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Friday, March 29, 2024


looking in time / yair ben haim

looking at the time that doesn't stop for a moment

unaware of the life embedded in its veins

it has no emotional charge, no sense of taste,

own opinion, or language, He is so monotonous, It's so horrifying

looking at the time hu is not unaware of the difficulty 

He is not weakened by sin committed unintentionally and is not afraid 

It has no idea what intense love is

Free Hate, Peace or war it is troubling

looking at the time that is not the hazard absorber 

does not move from track Movement and rhythm

He has no interest Total carefree,

Deaf, a mute, a blind I'm sorry on you precious time

Biography - Yair Ben-Haim

Yair Ben-Chaim, an Israeli writer, poet and artist, poetry editor and publisher of "Hadarim-Beit Publishing House", holds a diploma in advertising and business administration, a journalist and an entrepreneur of various projects among the artist community in Israel.

Has published four books of poetry so far. "Doreshirah" (2013) "Go crazy in the middle of the day" (2015) "Hamdati" (2018) and "Coal Mines." (2022)

For the past nine years he has been editing and publishing the magazine for poetry and prose, culture and art "The Corridor", which includes the publication of representative poetry by poets from Israel, personal interviews with poets, writers, artists and painters, reviews of new books, translations of world poetry and reviews of exhibitions and cultural events. The magazine is published in a printed edition twice a year.

In 2003, he established the literary content site 'Hadarim', a site of poetry and prose, culture and art, which includes various sections, including the section: 'Talk to the Poetry' which is a video project of Israeli poets reading poetry throughout the city of Tel Aviv-Yafo. The section: 'Guest in the Rooms' conversations with poets and writers, the 'New on the Shelf' section where book reviews are published, 'World Poetry' translation of poems by poets from around the world into Hebrew, reviews of cultural events and book launches and exhibition openings

Poems by Iris Calif 

Iris Calif, Resident of the State of Israel, poet, writer, translator of poetry (to Hebrew), and dancer. Iris is also in charge of all foreign connection for the cultural and literature internet magazine "in direction of the wind",  editor and translator Universal Poetry at "Mokasini" Magazine Culture & Lifestyle Magazine, Editor and translator in the "World Poetry" of the literature website "Rooms".

member of the Composers' Association of Hebrew authors and publishers in Israel named “ ACUM. Iris is Award Winner of 2023: The International Best Poets & POETS: THE JOURNAL OF RENDITION OF INTERNATIONAL POETRY (ITRC)[Multilingual] [China]

The Board of Directors of World Union of Poetry Magazines

November 18, 2023.

Iris was awarded a diploma from "The Russian Professional Writers Union" and the international magazine "Arina NN", registered in the Ministry of Culture of Russia for her contribution to world culture "International Poetic Community" 2022. She is the head of the Israeli liaison department of the Hong Kong Literature and Arts Magazine

and a member of the Association of artists and writers of the World SAPS

Iris is also serve on the editorial board of the World Poetry Yearbook 2024 (English edition)

She holds an honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity, Humanity and Coexistence, Kingdom of Morocco.

Iris is 49 years old: married and mother of three daughters.

Her three books were publisher:

In a fascinating (or magic) lane breathes (or blows) Lolita on On 2001

Wild moon on 2017, And The daughter of GOD on 2020.

She is currently working on her fourth book of scripture.

Her poems have been published on radio, television, magazines in Israel and abroad, literary websites in Israel and around the world Exhibited in Exhibited in prestigious exhibitions in Israel, the Internet and newspapers international, and have been translated by international poets into Spanish, Bengali, Chinese, Russian Albanian, Turkish, Nepali, Arabic Assamese and Italian

Her poetry reflects the inner journey of her soul, which looks through love, dreams life, and breathes holy worlds, in the hidden spirit, and is a symbol and expression of her victory over Anorexia, and her choice of choosing life and love with courage.

The voice of the Nile angels carrying the God of my body

Daughter of God- Iris Calif 



King of the Angels of the World 

Our Father in Heaven

           Brave Yaakov

       Lord of all deeds

  In the light of the Nile Angels   

        The night is before his eyes

God's bearing my body in front of the senior of the moon

And in the creation of my heart a spirit of love is written

Blessings of the daughter of God

Nude writing lyrical holy poets 

Touching A vertical stack of sacred hymns 

Kissing in front of heavenly things in paradise

       And in the "Bible" that speaks of the honegcomb offering

     The sun pours out lovers

        A living soul grows

      holy Silence kneels 

       An incarnation of an essential melody

The voice of my soul is buried in the dripstone of God

         And it shall be called The splendid rain of the heavens

       Of my poem And the Allowed in land

  And in the fields of everlasting blossom   

         I'm the iris

Daughter of love

        Human of Daughter

Daughter of life            

             Daughter of God

 Autor: Eudys Moreta.

Tema: En mis ojos veía.

País: República Dominicana.

Sentí hoy rejuvenecer mi espíritu 

consolidar la fe, la voluntad y el amor

encontrándome a Mí en Él

como el niño que reencuentra su juguete predilecto 

a partir de interpretar mi sueño 

cuando en la historia me hallé 

escudriñando con un farol 

a un pueblo y a un hombre 

que ni los siglos les han cambiado 

la topografía y el nombre.

Me sentí como si levitara, alegre, feliz.

Supe que caminaba ahí

habitando las historias de los siglos

ante el advenimiento del Nacimiento.

En mis ojos veía 

un esplendor 

de la tierra prometida 

parecido a un cuadro pintado por Dios

conteniendo un pueblo, sus esperanzas, sus sueños 

al hombre que mira más allá de él 

con amor y justicia en el corazón 

impartiendo docencia al universo 

escuchando, imponiendo las manos y haciendo milagros 

como en aquellos primeros años.

Nadie ni nada borra esos nombres 

escritos con luces de diamante y oro 

en las memorias de los hombres 

que son limpios de corazón 

y arrepentidos se confiesan

les volverán a ver

como le vi yo ayer

a Jesús, Hijo de Dios soberano 

bajar de la cruz, quitarse los clavos, curar las heridas y resucitar 

entrando triunfante a Jerusalén

deseando la paz sea contigo.

*Derechos Reservados.

  Santo Domingo, RD.

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

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