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Saturday, July 11, 2020

By Lily Swarn



Green ,the colour exploding on the moss clinging to the damp castle wall
Green , the lush grape leaves clustering protectively around the pale  bunches
Green , the shade of the chiffon saree I wore when we first met
Draped elegantly in loving folds
Green, the slimy frog winking owlishly at the edge of the slushy pond
Green, the pale lime tendril uncurling coyly beneath the ewes
Green , the envious colour that spread like an incurable disease
Green, the glass bangles that tinkled in my girlish wrists
Green , the jade of your smoky eyes on a tempestuous night
Green , the emerald gleaming on your throat in Royal repose
Green ,the guava I stole after climbing the neighbour's wall
Green, the thick carpet grass we lolled around on
munching on samosas with chutney
Green, the canopy of the peepul tree in the Sukhna lake in my city
Green, the pretty leaves cocooning the corn on the cob as raindrops pattered on our youthful heads
Green, the heart of monsoons in the North of India
Copyright Lily Swarn 8.7.2017

By Elena Marin


   And sadness grips me
   I'm trying to resign myself
   And to find myself, in my soul
   peace and gentleness.

   I ask myself a lot of questions
   That I don't know what's going on
   And who punished us
   If we have, this fate

   And always, I keep thinking
   An answer, to find
   That I would like to wonder
   A little to calm down.

   That you don't know what will be tomorrow
   Whether it will be bad or good
   No matter what happens to you
   The world is upset
  And with a too tense face.

  Life is a question mark
  What each one puts on
  If today, it's fine
  Tomorrow will be the same
  No one can, you know.

  We don't know, let's just run
  We are like robots
  We always stock up
  We barricade ourselves in the house.

  Let's get around the pandemic
  Which destroyed, Romania
  How long will it take
  That spring is passing.

  We can't be happy
  And we can't, admire her
  Who knows, let us know
  Does anyone answer us?

  Let us pray to God
  He just always helps us
  That He loves us too much
  Only sin hates him.

  There are others who think they are dragons
  Turn into gods
  Great plague will come upon them
  Christian pandemic
  I can't help it anymore.

  Be careful how you think
  You will soon be rewarded
  Like Edomites
  Whatever you give, you receive.
By Elena Marin


 Covidule, with your name
 Too bad you did in the world
 I wouldn't hear from you again.

 Go, go wild
 I don't want to know about you
 You came, all of a sudden
 And you changed us, your whole life
 Sad is our fate.

 Who sent you into the world
 He wouldn't have you
 That you came over us
 Like the plow, through the clover.

 You didn't have a little patience
 Covidule, great pity
 Thirsty, was it you?

 To reap, human lives
 Dear ones, miss us
 Covidule, you're greedy
 Go and leave us
 No one, you don't need it.

 You locked us all in the house
 You drained us of life
 You're worse than a plague
 You bring death, not a joke!

 Damn, be cursed
 Not at all relentless
 Many lives, you reaped
 And you're still not tired.

 We can't go out into the world
 That we are afraid of you
 Except with the mask on his face
 When we leave the house.

 Covidule, if I could
 I would lock you up somewhere
 Stop appearing in the world
 And let me not hear from you.

 You're a great decimator
 Just bad maker
 Misleading covidule
 Nobody misses you.

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...