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Thursday, November 25, 2021


STOP violence against women

By: Slavka Bozovic


Oh, how my soul hurts

when I see a woman as a wounded bird

must she be condemned to an eternal tear

if out of love she became attached to a selfish bum.

I'm sure she loved him very much

and gave him everything she had in life

served him, bore him children

And he is harassing her, like the last idiot.

I feel her tears and sadness unspoken,

as if a scalpel were cutting a part of my heart

as I watch her oppressed and tortured

my words fly to the heavenly messengers.

And I pray to the Creator and the apostles

from hell to deliver her, with their powers

to resurrect her tired body

and the wounded wings strengthened to fly freely.

I am an opponent of bruises from all forms of violence

I wonder, is there justice in this world?

To keep the abuser away from children and women

because he is not a friend to her or the child.

Violence leaves catastrophic consequences

destroys society and the survival of humanity.

Say STOP to violence against women

for without a woman there is neither love nor offspring.

By: Slavka Bozovic

Country: Montenegro

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