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Friday, September 6, 2019

Joanna Svensson

By a street of cobble stone in Helsingör
On a lovely Sunday morning
I met in a courtyard
A man I knew before

He reached out his hand
In which he held a notebook
-I have something for thou!
He smiled with his eyes half shut

-I just knew we would meet someday
I've chosen you for a journey over time
For a journey where time has no days

Therefor thou I visited in thyne dreams
And sometimes guided thou
For I saw thou had feeling
Thou could sense the balance
Between high and low
Between the beautiful and the sad
Where words are filled with emotions

Sometimes they are beautiful
Sometimes they are sad
Because time is unlimited
Using the power of words

-Here is my book!
He reached out his hand
-And what is your name?
I bashfully asked

-William, dear madame!
He replied with a bow
He lifted his hat
And then turned around
Disappeared in the courtyard
Where he once did come from

On a sunny Sunday morning in Helsingör
By a street of cobblestone
Almost anything can happen
If you just let it

Just allow
Your fantasy
To break free
For just a moment...

©® Joanna Svensson
© Private picture Joanna Svensson

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