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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

 DINÁMICA 01: Mi Regalo para 2025.

El Rincón de la Poesía.

Autora: Rosita Piñero.

País: Venezuela


Contando con la franqueza

de sinceros sentimientos

A mis amigos llevo dentro

los admiro en su grandeza

para ellos fortaleza

en este año que comienza

bendiciones en recompensa

que el Padre Creador los bendiga

por cada acción cometida

la felicidad sea inmensa

Con mucha sinceridad

les deseo paz y amor

un buen cambio en su interior

donde reine la humildad

de  frente a la libertad

y en defensa de la vida

la humanidad encendida

a favor del desvalido

apoyando sus seres queridos

la Misión será cumplida.


Caracas, enero 2025

Nina Zarkova

 Нейно Превъзходителство

Дама Офицер, Проф. Д-р (х.к.) Амб. НИНА ЗАРКОВА, България


Накичена със злато, 

облечена в коприна, 

вече май не съм

онази, палавата Нина,


флиртуваше с едно момче засмяна

в слънчева, 

закътана поляна.

Сега сънувам

щури ветрове, които

се премятат 

в нивите със жито

и търсят те момичето, което със герданче

от мъниста и пайети,


мечтите свои лудо,


с цветя и с пеперуди

и казваше

на всяка самодива:

"Виж ме колко

съм щастлива!"

Накичена със злато,

облечена в коприна,

пак съм си онази,

хубавата Нина.

Ще посрещна 

утрото с целувки,

на кръстопът 

ще хвърля

лачените си обувки

и боса след едно момче

ще тичам,

за да го догоня

и обичам.

 Viorica Crecan



Luceafărul lui Eminescu,

coboară pe-o rază de lumină,

intră pe fereastră

în casa mea și-o luminează.

Mi-am pus în vaze flori albastre 

de nu mă uita, nuferi albi 

din lacul albastru 

împrospătând aerul 

din preajma mea.

Adese trec și eu 

pe lângă plopii fară soț 

și toți vecinii mă cunosc,

numai tu iubit-o nu mă cunoști, 

mă faci doar la tine 

să mă gândesc.

Poposesc sub teiul bătrân înflorit 

cu crengile lăsate la pământ,

mă descătușez, oftez 

și sper să mă linistesc în curând.

Ajungând la lacul albastru

încărcat cu flori de nuferi,

privesc lung, atent să văd 

dacă apare dintre trestii 

iubita surâzătoare 

să plutim cu luntrea mică 

amândoi cuprinși de farmec.

Nu-o zăresc, tristețea, 

mă cuprinde precum para focului,

nu-o pot stinge, 

pe mal rămân singuratic.

În umbra falnicelor bolți aștept, 

aștept și iar aștept 

iubita să vină, 

nu vine și așteptarea mea

este făra rost.

             Viorica Crecan

Zalău - România - 08.01.2025

   Drepturi de autor rezervate

Maria Fajardo  Cajamarca 

Empezar a envejecer.

Hacerse vieja es un regalo 🙏.  A veces me sorprendo de la persona que vive en mi🪞espejo. Pero no me preocupo por esas cosas mucho tiempo. Yo no cambiaría todo lo que tengo por unas canas menos; o un estómago  plano. No me regaño por no hacer la cama o por comer algunos chocolates 🍫. 

Estoy en mi derecho de ser temática en la puntualidad y el orden, ser extravagante en los colores de mi vestuario 👗 y pasar horas limpiando y contemplando mis adornos de plata. 

Actualmente a través de redes sociales y con mucha nostalgia 😪he visto familiares, algun@s querid@s amig@s, a mis ex-maestr@s irse de este mundo antes de haber disfrutado la libertad que viene con hacerse 👵 vieja.

-¿A quién le interesa si elijo:  leer, escribir ✏ poesía, jugar, viajar ✈o si me fue bien o mal en uno de mis viajes; si me duelen o no mis rodillas producto de tanto 👠 zapato encantador y alto en mi juventud; y después dormir hasta quien sabe qué hora.

Bailaré conmigo al ritmo de los 55's y 60's. Haré divertir 😀 a mi familia en nuestras fiestas con mis ocurrencias de bailarina 💃 o adueñarme del micrófono del karaoke 🎼 ... Y si después deseo llorar 😢 por algún amor perdido...¡Lo he hecho! - !Lo haré! 

