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Monday, February 26, 2024


Écrit par TAGHRID BOU MERHI en Arabe 

Traduit en Français: TAGHRID BOU MERHI

بـقـايـا غـرغـرة!

بقلم تغريد بو مرعي 

الترجمة إلى الفرنسية: تغريد بو مرعي


التي ارتبطت ملامحها


نهضَت بمشقةٍ

بعد صفعة..

كان الهواء

يعبُّ في صدرِ الحيرة

علامات الجزع

يمدُّ قامته

حتى الدركِ الأسفلِ

من النار..!

ويكأنّ الوقت

أحنى ظهره

ليتمكن من الهرب

يشحّذ عزيمته

بتلابيبِ الصبرِ والجَّلد ..


كان فيما سبق

يربتُ على شعورنا


في جوفِ الليل

وكأنّه جزء منّا ..

تقاسيم الغائب

ممزوجة بإمارات الأسى

فتصفّدَت النوافذ

واختلط الطين بالطين

والدّم بالدّم..

وما زاد الضيقِ بلّة

كانت العتمة

تغرقُ الحياة..

وصوتكَ المدّخر

لآخر ليلٍ


النوافذ المغلقة

يبحثُ عن بقايا غرغرة

في مشيئةِ الأيّام.



Traduit en Français: TAGHRID BOU MERHI

La fenêtre dont les traits étaient liés à l'étouffement s'est levée péniblement après une gifle...

L'air s'engouffrait dans la poitrine de l'incertitude, marquant des signes de panique.

Il se dressait, s'étirant jusqu'au bord du bas, loin du feu... 

Comme si le temps courbait le dos pour pouvoir s'échapper.

Il aiguise sa volonté avec les lames de la patience et du cuir...

Il était autrefois couché sur nos sentiments et nos lamentations au creux de la nuit, comme s'il faisait partie de nous...

Les contours de l'absence mêlés aux signes de chagrin.

Les fenêtres se sont fermées, la boue se mêle à la boue, et le sang au sang...

Et le resserrement n'a fait qu'assombrir la vie...

Ta voix, réservée jusqu'au dernier soir, était assiégée par les fenêtres closes.

Il cherche les restes d'un gargouillis dans les méandres des jours.

Marie Moldovan

Marie Moldovan is a Saskatchewan native and Ontario immigrant. Some would call them a reverse snowbird, who feels most comfortable surrounded by snowcapped mountains. 

Nomadic by nature, Marie is multifaceted and has mastered many skills. They dub themselves a jack of many trades and master of some. However, because Marie has acquired a plethora of diplomas spanning the educational spectrum, Marie’s mother on the contrary would call them a professional student.

Marie would accredit their adaptability to the training they received as a Canadian Forces medic, and their artistic ability to their family. Both attributes have aided her along her journey from the points of homelessness and despair to the place of stability and optimism she has arrived at today. 

In 2018, Marie was diagnosed with service-related PTSD, and within the same breath of time became a widow.

Unresolved trauma, and the loss of their husband caused Marie to skirt the edges of insanity. Faced with losing complete touch with reality, they returned to writing and art.

In a sense writing and art saved Marie’s life, at least that’s their claim. Fortunately, for the world, Marie’s choice to embrace creation has led them to captain a new life as a publisher, illustrator, writer and artist. 

Marie is the author of 20 years of Winter and has currently opened the doors of her own publication organization, aptly named, I Ain’t Your Marionette. Her book is an autobiographical collection of poetry and art. She published it in hopes to make a way for others who have suffered similar traumas to feel safe knowing that they are not alone nor are they to blame for their experiences. 20 Years of Winter is Marie’s source of empowerment offered to those victims to stand up to their perpetrators and to speak out against victim shaming.

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...