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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

المغرب عشقنا الابدي
  بقلم شاعر المملكة   الدخيسي الشرقي


- نعمة محسود عليها.                   بلدك المغرب يا غافل
- حب وعشق ترابها.                     أرض أجدادك من الأول
- لا تفكر في غيرها.                      هي شرف لكل ذي أصل
- من يستغني عن جمالها               هي الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل
- بالروح والجسد نفذيها.               وبكل ما نملك تستاهل
- مغربنا يا منارة في السماء.          دليل العشق لكل زائريها
- خضرة وجبال وصحراء.             والكرم جود أهاليها
- يا مهد العلم والعلماء                   يا فاس عزك القرويين وبانيها
- وطنجة العالية والميناء.             عروسة الشمال بسحرها
- وتطوان الحمامة البيضاء.          رمز السلام بإنسانية ساكنيها
               - مغربنا ذاك التاج الذي يعلو الرؤوس
               - بعين الله محروس محروس محروس
              - فيه ملك لا يعرف للنوم لذة ولا راحة في الجلوس
             - إنه سيدي محمد السادس المنصور بالله
              العشق المحسوس الملموس
            - أبقاه الله سندا للفقراء والمساكين
            - ودام له العز والنصر والسؤدد والتمكين
            - واستمر عرش الأسرة العلوية على مر السنين
            - بتوفيق وعون المولى المعين

- عاش الملك  عاش الملك عاش الملك
- تحت شعارنا الخالد : الله الوطن الملك
- الله يبارك في عمر سيدي
By William s Peters sr
Only 8 Days Left . . .


Dear Friends,
We would like to take the time to thank all the poets who have contributed thus far to The Heart of a Poet anthology.
For those who have not yet contributed but wish to participate, please keep in mind that the submission deadline is fast approaching. We look forward to reading your poetic thoughts on the subject 'The Heart of a Poet'.

Submission Guidelines:
1 poem
(The poem should be about hope for the future)
Picture of the poet
(High resolution JPG)
(100 words or less)

The poem and bio must be on one Word document with bio first, followed by poem, attached to email.
Picture should be attached separately to email.


hülya n. yılmaz, Ph.D.
Director of Editing Services

The Heart of a Poet
2020 Anthology

Contributors – In the order of their submission dates
(As of June 22th, 2020)

Roy Austin
Eliza Segiet
Sridevi Selvaraj
Rickey K. Hood
Gopal Lahiri
Rubab Abdullah
Rosemarie Wilson
Denis Popov
Bhagya Senaratne
Mark Andrew Heathcote
June Barefield
Shernaz Wadia
Ayo Ayoola-Amale
Pentecost Mate
Jyotirmaya Thakur
Brenda Mohammed
Faleeha Hassan
Iwu Jeff
Tali Cohen Shabtai
Anwer Ghani
Florin Ciocea
Debbi Brody
Setaluri Padmavathi
Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Santosh Bakaya
B. S. Tyagi
Rahim Karim
Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana
Sujata Dash
Thryaksha A. Garla
Khalid Imam
Suma K. Gopal
Menduh Leka
Pushmaotee Subrun
Ranjana Sharan Sinha
Hema Ravi
Louise Hudon
Sameer Goel (photo pending)
Somasuntharampillai Pathmanathan
Zinia Mitra
Kwame MA McPherson
T. Sree Latha
Akshaya Kumar Das
Rita Stanzione
Avijit Roy
Sahaj Sabharwal
Dilip Mohapatra
Bhisma Upreti
Otteri Selvakumar
Jodel E. Agbayani
Shareef Abdur-Rasheed
Lilla Latus
Umasree Raghunath
Varsha Das
Akash Sagar Chouhan
Hayim Abramson
Tom Higgins
Warda Zerguine
Maria do Sameiro Barroso
Aziz Mountassir
Elizabeth Kurian
Hussein Habasch
Nguyen Chau Ngoc Doan Chinh
Neelam Saxena Chandra
Ashok Bhargava
Avril Meallem
Kamar Sultana Sheik
Sujan Bhattacharyya
Aditi Roy
Gino Leineweber
Zaldy Carreon De Leon, Jr.
Aneek Chatterjee
Shruti Goswami
Chijioke Ogbuike
Lucky Stephen Onyah
Izza Fartmis
Mamu Roshid
Kamala Wijeratne
Kapardeli Eftichia
Olfa Philo Drid
Orbindu Ganga
Basab Mondal
Phuntsho Wangchuk
Divya Sinha
Anuradha Bhattacharyya
Sunil Sharma
Tzemin Ition Tsai
S. Sundar Rajan
Jyoti Kanetkar
Kamani Jayasekera
Kimberly Burnham
Ibrahim Honjo
Alicia Minjarez Ramirez
Monsif Beroual
Tyran Prizren Spahiu
Iram Fatima
Shubha Khandekar
K. Pankajam
Gita Bharath
Annapurna Sharma A.
Sumita Dutta Shoam
Ndaba Sibanda
Gobinda Biswas
Yuan Changming
Welkin Siskin
Ashrit Mohapatra
Luzviminda Rivera
Nutan Sarawagi
K. Radhakrishnan
Smruti Ranjan Mohanty
Vidya Shankar
Sudarsan Sahu
John Eliot
Alicja Maria Kuberska
Fahredin Shehu
Preety Sengupta
Claudia Piccinno
Maryam Abbasi
Andrew Scott
Paramita Mukherjee Mullick
Eden Soriano Trinidad
Anna Nicole D. Velez
Awatef El Idrissi Boukhris

By Joanna Svensson



It's easy to feel lost
When darkness falls in your mind
When despair chokes common sense

But you must never stagger
Never question your belief
Even when it seems hopeless
When the new dawn
Shows its red-eyed face
And you feel left behind
Left to your own fate

So you should make halt
And begin to contemplate
Where we are headed and
Why we are here
If you haven't learned nothing
About how vulnerable we all are
Then you can not change the world
And say that it is God's fault
Can not blame someone else
To put yourself in a better light

Heaven is open for your soul
But not for your greed
Because the greed will suffocate your senses
It will blindfold your truthful eyes

And pretend that all is as usual
As usuam? How? Like before?
In that case I ask: in what way?

In the beginning
The meadows of green
The oceans of ultra marine
The air was clean to breathe
The water was fresh to drink

In the beginning
The pantry of the forest
Was filled with all ingrediens
Had lots for every need

The Lord makes no difference
No matter what you own or not
He sees your honest heart
Your true appreciation
Your humility for your

He sees your pure soul
Not your facial make-up
If you're true to your heart
The door is always open!

Swenstorp, Sweden

©® Joanna Svensson
© Private picture

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...