art, culture and propaganda of language, classical literature, poetry, music and all kinds of arts, finding and promoting young talents in this field, highlighting these aspects of activity in print on paper and electronic media, supporting writers through mass media and communication publications, creative writing programs, groups, organizations and conferences, holding events in this field and mutual partnership promotion, assistance, encouragement and support.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

 Iris Calif 


Iris Calif [Israel]

      The Daughter of the living (and other four poems)


God creates the heavens

Of the spirit in the light of the world

Springs with the authentic names of life

You are my strength

In my image the moon;

Man’s salvation.

Behold, I am the Iris; the daughter of the living

Naked in sight of the sick of the kingdom of above

Adorned with gold and drops of moon light.

The sun in the clouds, and the rays wanders

My body like the burning of the darkness

Of Arch,

The night is heart breaking from time to time,

Embroiders in the mountains to the Iris grace,

And at the gate of the earth, Gabriel.

The temple house of the dead,

Was founded in me

And the snowy days of the blood

Of my soul.

Kneels in the light of the prophets

Down touches a human-

Blooded kiss,

And in the image of the soul of God,

Our father in heaven,

In the beginning of the wilderness.

Temple of the scriptures of the world

In the voice of psalms, creator of the human


Daughter of love, daughter of God

A girl of life 

     The Seal of Life

In the night string 

I dance the halo of my heart

My wounded body is bleeding 

My soul is gathered

To the seal of life


      A goddess Heaven Iris of the hidden Sky land

In the river boundaries of the anomaly halo

I spill my secrets to the hidden heaven Spirit land 

the winter fast, the universe of my world steps will be stride 

King of the Angels of the World

Our Father in Heaven

Lord of all deeds, Lord of armies

The King of Glory, who created the human spirit of the living 

My blowing voice is distinguished by the twilight of your holy place

Waking up in the soul of the sky land

Savior of existence in the exhalation of the righteous

The night exceeds love affairs in the delight of darkness

To my naked body at the pole mystery

Crossing a mountain of heaven

And in the fields of the clay sun

My breathe is alien

On God’s Moon

I kneel down to the blue Crimson of my hallucination dreams

Spreading as an appealing 

In the dirt of the anomaly

Like a goddess Heaven Iris of the hidden land Sky

      Crown of life

My body is carried as heaven worlds, kneels his spirit in front of the wings of the land of death, the land of living and the land of love

and I am the human flower Iris draping my tears in the stone of death in front of the living Grace Mountain of my purified broken soul that blowing her Breaths in my Piot mysteries prayer of my dreaming Iris soul to the living

The flower Iris a universe,

A girl, a woman, kneeling to wings of life, to my body

Death of lovers, Anorexia;

The kingdom of the life and death personification:

You the Anorexia

My spiritual soul friend grasping me,

And breathing me with infinity: Death

My soul, foe my escape from my destruction,

My flogging, my Awe

My dismantle of my faith, my trust my security, my purification

From rain instinct, of my own self, and from human Inclination.

I ask and look at my soul, my grief, my fear, my destruction,

Yet yearning to strength, of feminine power, a pour loving and longing of a girl,

Woman for life within her, a body healthy and sound,

To close my green living eyes, with rain, thunder in the lighting moon,

And the sun of the worlds. My body breathes deeply in my weeping years.

For my weeping years, and am dreaming the crown of life

The growing generating dancing animals,

And me, the human Iris flower standing out healthy 

Covering my spirit soul of my naked body to the 

Crown of life 

      The candles of the soul


In the silence of the moon the emerald kingdom is tied in my kingdom

And my childhood’s stone with a veil on my body, is carried to the wings of the wind

Between the ends of your eyes my tears are shedding

To the quiet of my rocky dreamy


In the candles of the soul


























































































     (盛易娴 译;Tr. Sheng Yixian)

About the author

    Iris Calif, Resident of the State of Israel, poet, writer, translator of poetry (To Hebrew), and dancer. Iris is also In charge of all foreign connection for the cultural and literature internet magazine “in direction of the wind”, Writer, editor and translator Universal Poetry at “Mokasini” Magazine Culture & Lifestyle Magazine, Editor and translator in the “World Poetry” section of the literature website “Rooms”. She is member of the Composers’ Association of Hebrew authors and publishers in Israel named “ACUM. Iris is Award Winner of 2023: The International Best Poets: IPTRC, THE JOURNAL OF RENDITION OF INTERNATIONAL POETRY [Multilingual] [China], & The Board of Directors of World Union of Poetry Magazines, November 18, 2023.

