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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Swenstorp, Sweden 14/3/20


I woke up with bright eyes
This morning
Embraced by a deeply
Persistant feeling
I needed to visit my forest
Where there is
A very special place
An open space
Deep down in its valley
A place I call the temple of the poets

The whole clearing is covered
With amethyst colored violets
They beam so intensly
They glow triumphant in the morning sun

Their fragrance embraces me
Their scent sweeps me
It feels so delightful
Once again being here
Where I feel peace
Security and inspiration

I felt it so strongly
I just had to be here
To pray for us all
In a peaceful morning breeze

I felt something hover
In the air up above
Around me wishings and prayers did circuit
I thought I might capture
Them all - one by one
And present them to higher powers

I pray for mercy
For the ones I love
I pray for peace
For the ones I hold dear
I pray for forgiveness
If we have done something wrong
Pray for strength and power
So that we all will be spared
And can go through
These deep troubled times all together

These times are times of worries
Of worries throughout the world
These troubled times
Takes many innocent souls
Soul that unfortunately looked
Their destiny right in the eye
In a back alley they just
hadn't chosen

I pray for us all
I pray on my knees
In my holy spot
In an open space in the forest
The spot that I call
The valley of poets
A spot with great magical powers

I know that the magical
Power of words
Is special when you
Pray for others

I feel so strongly inside
That someone above me
Is calling
Someone above
In the great universe
Someone the almighty himself

So, dear poets and friends
My heart is with you
I pluck you a nosegay of violets
These violets are not just flowers
They are life within itself
The prettiest - the rarest
That you've ever seen

In the clearing - the witnesses
Are trees yet naked and bare
Whose longing reaches out
Its arms in a prayer

Yes, I feel that these hard times
Will end one sweet day
Times herold will bring us new tidings
Tidings that all is restored

I pray that each one of us
Finds their temple of life
Their temple of calm
Hidden in their own buzzing world

I pray that each one of us
Finds peace in their despair
And sense the feeling
That they are not alone

And then they might be able
To feel the power of their prayers
And then they might be able
To smell the magical scent
Of the violets!

©® Joanna Svensson

©® Private picture Joanna Svensson

1 comment:

Jadia4708au said...

O, corona ! O, Human
Monday,16th March 2020

Neither that Corona has shaken my faith
nor that I am afraid of death
I feel so sad about a;; those unfortunates
they are gripped with fears till date

No ray of hope is seen
it has become ghostly scene
Living people are confined
dead are buried

you can't shake hands
you can see dead end
where is the tunnel of hope?
the fear multiplies non-stop

I offer my sincere prayers
for all those youngers and elders
to come out of shocks
that soaks out their throats

have you ever heard?
about those horrified words
throughout the world
the fear is expressed but miseries remain untold

is it men's own folly?
that research on bio-chemical weapon is on
how mercilessly it is shown?
that we are on this beautiful earth to disappear of our own

Hasmukh Mehta

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

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