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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

About the Author  Tamikio L Dooley 

 Tamikio L. Dooley is a multi award-winning author. She is the author of 150 titles and 90 published books. The author writes fiction and nonfiction of crime, thriller, mystery, fantasy, historical, western, romance, zombie apocalypse, and paranormal. In her spare time, she writes short stories, poetry, articles, essays, health books, children books, diaries, journals, inspiring books, culture, African American, and history books.

She is the founder and publisher of CreatiVIngenuitiy Magazine, the Editor of Friendship of People Magazine, and the Ambassador of The Daily Global Nation Newspaper. Tamikio is the President and Founder of Tamikio Dooley Writers Coach Organization, the President of Empowering Education Skills and Programs, the President of Alliance for Culture and Artistic Heritage, Peace and Resilience (ACAHPR), the Ambassador, Honorary President, Chairman, and Advisor of (IFCH) International Forum for Creativity and Humanity Kingdom of Morocco, an English Trainer and Writer Skills Communication Specialist for Employability at EngLang Skills Training Academy (ELSTA) Organization. Tamikio is also the International Affairs Secretary of the World Wide Writers Association.

Tamikio is featured in Humanity Magazine, CreatiVIngenuitiy Magazine, Kidliomag, Friendship of People Magazine, The Daily Global Nation Newspaper, Connections E-Magazine, along with other magazines and newspapers.

She has received awards and certificates for her works published in Bard’s Day Key Anthology, People’s Poetry Parliament, and Multinational Pen Soldiers Poetry Anthology.  

Recognition Awards & Certificates

-An honorable recognition as the best crime author in September 2016,

- National Poetry Stage Bangladesh Award 2023,

- Higher Honorary Award 2023,

-Certificate for Hyperpoem Book (a poetry book publishing 1700 poets) 2023,

- “Zheng Nian Cup” National Literature (second place prize) 2023,

-Virtual International Artist Gallery Certificate (2023),

- Best Leadership Award, Best Poetry Collection Award 2023,

-People’s Poetry Parliament Literature Certificate 2023,

-Certificate of Appreciate Memorial of V.M. Terehov 2023 (Russia Nizhny Novgord),

-The World Literary Award 2022,

-Won her first crystal trophy award in the crime category (2016), along with other awards and certificates.



Iríabel lazo Alvarado

Derechos Reservados

Costa Rica Tilarán


Se desnuda la noche en extraños espejos 

cunde la lepra y vuela en la estación,

se profana la fuente y el epitafio mastica 

la mirada en la absorta pestaña, 

dónde el alabastro seca el aliento 

y la hiel late en espumas.  

El ciclón atropella la rama y se fragmenta el olvido en la uña longeva 

y se aferra en el encendido cáliz de lágrimas. 

Se abre el círculo en las constelaciones 

y el esqueleto se desparrama en la raíz de estertores añejos  

se descuelga los callejones en el decrepito aullido  

dónde se mofa la esfera.

Se infla el delirio en la ceguera rota 

y se enrosca la putrefacta moneda en la apetencia del más querer. 

La inocencia adormece la pétrea alfombra 

se marchitan los dientes en la mesa seca  

dónde las sillas caminan de puntillas  

y el esqueleto alumbra sin aire.  

El saltamontes muerde la seda y la palmera frota la nube, 

afloran grises sus máscaras se esconden 

y se esconden en blancos pellejos con olor a gloria 

se juntan las hienas y preparan el festín 

y la herrumbre corta ennegrece sus sienes 

y las trampas agazapadas miden al humilde, negando sus caminos de luz.

La fiera mira de lejos, entra al aposento, 

huele la fama sin cuestionar 

se abrazan y lamen la envidia, su arribismo. 

Llegar a la cima pudre el tórax donde las arterias huelen a azufre 

se confabulan, se carcajean en su infernal veneno. 

La humanidad ha cerrado su garganta; el arribismo no manchará la paz.


Iríabel lazo Alvarado

Derechos Reservados

Costa Rica Tilarán

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