Leyla Isik
As the darkness is torn and the first light of the day is filtering through,
To open our eyes and hearts to the day with HELLO!
Hello… Life.
Have we ever thought about what these two sincere words bring to us and to everyone and every living being around us throughout the day?
To be ready to meet many things we never knew with our bodies and souls to a brand new day, to welcome everything that is presented to us with love, willingly and sincerely…
To be able to keep up with the difficult course of the day and to see and feel all the negativities – positively and harmoniously, and to make them feel them.
The brand new day may pass with all its intensity and it will be just like any other day, but the surprises in it should add excitement to our excitement about what the day will bring. Just like when the doorbell rings and we wonder “who?” We should run as we run, curious and excited, towards the “new day” and smile and open the door of our hearts with all its vastness
Or we should open the door of the new day with a sullen face, treating it as an unhappy day that we have to live involuntarily…
And we should spend the evening with the unhappiness that comes with being unhappy all day long. We should leave ourselves in the arms of sleep, unhappy and restless and stressed. Is that so? Will sleep take the body and soul loaded with so many negativities into its arms? Will it embrace us? Will we be able to close our eyes in peace and will we be able to make it to the morning?
Both options are in front of us.
Of course, we may have troubles… The result of the intensity of the day, negative thoughts may invade our brains, our resentments, our heartaches may hurt and aggravate us.
Despite everything, if we are healthy and can open our eyes to the day, breathe, in short, if we are alive, we should be able to say “Hello Life.” and enjoy this moment. With the excitement and happiness of a brand new day, let's get out of bed and go to the water... to the mirror... to everything that surrounds us, smiling and sincerely saying "hello". Let's pet our cat if we have one, sing with our bird, enjoy our tea and coffee, take stronger and more confident steps and stand firmly on the ground.
Let's smile at someone we don't know. Let's say hello, let's not hold back. Let's think that our work at work will be easy and fast and will end as we want.
Let's say that adversities follow us one after another, our superiors, our employees, in short, the people around us are treating us badly...
Let's behave lovingly and warmly with all our good intentions and insistence.
Being well-intentioned, behaving tolerantly, offering our love, smiling warmly, saying "hello" sincerely, the helping hand we extend-extend in difficult times, remembering that there are those who love us and those we love will send all the negativity back.
Bad things don't always happen around us, maybe it's actually small and many things we consider unimportant are very beautiful and special. As long as we realize it.
Let's lovingly blend the play dough put in front of us with the child inside us.
Let's shape it in a way that will make us happy. Let's hug LIFE tightly like we hug our favorite toy.
-"Hello Life"
--"Hello friendship"
---"Hello peace"
---"Hello humanity" Let's say HELLO!...
©Leyla Işık