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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

By Joanna Svensson



In the old enchanted castle
There is an old enchanted mirror
Anyway it feels
Like if there was

When sunset tips around
My little peaceful cottage
Once again I feel
Like standing right in front

And all of a sudden
I sense I am transformed
Into the Lady of the castle
A Lady in another time

The time has totally stopped
The mirror has turned around
Instead of moving forward
The clock is ticking backwards
Instead of moving forward
The time is twirling backwards

Now the time has stopped
It takes a deep breath
-Such a lovely time it is! it says
I think I'll stay a little while!
I want to rest here and now.
If just for a tiny moment

From an illuminated inner room
I hear husky voices speak
In old dialects they are debating
It's voices I know so well

The rythm of the language
Brings my childhood back to me
In its background a brittle cembalo
Is playing childhood melodies

And the fragrances are so intense
Of roses I do remember
From the garden of the castle
Plucked in utmost secret up

I pinch my arm - at once I see
In the reversed mirror of time
I am there - facing the castle mirror
Yes, I am here - but in another time!

                           Swenstorp, Sweden

©® Joanna Svensson
© Private picture Per Josefsson

Te deseo una fe gigante, cuando el miedo te quiera hacer pequeño.

Te deseo una fuerza tremenda, para enfrentar lo que viene.

Te deseo confianza y fe en el poder divino, que es capaz de todo transformar.

Te deseo la mano extendida en el momento adecuado, aquel en lo que más necesites.

Te deseo amparo y acogida, cuando sea de eso que tu corazón necesita.

Te deseo paciencia, para esperar el tiempo necesario, para que lo mejor llegue.

Te deseo la compañía perfecta, cuando la soledad se acerque.

Te deseo energías del bien, conspirando a favor de tus sueños.

Te deseo una luz bonita, calentando tu corazón siempre.

Te deseo amor, te deseo paz...

 ❤ 🌲❤🌲❤🌲❤ Un abrazo con cariño!! Feliz Navidad!! 
Atentamente Luis Arnaldo Camejo Rojas

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

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