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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

 By Ana María Mendiola Cano


Autor: Ana María Mendiola Cano 

M.C.Alondra 2024

País: Perú 

Siento un vacío en mi afligido ser,

de sentir la cercanía del paso del ocaso,

de sentir la fría noche alargando sus horas en el aposento sin abrigo, sin luz de un día siguiente,

donde al abrir mis ojos vería  tu sonrisa entrar por la aspillera,  dándome alegría. 

Donde el otoño abraza los árboles sacudiendo su tronco, mientras sus hojas danzando suavemente en el viento,  caen a tierra cubriéndose de colores. 

Donde viendo tras el cristal de mi ventana, acompañada de tu sonrisa desdibujando una mueca de tristeza mientras el adiós llega silente sin prisa.

 By Yatti Sadeli 

Yatti Sadeli 's poetry



The city holds a thousand sorrows

When children run around in an open field

When the screams of hunger echoed into the sky

An episode. . . . .

How much longer, and when will it end?

Nobody knows

Even though the earth is gaping and full of wounds

And writhed full of anger

The vulture with its stalking eyes is alert

Looking down

His voice was loud

Smell the fishy, ​​carrion-smelling air

Can I dare to prey on them?

So some of the birds asked

But some others

Suddenly inviting his wild group

To party hard

The dark clouds exhaled a dark breath

A scream roared without a source

Without a body and walking without legs

And vultures don't feast on nocturnal prey

They have an unbearable conscience

skinning the pain of a body lying helplessly

Covered in blood and wounds.

The tears flowed

Flowing in the silence of the night

But . . . . . Why is there arrogant laughter?

And there is a saying

– Let the worst disappear into the earth

I'll continue with my plan

Until a thunderous shock occurred

All over the world

This is not a dream at the end of the night

Time continues to roll by

The irony of falling into a bottomless abyss

No self control

Whereas . . . .

This is the land of God's messengers

How long will this outrage last

Will continue

On this holy earth.💖

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

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