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Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Sweet soft soul struggle a lot 
Powerful pain broken the divine pot 
Ah pain ! cross its limits like infinite sky 
Tears tried to laugh but mind deny 
How mystic soul  forget to love? ; it's divine 
Tears have their own taste , rhythm and rhyme
Lines of fate seems to be sunk in the ocean of cry 
Soft soul desires to fly high in the unknown sky 
Amazing world of poetry and sacrifice 
To live in the hearts of people ; real aim of life 
What I feel compose  it before die 


JULY 21,2020 
The color of milk
By sihem Cherif


I softly heard you whimpering
I instinctively responded  to your  thirst
I  rushed  first
Holding  you with  care
Neared  you  to my chest
I proudly  gave you the breast
you  are white,  I  am   black
you enjoyed my milk
I felt you whining with satisfaction
I never  thought of your color
when I gave  you the breast
Ah, baby! I  just wanted to quench your thirst
Ah, baby! motherhood is such a mission
Motherhood  has  no color
when the bell  of hunger  tolls
And  you need  me
Race  and color are hallow
I deliberately give you the breast
And make from my lap
your  prosperous  nest
@sihem  Cherif  20 /O7  /20 20

picture  credited  to the owner

Škola života


Teški su putevi života
danas se nadamo,da sutra će biti bolje,
u želji da ljubav ne presuši
zorom da grli dobre ljude,
svijetom što je nude....

Radost je ovih dana, što proljeće je u nama
nur možemo vidjeti,priču života čuti...

Priđu nam nekad sjećanja
iz mladosti naše,i dodir prošlih dana,
kad hodali smo drugačije ulicom života..

Sjećam se to nebih tako davno
kad maštali smo o sreći,
ispijajući ljubavi mlijeko,koje nikad neće umrijeti u meni...

A sada čujem glas,i brišem s lica suze
sudbina mi sa mog puta, mnogo toga uze.

Nogama gazim vrijeme,čekajuć da pristigne dobrota
poslije svega u njedrima spava,škola mi života..

Alma Buljubašić

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...