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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Undress Inside by Anna Maria Lombardi


Undress Inside


When the eye,

He undresses,

And the clouds thinning,

They evaporate,

Bringing coolness,

On hot sections,

Of internalwounds,

New babies are born,

The branches that sprout,

They design new houses,

And the memories come,

Hanging on distant walls.

And, nothing disturbs anymore,

The new view,

On the ocean,

In front of me,

And inside mysea

He becomes peaceful again.



Cav. Doctor Anna Maria Lombardi, Doctor of Philosophy, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Poet, Essayst, wasborn in the City of Art of San Severo (FG) and lives in the province of Bergamo. Shehasreceivedimportant Career Awards, and other cultural and literary awards of greatvalue: First Prizes, Trophies, Special Awards, Critics and manyothersimportant awards, bothpoetic and literary.  On 25th  October 2024, with other names of greatpersonalities of the international scene, at the PIME in Milan shewasawarded for Excellence in Career for the Literature category with the following motivation: "For usingher position and skills to improve society through social initiatives of greatimportance."

The books of herpoems and the poetic and artistic-literarycollectionsshehascreated and curated, born in various fields and intended for the purpose of charity, are characterized by considerableliterary, poetic and social depth. Herpoems, translatedintootherlanguagesaswellas the 19 volumespublished, are found in manyItalian and foreignanthologies, national and international magazines on paper and on websites. In allhonesty, we can saythather works havereceived a particular and flatteringpraise from both the public and critics. The author, whoisalsoactiveas creator and organizer of national and international literary events, haswrittenarticles, essays, reviews and prefaces. Sheisalsojuror and president, evenhonorary, in importantliterarycompetitions of greatprestige. The poetherselfis the creator and co-founder of the cultural association "Movimento Internazionale Artistico Letterario - Group", alsopresentas Facebook group, since 2017, with the aim of promoting and encouraging the development, exchange and diffusion of culture, poetry, literature and art. Thisis the context in which the international literature and poetrycompetitionshewanted and supported and of whichsheispresidentfits in, a roleshealsoholdsat the associative level, LA MAGIA DELLE PAROLE whichhasachievedconsiderable success over the years and whichwaspresent, with great pride of the entireMovement, in the schedule of Bergamo-Brescia Capitale della Cultura-2023.

In 2024, shehasbeenhonored with the title of Knight of the Italian Republic (Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana).



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