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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

By William s Peters sr


The Castle

Break a window in your castle and look to the poor ~ Hannah Michael Salameh Numan

Open the door
And invite in he
Who is less fortunate

Open your heart
And empty your cupboard
And feed the hungry

Bend a knee
Extend a hand
And lift up thine brother
For he was borne
Of the same womb
As thyself

In your darkened closet
You have stored many riches
And you have hidden the key away...
From even thine self

To what cause dear one ?

Shall you horde and
Entreat your God
With  the same gifts and favor
He has given unto You? ....

Gifts are for giving

How shall you be blessed
If you are not open to receive
The bounty?

You were anointed
In the Temple of life
And you cast off your humility
To occupy a castle on high

You go not out of your door,
Day nor night
Nor do you open your window
To peer out beyond
Your own world,
That made of finite imaginings

Will the things you have gathered
Give unto you
Eternal peace,
Or anguish yet to be borne ?

I say give, give,
Until the closet is empty,
Dust the shelves
Of your avarice clean
And then thy Creator
Will come to visit
That purified heart
And grace you with mercies abundant

So my brother, my sister,
Break a window in your castle,
And look out upon the poor
And see who has need,
And commence to feed them
From your storehouse of plenty.

The Castle.

inspired by my friend ...
Hanna Michael Salameh Numan

(c) 15 october 2017 : william s. peters, sr.
At any time  by Hasmukh Mehta
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
6:57 A

I am an early riser
and the day starts with the prayer
I ask an apology from an almighty
if ever anything bad is done to anybody

we owe an allegiance
to the creator of this beautiful universe
and bow down our head for existence
and granting peace

before going to bed
the same prayer is led
and an apology is asked for have done wrong, if any
sing a prayer song in His praise
and seek peaceful sleep

let us not forget
the life must be let
in the services of poor and downtrodden
who are deprived of a decent life even

life shall be over
at any given time forever
so keep fear with good faith
that our final destiny glorious death

so emerge like a beautiful flower
and spread the fragrance later
with the ultimate aim to serve humanity
and prove as a nobleman to an almighty

Dr. Jadia Hasmukh
Courtesy: Dr. Aziz Mountassir

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