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Thursday, January 9, 2025

 Nombres y Apellidos: Rosita Blanca Piñero

País : Venezuela

Segunda Opción : poesía por la Vida.


¡Mamá! Yo fuí ese fruto bendito

de tu entrega, al gran amor

quizás no estaba en tus planes

pero fueron designios de Dios.

Amaba tus benditas entrañas

que me darían la vida

y a tus manos inocentes

con amor me cuidarian.

Yo en tu vientre muy contento

en unos meses nacería

pensaba que en tu vida

era motivo de alegría.

Como un pececito en el agua

navegaba yo en tu vientre

no podía imaginar

lo que planeaba tu mente.

Naufragué en el bergantín

en un océano de maldad

yo pude haber sido tu hijo

más no de tu propiedad.

Decidiste por mi vida

en un acto de cobardía

pusiste fin a mi existencia

destruyendo mi morfología.

No sabrás cuánto luché

defendiendo mi cuerpito

de aquel enemigo sin tregua

que destruía mis bracitos.

Seguía aferrado a la vida

escondido en los rinconcitos

no pude protejer mi cabeza

pues ya no tenía manitos.

Y con llanto desesperado

me sentí desfallecer

entendí que yo era el hijo

que nunca debía nacer.

Fecha : 5/01/2025.

©Todos los derechos reservados

Rosita Piñero.

Caracas, Venezuela

 This is Love 

Work : Edy Samudra Kertagama 

Don't remember that hug, when we were in the rain. because he had long buried his dreams in a barren desert that no longer bloomed. 

You can just count how many stars there are when the sky is dark just to remember if we ever walk along the road to look for a place where we will later sow seeds there. 

In the past, I once picked a flower for a dowry in a hundred love poems, even though I thought it was too romantic and vain. 

Oh, is this love when wisdom is always questioned then it becomes a dream, while I have been so secretly in love with you, when the light has long gone, then sleep falls into silence. 

Lampung-Indonesia, 2025

Barbara Di Sacco

 Messaggi murali

I muretti sugli attracchi

dei natanti incrostati

custodiscono verniciati messaggi naif

lungo viali cittadini

dove alberi smilzi mimano primavere

Soli custodi di notti abbandonate

e sigarette spente, tagliano strade

con strisce zebrate e umidità 

Sorge il giorno

asciugando le lacrime ferruginose

che odorano di sangue

nei risvegliati lamenti

di viabilità 

Le piazze spengono i lampioni dagli occhi

e l' ululato della solitudine

accende la sirena di una pattuglia

Miagola la città stropicciandosi di risveglio 

un po' appannata la luce

raggrinzita come la camicia 

di un tassista che ha corso la notte

Graffiti lunghi come film

aprono  grigiore e scarso entusiasmo

mentre un palombaro

saldato al muro

risale il proprio spazio

                             🦋 Barbara Di Sacco ©️ 2025

 Barbara Di Sacco


Ci sono giorni in cui

il mare è troppo piatto 

assente è il vento

non trovi la dimensione 

non stai

non sei

Niente corrente, elettricità

Aria è patina

il caos, silenzio 

La mia farfalla, ferma

chissà su quale fiore, lontano

La mia pelle, nata nera

come l' anima

cuore di cuoio essiccato

non suona


lucciole non han danzato

Seduta nel deserto di mercurio

osservo la stella polare

non è un pastore

non indica verdi pascoli

Una povera mucca

d' arida carne, sfinita, dinanzi

Vorrei saltare

con l' altezza di un Masai

per toccare le stelle 

E te, luna...

Taci, riposi ..

E mia madre non può cantare

                               🦋 Barbara Di Sacco ©️ 2023

Its Christmas Every Time


Its Christmas Every Time


It’s Christmas every time,

An embrace opens up,

From the rigid shell of the Earth,

To reject wars.

It’s the kindness that gently wraps around you,

Like a ray of sunshine resting upon the heart.


Its Christmas every time you,

Choose to extend a hand,

To dissolve hatred,

To make a smile bloom,


Its Christmas every time you,

Listen to the other,

Understand their suffering,

Sing their melody when they have lost their words, their emotions,

Share in their regained joy.


Its Christmas every time you,

Reject indifference,

And move forward determined to change your existence.

Even in the midst of hatred, of war,

Your essence becomes presence,

It’s an act of love,

Hope, a prelude to peace,

The true Christmas,

Is in the humanity that moves forward, that loves, that welcomes,

It’s the light of a starlit night

That illuminates the path.



Ada Rizzo was born in Sicily in 1960.

 Her life isbuilt on solid roots and traditional values. Optimistic, cheerful, curious, and creative, she is interested in art and psychology. She loves to cook and adores music. After a thirty-year career at IBM Italy, she decided to reinvent herself. For several years now, she has been a Life Counselor with a humanistic-relational approach and a Facilitator in Mindfulness.

In 2021, she published her first novel with a strong autobiographical tone titled “Volevoiltaccododici?” which received an honorary mention at the intercontinental literary award “Le Nove Muse.”

She wrote the introduction to the poetry collection “Il Rumoredell’acqua” by Italian poet Andrea Ruiu.

In 2022, she published her second novel “Iris Ali di Vetro,” which addresses the delicate topic of eating disorders (ED).

In 2023, she published her third novel “Novantabattiti al minuto”, a true story that tackles the sensitive issue of heart transplantation, for which she received the Jury Prize at the International Literary Art Award Cygnus Aureus 2024.

In 2024, she published "VentiquattroCarati," which addresses the theme of gender-based violence. This work received awards at the “Premio Internazionale di Arte Letteraria La Via dei Libri,” “Concorso Letterario Internazionale Lord Byron 2024,” “Premio Internazionale di Arte Letteraria Il Canto di Dafne 2024,” and “Concorso Letterario Argentario 2024 & Caravaggio VIII Edition.”

In 2024, she also published the fairy tale “Zoè e ilpalloncinoarancio,” which is inspired by an episode from the Author's life.

For the social themes addressed in her books, the author has received several recognitions, including the “Premio Internazionale per la Pace e la Difesa dei Diritti Umani Italia 2023,” the “Premio al Merito Civico per la Solidarietà e l'Inclusione delle Persone con Disabilità 2023,” the “Premio di Solidarietà per l'Arte e l'Impegno Civico 2024,” and the “Reconocimiento Internacional Mujer Destacada 2024” for her dedication to art, culture, peace, and social justice worldwide.

In 2024, she participated in an international cultural project for peace and the defense of human rights, which led to the anthology “Art without Borders,” a poetic collection that brings together 36 poets and international artists. Her contribution, "Nelsilenzio del mondo," is part of this anthology. Her poems “Una lucenell’oscurità” and “Donne” which are dedicated to the fight against gender-based violence, have been translated into English, Arabic, Spanish, Bengali, and German, and are included in various international anthologies and literary magazines.

Life has taken her everywhere. Love has brought her back home.

Abeera Mirza

A New Beginning*

There are some closed doors, 

They will stay close and help in opening more. 

If some doors stay close, 

Don't worry it means a new one is chosen. 

New beginnings are about to open,

Just don't stop hoping. 

Bad days will end,

Good days will begin. 

If some doors are getting shut,

They strengthen our gut to wait. 

Each door leads to a new path,

Each path has its own math. 

Life is the part of heavy road,

But it will assist how to take load.

©Abeera Mirza

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...