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Monday, February 10, 2020

 للصّمت ضجيج 
لطيفة الأعكل


يَعيبونَ عليّ..
عِشقي للصّمت ،
و هم لايعلمون ..
أنّٓ جموح صهيل الصمت
يُحدِثُ ضجيجاً
في الأعماق ..!
يَكسِرُ أجنحة الرّوح
يَحرقها بحُزمِ الحزن ،
المُشتعلِ بيْنَ الحنايا ،
ويَنثرُ رَمادها فوقَ التّيه
 في البحر ...
يهدمُ روحِ عناكيب الفقد
التي نَسجت أعشاشها
فوق أشجار الكبرياء
يُطفىءُ جوفَ لهيب اللهفة ..

تَعلو ريّاح الـصّـمْـت بداخلي
تنصهرُ لحظة الضجيج
يُختزلُ عمق الجرح
بَين النّبوءة ، و الحلم
بين الشّك ، واليقين
وبين لهفةِ الاشتياق ،
و أنينِ الكبرياء
تختنقُ الدمعة.....

   لطيفة الأعكل  المغرب
Joanna Svensson


Sometimes I just need silence
To hear the voice of my heart
I don't want to see
nor hear nothing else

I just want to feel
My inner feelings
I just want to hear
My inner voice

Feel secure
Between heaven and earth
Feel the earth
Pulsating of life

Life that slowly awakens
Awakens after a long winters cold

Then I feel
In the inner of me
The beginning of a new spring
For spring is the beginning
Of all new life!

When spring comes, I feel
Like the old cherry tree in my garden
The tree that will bloom
With magical clusters of flowers
Never contemplating
Nor considering
Its age

I need silence to remember
To remember who I am
I need to feel that I belong to the Universe
That I am part of the great nature

Nature who's given me security
Nature who's given me love
Nature who's always loved me
Loved me for the one I am

I just want to hear
My inner me
Feel secure
Between heaven and earth

And I need the silence now and then
'Way from the dreadful noise of reality
The turmoil that elbows out
All wonderous words of beauty
That strangles all creative thoughts

So in order to survive
Survive as a human being
In order to survive
Survive as a poet

I sometimes crave the silence
To hear the inner voice
To feel the silent beatings
The beatings of my heart!

Swenstorp - Sweden 10/2/20

©® Joanna Svensson

©® Private picture

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