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Friday, December 6, 2024

 A: Mary Espinosa..

Este mensaje de amor a la amistad que nos une ..

Es nuestro encuentro Mary, tú poetisa y yo sin serlo..en mi solo los "Versos Sencillos" de José Martí..

Pero...que olvido el fijamos el lugar pregunto.. cómo llegar a que cultiva ese género literario de incalculable que deslumbra con sus sentimientos, emociones, ideas, que en una amalgama de  matices, trasmite en sus poemas, en sus escritos?..

Dices que..."arte eres"..

que "de todas partes vienes y hacia todas partes vas"...entonces, en qué lugar estás?... Será en ese "monte de espumas" o en la "sierra cuando vuela una paloma"?.. quizás.. en el "bosque cuando rompe en él el sol" o es en aquel "templo, en la montaña"?...

Por qué no, junto a ese pavo real con su "abanico de plumas"?..

Quién sabe si lo haces con aquel "canario amarillo que tiene el ojo tan negro"..o quieres ver.. "salir de los escombros volando las mariposas?...

Estarás contemplando "el águila herida volar al azul sereno"?...

Y si te busco entre las "yerbas y flores de tantos nombres extraños"?...en la "violeta que se deshoja en el té" o en esos "ramos de lirios"?..tal vez en el "jazmín" que deleita con su perfume..o en las "campanillas donde vuelan las abejas?...

Será debajo de aquel árbol con el que adornas tu cabeza con una "corona de laurel"?..

Soy el "verso" me repites.. si eres el verso estás allí..en "el sol de dónde vienes"..y en el "silencio profundo que murmura el arroyo manso"...

Mary, cómo no lo adiviné antes?..este encuentro es allí en nuestra tierra...donde "El Cucalambé" le cantó a su en ese Cornito, con la melodía de sus bambú en su movimiento dónde "crece la palma", que majestuosa busca el sol ardiente...

Es la tierra de Vicente García, con su llamado.."quemada antes que esclava"..que la inmortalizó..

Es en esa tierra tunera donde "todo es hermoso y constante".."todo es música y razón"...

Es ahí Mary... nuestra que te vió nacer..

Es Las Tunas, la amada ciudad que abre el  Oriente, como su  balcó ese pueblo tunero que te espera... Todos quieren ver y aplaudir a..


Nelva Rosario

Fundadora y alma 

Preuniversitario “Luis Urquiza Jorge”

Las Tunas, Cuba.

Tamikio L. Dooley

 About the Author 

Tamikio L. Dooley is a multi award-winning author. She is the author of 150 titles and 100 published books. The author writes fiction and nonfiction of crime, thriller, mystery, fantasy, historical, western, romance, zombie apocalypse, and paranormal. In her spare time, she writes short stories, poetry, articles, essays, health books, children’s books, diaries, journals, inspiring books, culture, African American, and history books. 

She is the founder and publisher of CreatiVIngenuitiy Magazine, InSight Magazine the President and Founder of The Pinnacle News Review-Digital Newspaper, the founder of Coffee Talk Poetry, the editor of Friendship of People Magazine, part of the Editorial Board of Orfeu Magazine, associate editor and publisher of The Pencraft Magazine, and chief editor of Sauvarna Magazine.

Tamikio is the President and Founder of Humanist of the World Organization, the president and founder of Empowering Education Skills and Programs Organization, the Ambassador for the USA, and press secretary of The International Literary Association Creative Tribune ILACT/MLATT, the Director of the Cultural and Artistic Field of the International Forum for Creativity Humanity Kingdom of Morocco, a coordinator and curator for the Writers Capital International Foundation, and the Internal Affairs Secretary for the World Wide Writers Association. 

 Tamikio is featured in Humanity Magazine, CreatiVIngenuitiy Magazine, Kidliomag, Friendship of People Magazine, The Daily Global Nation Newspaper, Connections E-Magazine, The World of Myth Magazine, Orfeu Magazine, along with other magazines and newspapers.

She has received awards and certificates for her works published in Bard’s Day Key Anthology, People’s Poetry Parliament, Antologia (a anthology published in Italian), and Multinational Pen Soldiers Poetry Anthology.  

Tamikio L. Dooley is an artist and a multi-award-winning author. She creates acrylic, colored-pencil, oil, sketch, and watercolor artwork. Her piece of acrylic artwork called Autumn is featured in Evolucionarts “Fire” Exhibition in September 2024, and her acrylic paintings called Birds of the Seas, and Blue Coast, are featured in Evolucionarts “Water” Exhibition in November 2024. She is also an Exhibition Curator for Evolucionarts Arts International Fine Arts Exhibition. Tamikio is a Coordinator Curator for the Writers Capital International Foundation. Three of her art pieces are featured in the Panorama International Literature Festival 2025. She is the author of Rhythm of Art 2024, Artistic Vision Magazine 2024, and Colorful World Korean Artist Magazine 2024.

Recognition Awards & Certificates 

-An honorable recognition as the best crime author in September 2016, 

- National Poetry Stage Bangladesh Award 2023,

-Certificate for Hyperpoem Book (a poetry book publishing 1700 poets) 2023, 

- “Zheng Nian Cup” National Literature (second place prize) 2023, 

-Virtual International Artist Gallery Certificate (2023), 

- Best Leadership Award, Best Poetry Collection Award 2023, 

-People’s Poetry Parliament Literature Certificate 2023, 

-Certificate of Appreciate Memorial of V.M. Terehov 2023 (Russia Nizhny Novgord), 

-The World Literary Award 2022, 

-Samantarel Certificate 2024, 

-Orfeu Gratitude Certificate 2023, 

-CPS Gallery Virtual Exhibition “Rain and Snow” Poem Certificate excellent work 2023, 

-Won her first crystal trophy award in the crime category (2016), 

-Honorary Doctorate Friendship of People Magazine Award, 2024, 

-Humanist Certificates Friendship of People Magazine, 2024, 

-Nominee for International Awards by Dimitris P. Kraniotis - Awarded the Ink Your Words Magazine for Culture and Literature Award 2024 (International Awards),

-Nominated for African Peace Ambassador Award by Olga  

Levadnaya-Awarded the African Peace Ambassador Award 2024, 

-Humanitarian Ambassador Nidal International Journal of Culture and Literature Certificate-Dr. Aoun Al-Buhaisi, 2024, 

-Ambassador of the Pen Certificate-Dr. Aoun Al-Buhaisi, 2024, 

-World Poets Poetry Collection Certificate, 2024, 

-Gold Peace Medal Award issued by Adullghani Yahya Al-ebarah: Nominated for the Nobel Prize Leader of the International Campaign to Defend Peace, 2024, and the World Day for International Justice Certificate, 2024, 

-International Youth Day Empowering the Future Certificate issued by Adullghani Yahya Al-ebarah 2024, 

-International Friendship Day certificate issued by Adullghani Yahya Al-ebarah 2024, 

-International Day Against Nuclear Test 2024, 

-International literary Association “Creative Tribune” the Ambassador, and press secretary certificate 2024, 

-Civilians Certificate issued by Adullghani Yahya Al-ebarah 2024,

International Charity Day Certificate issued by Adullghani Yahya Al-ebarah 2024, 

-“World Poetry Yearbook 2024”-Published,

Dooley's Books

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...