Caminaré por la playa 🏖 con un traje de baño que se estira sobre mi cuerpo regordete y haré un clavado en las olas dejándome ir, a pesar de las miradas de compasión de las que usan 👙 hilo. Ellas también se harán viejas, si tienen 🍀 suerte …

Es verdad que a través de los años mi corazón 💔 ha sufrido por la pérdida de un ser querido: mi hermana  Patricia, mis tí@s a quienes llamo ñañit@s o por el dolor de un@ 👦 niñ@, o por ver morir a mis mascotas: Perlitas.

Pero es el sufrimiento lo que nos da fuerza y nos hace crecer. Un corazón que no se ha roto, es estéril y nunca sabrá de la felicidad de ser imperfecto. Me siento orgullosa por haber vivido lo suficiente como para que mis cabellos se vuelvan grises y por conservar la sonrisa 😀 escandalosa y contagiante de mi juventud, antes de que aparezcan los surcos profundos en mi cara (mis ojeras).

-¡Me gusta ser vieja, porque la vejez me hace más sabia, más libre!-. 

Se que no voy a vivir para siempre pero mientras esté aquí, voy a vivir según las leyes de mi 🙏 Dios y las de mi corazón.  No pienso lamentarme por lo que no fue, ni preocuparme por lo que  será. 

El tiempo que quede, simplemente amaré ♥ la vida o tomaré café ☕ como lo hago hasta hoy …

 Lily Swarn

Happy Gurpurab 

(Gurpurab di lakh lakh wadhai hove Ji )


He came galloping on 

His handsome blue steed 

A hawk glittery eyed on his 


The Saint soldier 

The one who taught 

Sparrows to fight with 


The one who blessed 


To destroy the might 

Of one and a quarter 


The Guru 

Who was

A Disciple too !

He who created 


Out of Sikhs 

Spiritual master 




The last living Sikh 


Who sacrificed four 

Beloved Sons 

For faith and truth 

Ajit singh Jujhar singh 

Martyred in the 

Battle of Chamkaur  Sahib

Tender aged Zoravar Singh 

And Fateh Singh 

Bricked alive.  

The one who baptised 

All castes into one 

The Resplendent

Turbaned Khalsa 

With the five symbols 

Of purity !

Khalsa belongs to God 

Victory belongs to God !

Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa 

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh  !

Copyright Lily Swarn

The Magnificence of her “LOVE”


The Magnificence of her “LOVE

Her aura heats with compassionate fire,

Melting fears, with love`s delicate desire,

Gentle compels, she engages, through the admires,

Weaving threads of pair, repair, and soft care,

Tender amorous, only in her embrace, all are deeply fair,

Dwells down, the one ever-lasting forgets, yet it's rare,

Beyond the mountain lines, she sensibly signs the right,

Athena like the aroma, in heaven-like eyes, when she sights,

Altogether a mound of magnificence binds in a pack,

Rare in rare, she magnetizes the melodies, unveiling the track,

Her aura like Hera whispers until the edge.




Tajalla Qureshi, a starlight of treasure has emerged from Pakistan. Tajalla Qureshi, a wordsmith extraordinaire, masterfully intertwines the threads of introspection, devotion, and creativity to craft mesmerizing sagas that transport readers to new dimensions. She is weaving words to wonders.

As a multifaceted literary artist, Tajalla's repertoire includes poetry, creative columns, essays, and flash fiction. Her writing is a testament to her skill and passion and intertwining intricate patterns that evoke emotions, spark imagination, and inspire the soul.

A sought-after international interviewer, columnist, and editor, Tajalla's work has captivated audiences worldwide. Her unique voice, lyrical language, and profound insights have solidified her position as a leading literary figure in Pakistan and beyond.

Furthermore, her words are a testament to the transformative power of literature. With each sentence, she embroiders a tapestry of emotions, ideas, and experiences that invite readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and wonder.















I Will Look for Light


I Will Look for Light

Mind says,


Let's run,

 Let's go to the land of green Plow in hand with sickle on shoulder,

 As a village farmer,

 I will put the morning dew on my face colored sunlight,

 I will fill my heart with the song of birds,

 That would be great.

