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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

 /Jasmina Ćirković



Купујеш време, заостало у трену обрисаних сећања,

отвореног надања, зглобних уздања,  перјаница здвајања.

Изаткана су сва провиђења у откосима наших виђења,

у сурогатима упознавања себе у теби, тебе у себи.

Најезда врелина се отргне даху, крем де ла крем дрема у мраку.

Изоштрена су сва чула баш ниједан ветар не кадри да их одува.


Зајапурили су си сви тренови, освежили су се суви дренови,

тек куља сок из суве гране на корак од почетка измицања,

тихо човек стане.

Autor/Jasmina Ćirković/

IK Svet knjige

Između mene i neba

 Critical Appreciation: "Overshadowed by your Absence" by Aziz Mountassir

In the realm of poetry, where words are wielded as emotional daggers, Aziz Mountassir's "Overshadowed by your Absence" stands out as a masterpiece of lyrical expression. This poignant poem delves into the depths of love, longing, and the existential despair that accompanies the absence of the beloved.

The poem's central theme – the overwhelming presence of absence – is expertly woven throughout the narrative. Mountassir's use of imagery and symbolism creates a richly textured landscape, where the reader is invited to immerse themselves in the poet's emotional turmoil. The lines "The city lights of my heart go out in your absence, / Like a moonless sky, lost in darkness" set the tone for a poignant exploration of the human heart, one that is both deeply personal and universally relatable.

One of the most striking aspects of this poem is its use of metaphor. The comparison of the beloved's absence to a "moonless sky" is a masterful stroke of poetic genius, highlighting the desolate and barren landscape of the poet's emotional world. The image of "whisper shadows" and "flowers of my life" that "wilt with your departure" adds to the sense of desolation, underscoring the idea that the beloved's absence has drained the poet's life of its vitality and color.

Mountassir's use of language is characterized by its precision and economy, with each word carefully chosen to convey the nuances of his emotional vision. The poem's structure and form are equally impressive, with a clear and consistent rhythm that underscores the poet's message. The use of enjambment and caesura adds to the poem's sense of flow, mirroring the natural cadence of the human voice.

The poem's exploration of the complexities of love is equally impressive. Mountassir's portrayal of love as a force that is both creative and destructive, life-affirming and soul-crushing, is a nuanced and deeply insightful one. The lines "You wake storms in my veins, / A whirlwind of longing, of burning desire" capture the all-consuming passion of love, while the image of being "carried away by the waves" and finding "peace" in the "wreck" of the beloved's love underscores the idea that love can be both redemptive and annihilating.

In conclusion, "Overshadowed by your Absence" is a masterpiece of poetic expression, one that offers a profound and deeply personal exploration of the human heart. Mountassir's use of metaphor, imagery, and symbolism creates a richly textured landscape, one that invites the reader to immerse themselves in the poet's emotional world. This poem is a testament to the power of poetry to capture the essence of the human experience, and to the skill and sensitivity of its author.

India🇮🇳 Bharat 

Dr Ashok Kumar

International Peace activist 

International mystic poet 

Ambassador of IFCH Morocco Africa 

International Critic

 Dr. Ashok Kumar

Can a Bird Fly on Only One Wing?

In the realm of the skies, where birds take flight,

A question echoes, a wonder in sight.

Can a bird fly on only one wing?

A query that sparks, a debate that clings.

The answer lies, in the laws of the air,

In the principles of lift, and the balance that's fair.

A bird's wings beat, in a harmonious sway,

Creating lift and thrust, to soar through the day.

But on one wing alone, the balance is lost,

The lift and thrust, no longer countercrossed.

The bird would falter, and its flight would cease,

For balance and harmony, are the keys to release.

Yet, in the realm of dreams, where imagination soars,

A bird with one wing, can still fly to great shores.

For in the heart and soul, of every living being,

Lies a strength and resilience, that can make the impossible seeming.

So let us not limit, the possibilities of our mind,

For even on one wing, a bird can still leave its mark in kind.

For it's not the physical form, that determines our flight,

But the strength of our spirit, and the courage that ignites.

Copyright 2025 Dr. Ashok Kumar

All rights reserved.

Baraut, Baghpat, UP, India

  Alicia de la Paz

 Ya casi...

Ya casi termina el día 

todo lleno de sorpresas 

degusté la sinfonía

que nació en mi cabeza.

Esta mente imagina 

nuestra próxima reunión

aunque en mi alma trina 

un himno del corazón.

Tantos versos afloran

por tangible razón:

*ya se acerca la hora

de estar juntos corazón*.

Besos y abrazos percibo

en una calle hermosa 

y ahí, por ti escribo

una melodía preciosa.

Por supuesto que inspirada 

en una historia de amor 

de esas tan afanadas 

dónde estamos tú y yo...

Ya casi...Primero DIOS...

Con amor: 

Alicia de la Paz

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 /Jasmina Ćirković НА КРАЈУ ЧОВЕК   Купујеш време, заостало у трену обрисаних сећања, отвореног надања, зглобних уздања,  перјаница здвајања...