Hearty thanks dear editor Manik Chakr
Ada Rizzo
In the Silence of the World
I open my eyes
peace is still locked away in the drawer of dreams
It dwells in the inner universe of each one,
a heavy cocoon, it cannot become a butterfly,
it struggles to fly beyond words and futile wars
It wishes to rest between the eyelashes of a child to lull him into serene sleep
It longs to transform every mortar blast
into a symphony of life
that resonates in the silence of our souls
Long is the journey of peace,
fraught with pitfalls,
walls to break down,
bridges of courage to build,
to traverse together, step by step.
Let each of us become the creator of a work of art,
a delicate fabric in which the warp and weft are intertwined threads of hope and dreams.
In this dark, impoverished world,
may peace be light for our hopes,
an invitation to see diversity
not as a threat but as an opportunity.
In the silence of the world, the call for peace resonates every day: let us listen to it!
2024 Ada Rizzo - All rights reserved