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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Luminous Tentacles 1 Ezhil Vendhan

Poem original English by Ezhil Vendhan
Translation to Arabic
by Aziz Mountassir


لحظات الأوزون
طهارة النفس
سحق للظلام
مع أقدام لطيفة
رطبة مع قطرات الندى
جوهر العطور
ليلة تفوح على طول
أنت تنبت في الأفق.
أحب الفجر
أكثر من أي لحظة
شفق وشروق
 وغروب الشمس يوم
 لحظات صغيرة
من الزمن
 أشعر بحلاوة
من الهدوء
لحظات جميلة
تحضر كل يوم
لنقوم  من السرير القاتل
إلى الحياة والأمل


Ozone moments
purifying the breath.
Crushing the darkness
at a stretch
with gentle feet
wet with dew drops.
Essence of fragrances
smelt night along
you germinate at the horizon.
I love you dawn
more than any moments
the twilight, sunrise,
day and sunset.
Every little moment
of time I feel
but sweet moments
of calm and cool.
The lovely moments
you bring daily
resurrection from deadly bed
ushering the day of
life and hope.

الشاعر رمزي الناصر
صمت يغازل
 نسيم الصباح
 ليكتحل  الندى
من بيسم جنونه
ذكريات الآه
 تبحث عن
صوت الأمنيات
وصدى عبورها
ضيعت طريقها
سدال شوقها
 حنين يمتشق
 الغوص في أعماقها
رحيل يناغي رحيلا وعبث الخيبة
 يراودها أنين قاتم
قهوة مغمسة وكوب ركن جانبا
وبعض قصاصات سكبت على حبر الزمن
تتخطفها حروف راقصة
خذ ماتبقى
 من ألم
فأنا نقشت
 الصمت على جدار الذكريات

رمزي الناصر

رشا - 14 - 8 - 2019 Racha Abdel#
(  الشاعرة رشيدة عبدالمومني )
جميع الحقوق محفوظة
 لتغيب ...
ما زالت غيماتك
تعانق الأثير
فتتفتح بتلااات الياسمين
في مهب الشمس
تقووول لي الكثير ...
لن تغيب ما دمت تراود
الوقت عن نفسه
في بحر من حب
رذاااذ موجه
على وجه اللقاااااء ...
بسمه منك
في لقطه مع
تمنح الشمس
آخر للصبااااح ...
كيف أكتبك
كيف أقرأك
وأغفو فوق الورق ...
ربما احتضنك سمااااء
وأدعوك سحاااب
وفي كل
مطرا من قبلاااات
تعيد لي الحيااااه ...

رشا - 14 - 8 - 2019 Racha Abdel#
(  الشاعرة رشيدة عبدالمومني )
جميع الحقوق محفوظة
Oak not
William S. Peters,sr.
I am not an Oak
That yields acorns
For the squirrels to squander
And saplings to grow
Beneath my shadow

I am not an Oak
Who is broken
By the strong winds
Of adversity

I am a Willow,
I am giving,
I am pliable
And I am beautiful

My life and that
Of the generations to come
Is firmly embedded
In my DNA

I have seed, yes,
I have roots, yes
I have many ways
To reproduce
That my genus
Will survive

It is in my DNA

You may uproot me,
But I have already infected
The garden
With my gentle ways

I sing in the wind
Gently rustling,
Delicately whispering
Of the ways of giving

Can you hear me weeping?

I spread my limbs
And give respite
To all who have need,
Or shelter from
The weary ways of life

I am not an Oak,
No, I have learned this,
That the way of my ancestors
Is survival,
And that shall I do ...
I am a Willow

Oak not

(c) 13 august 2019 : william s. peters, sr.
A Love Like None Other
Jackie Allen

Ah, the gaiety that must have overtaken
Those ladies
As they assembled the fabrics,
Recounting family stories told
From the nimbleness of their fingers,
A diary of their ages,
A treasure of a quilt began to grow,
So too the creativity
Of precious silken threads,
Painting needled pictures.

The treasured old bed, slept in,
Bumped up against, scarred,
A symbol of the hand tools used
Silent, now,  like the man
So, too, the walnut tree
From which it was carved.
Fashioned with necessity
And shaped with great love,
The rope twisted and turned,
Much like a reflection of life itself.

At the hands of a mother, and aunt
Or a grandmother, the fabric
Once masqueraded as garments,
Shirts, dresses, and more.
Now, aged, faded and worn,
The quilt, is still a thing of beauty.
Life continued, as did the months,
The years, the past finding itself
In the present, transformed 
Becoming more mature.

The strong frame of the bed,
Like the frame of their marriage
A criss cross of a map, a mat
Filled with down, their wedding bed,
The pallet upon which they only
Were aware of each other
And of their pent up lust.
Now only the bed and its cover remain
A treasure like their love,a love like none other. 

Jackie Allen
13 Aug 2013

Photo Credit:  by Jackie Allen

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