    Iris was awarded a diploma from “The Russian Professional Writers Union” and the international magazine “Arina NN”, registered in the Ministry of Culture of Russia for her contribution to world culture “International Poetic Community” 2022.

    She holds an honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity, Humanity and Coexistence, Kingdom of Morocco. Iris is 49 years old: married and mother of three daughters.

Her three books were publisher: In a fascinating (or magic) lane breathes (or blows) Lolita on 2001; Wild moon on 2017, And The daughter of GOD on 2020. She is currently working on her fourth book of scripture. Her poems have been published on radio, television, magazines in Israel and abroad, literary websites in Israel and around the world Exhibited in Exhibited in prestigious exhibitions in Israel, the Internet and newspapers international, and have been translated by international poets into Spanish, Bengali, Chinese, Turkish, Nepali, Assamese, Italian and Arabic. Her poetry reflects the inner journey of her soul, which looks through love, dreams life, and breathes holy worlds, in the hidden spirit, and is a symbol and expression of her victory over Anorexia, and her choice of choosing life and love with courage



    爱丽丝因其对2022年世界文化“国际诗意共同体”的贡献而获得了“俄罗斯职业作家联盟”和在俄罗斯文化部注册的国际杂志“Arina NN”颁发的证书。



Thursday, February 15, 2024


Angélica Maria Escavassa

     O processo criativo de Angélica Escavassa originou com o trabalho artesanal em família. 

    Observando pinturas e técnicas de grandes artistas, ela ficou motivada e passou a focar seu potencial criativo na nova experiência, abraçando desafios com liberdade de inovar na criatividade.  

     Assim ela descobriu o quanto a pintura na arte visual é capaz de proporcionar ao artista o poder de manifestação, realização e libertação.

     Como artista, Angélica Escavassa expressa a linguagem visual através da pintura em telas e painéis, os seus pensamentos, anseios, emoções, cultura e história, com elementos visuais como formas, tons, cores, texturas, e dimensões para despertar a sensibilidade dos espectadores.

     Na beleza estética, suas obras contemporâneas são agradáveis aos olhos por suas cores vibrantes e alegres e na sua criatividade eclética, os principais temas são os Abstratos, os florais, os decorativos e paisagens, incluindo temas da fauna e flora brasileira. 

      Suas técnicas utilizando tinta a óleo ou acrílica, são com Pinceladas, espatuladas ou mista e aplicações.

     Por motivos particulares a artista ficou afastada do trabalho artístico por alguns anos, voltando em 2020 com muitas atividades em exposições nacionais e internacionais virtuais e exposições presenciais em sua cidade onde também tem coordenado e para seus projetos, ela pesquisa e com os elementos que possam ajudar começa a produzir. 

      Na linguagem artística à tinta, muitas vezes mistura as técnicas e experimenta materiais diferentes e chegando no resultado desejado, libera a obra para apreciação pública com quem ela vai dialogar e para o 


Delsa López. Cuba.

 No brake

… We are one body, between the sweat, the sheets, the ecstasy.

        (Armando Pérez González)

Riding and your eyes on mine

put, the weeds turned into flowers.

The end of the race were rivers

that bathed my body in jets.

Looks like whips gave way

to a rider without brakes in his career,

who made his sighs, with a bow,

woven with spring honey.

The spur that encourages my flanks

it won't let me slow down. Can you

divert your pupils from mine

and stop spurring me on? ...

hide the deluge on my walls?

The river grows in the bed… it grows by the seas!

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Nombres y Apellidos: Rosita Blanca Piñero País : Venezuela Segunda Opción : poesía por la Vida. Título : NO AL ABORTO, SÍ A LA VIDA. ¡Mamá!...