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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Title: World needs us- I.F.C.H.
Author: Hasmukh Mehta
IFCH Ambassador for Creativity- India
Saturday, May 2, 2020
5:30 AM

From heart of the heart
for the blossom of humanity art
we take part 
in welcoming the stalwarts   for the bright start 

world needs us more
to explore in 
many fields and especially in literature
our contribution should be that of rising star 

let us pick up new leaf 
and provide relief
to all those who need words of solace
and smile on the deserted face

we have commitment
and shall present
the blue print for world tomorrow
and allow the sentiments to grow

it is regional aspirations well tuned with 
international field and serve both
the ends of humanity and creativity 
and here we come in picture globally 

let us put whole heart and soul
to call upon all our ambassadors 
to live with honor
and keep our doors open

Hasmukh Mehta

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