I will pick flowers in the forest of flowers I will eat honey Colorful wings with fins Bees are all together Wake up to the song of birds I will see you every morning.

Clouds in the blue sky I will look for light.


Manik Chakraborty, a man of simple nature, is a well-developed and intellectual consciousness in the Unique creations of Bengali Rhymes Literature.The free movement of rhymes written by Manik Chakraborty is about people's thoughts and feelings, hopes and desires, feelings of joy and pain.

This gifted poet who loves pure culture and literature is a bank employee but spends most of his leisure time as a writer and a literary organizer. He is always present in the meetings of the country's young and old famous poets and literary rhymers to gain knowledge in organizational activities.Manik Chakraborty, "The Rhyme Composer of Time" made 'Mirror' with rhymes, in which the readers can easily see every aspect of the nation including country-society, religion-politics.

Fearlessly truthful rhymer Manik Chakraborty has composed the priceless collection of rhymes in his long pursuit, the entire composition was published as a poetic book, named "Manik Chakrabortyr Chhora Samagra" by Pratibha Publication in "Amar Ekushe Book fair 2017". The appeal of each rhyme theme in this Poetic Book is beautifully presented by the rhymer in his invaluable diction to the readers.

 Rhyme poet Manik Chakraborty was born on 1st February 1966 in Munsir Hat North Sripur, Feni, Bangladesh. Present residence is Fatullah of Narayanganj (Bangladesh). His Mother's name Kanan Bala Chakraborty, Father's name Sunil Baran Chakraborty. Manik Chakraborty's world of happiness is made up of son Amit Chakraborty, daughter Avanti Chakraborty and life partner Archana Chakraborty. Manik is the eldest among four sisters and three brothers.




Undress Inside by Anna Maria Lombardi


Undress Inside


When the eye,

He undresses,

And the clouds thinning,

They evaporate,

Bringing coolness,

On hot sections,

Of internalwounds,

New babies are born,

The branches that sprout,

They design new houses,

And the memories come,

Hanging on distant walls.

And, nothing disturbs anymore,

The new view,

On the ocean,

In front of me,

And inside mysea

He becomes peaceful again.



Cav. Doctor Anna Maria Lombardi, Doctor of Philosophy, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Poet, Essayst, wasborn in the City of Art of San Severo (FG) and lives in the province of Bergamo. Shehasreceivedimportant Career Awards, and other cultural and literary awards of greatvalue: First Prizes, Trophies, Special Awards, Critics and manyothersimportant awards, bothpoetic and literary.  On 25th  October 2024, with other names of greatpersonalities of the international scene, at the PIME in Milan shewasawarded for Excellence in Career for the Literature category with the following motivation: "For usingher position and skills to improve society through social initiatives of greatimportance."

The books of herpoems and the poetic and artistic-literarycollectionsshehascreated and curated, born in various fields and intended for the purpose of charity, are characterized by considerableliterary, poetic and social depth. Herpoems, translatedintootherlanguagesaswellas the 19 volumespublished, are found in manyItalian and foreignanthologies, national and international magazines on paper and on websites. In allhonesty, we can saythather works havereceived a particular and flatteringpraise from both the public and critics. The author, whoisalsoactiveas creator and organizer of national and international literary events, haswrittenarticles, essays, reviews and prefaces. Sheisalsojuror and president, evenhonorary, in importantliterarycompetitions of greatprestige. The poetherselfis the creator and co-founder of the cultural association "Movimento Internazionale Artistico Letterario - Group", alsopresentas Facebook group, since 2017, with the aim of promoting and encouraging the development, exchange and diffusion of culture, poetry, literature and art. Thisis the context in which the international literature and poetrycompetitionshewanted and supported and of whichsheispresidentfits in, a roleshealsoholdsat the associative level, LA MAGIA DELLE PAROLE whichhasachievedconsiderable success over the years and whichwaspresent, with great pride of the entireMovement, in the schedule of Bergamo-Brescia Capitale della Cultura-2023.

In 2024, shehasbeenhonored with the title of Knight of the Italian Republic (Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana).



المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...