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Monday, December 9, 2019

Joanna Svensson


The secrets behind the mirrors
Hidden on the other side
Every reflection you see
Is already of time that's passed

And so it is stored
Every picture
Every moment
On the other side of the mirror
It's the mirror of time

It's your own unique picture
Just now - just then
Irrespective of what ever moment

No matter what you see
If you're glad
If you're happy
If you're sad, disappointed or angry

The mirror always reflects
Reflects your own reflection
Your outer reflection
Reinforced by your inner self

And so it is stored
Reflection by reflection
Picture by picture
Side by side
In your life's huge rollerdex
Wether you wish it or not

Sometimes I want to remove
All the mirrors in my life
Throw them all into the lake
To get rid of all reminders
That you actually have
Have just limited time

That time is unmerciful and ruthless
That time slowly but surely
Takes its toll
The toll that it thinks is right

You feel it more and more
The older you get - more and more
Indeed it is the way of nature
Clearly it is the nature's right

Just like in the closed circle
In the closed circle of life
Where everything has its beginning
And everything has its end

'Cause don't you be naive
Don't think that time will forget you
That you could hide from time

Although you will still live on
You will always remember
Through your deeds
Through your poems
Through your songs
Through all the pictures of your life
That have been stored on the other side
On the other side of the mirror
On the other side of time
In your huge rollerdex of life
On the other side of the mirror
On the other side of your own passed time

©® Joanna Svensson

© Private picture Joanna Svensson
Back in the Farm . . .

by NhülyaYILMAZ


Back in the Farm . . .

as my beloved would say
to make heavy matters
not weigh me down
but we both know it too well
this sickness has its way
to stay deep in our psyche
because the white man
knows not to let it be
the urge to root for slavery
is etched in his DNA
history repeats itself indeed
his barbarism, his most addictive weed
as i write down these words in despair
i am filled with paralyzing thoughts
as i am acutely aware
this disease does not yield itself
to be an easy repair

(c) hülya n. yılmaz, 11.20.2019

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

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