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Thursday, February 6, 2025

 Jasmina Hanjalić,


Završavam kratki odmor u Banji Vrućici. Prvi put boravim slijedeći onu krilaticu „upoznaj svoju domovinu da bi je više volio“. 

Neću o hotelu Kardial, neka ga svako doživi na svoj način. Prilično je pun iako su radni dani početkom februara. Većinom Slovenci, Hrvati, nešto naše dijaspore i sasvim rijetki domaći poput mene. Gosti su parovi srednje i starije životne dobi, penzioneri ili pred kraj radnog vijeka, ali pokretni i prilično zdravi za svoje godine (doktor to odmah primijeti!). Supruge su mahom gojazne, gegaju se zbog istrošenih kukova i koljena, a celulit ih osvaja nemilosrdno. Muževi su nešto vitkiji, skoro svi sa trbuhom poput 6-7 mjeseci trudnoće, prosijedi ili potpuno sijedi, s mnogo bora i kesica na licu. 

Pa šta je neobično u ovoj sceni?

Nedostaju mlade žene i djevojke pored muškaraca potrošene muževne snage koja se može vratiti na koji sat uz pomoć tabletica. Takve viđam na atraktivnim turističkim destinacijama. Materijalno dobro stojeći dedice ponosno se šepure s 30 ili 40 godina mlađim partnericama firmiranim od glave do pete. Biznismeni, pjevači, glumci, univerzitetski profesori i dr., šetaju svijetom držeći za ruke  lijepe i dotjerane, baš kao da su ih zaveli svojim šarmom ili karakterom, a zapravo kupili skupu zabavu. Valjda misle da ne znamo kako staračke godine grizu prostate, koče leđa, škripavo žuljaju zglobove. Da nemaju slavu ili prilične bankovne račune ne bi ih te iste primijetile, pa ni pomogle na pješačkom prelazu. Kao što moj dobar drug fino izgleda i solidnog je zdravlja, ali od penzije jedva sastavlja kraj s krajem. No, rado bi živio s nekom gospođom,   ne voli samoću, ali nema nijedne zainteresovane, čak ni starije od njega!

Ovo je medicinsko – rekreativna ustanova tj. banja. Tačno se zna ko je kakav jer su prema tome dati odgovarajući  tretmani.

Ovdje istina diše!

Jasmina Hanjalić, 

Hotel Kardial, februar 2025.

 Alvarez Ivonne Julia

Llegaste A Mì

No se que tenìas cuando le

mirè por primera vez, insistìas en

tener mi amistad y yo solo querìa

alejarme de ud, de esa atraciòn que

me inquietaba.

Esa amistad se convirtiò en una

necesidad de ud, que ahora permanece

en mi corazòn.  

Me gusta estar en sus

brazos, y disfrutar de tu amor apasionado

y mirarnos a los ojos, sentir en mi cuerpo

tus caricias, dulce sortilegio que me

embriaga, y besarnos con ese frenesì

que me seduce y  entregarnos a

nuestros deseos.

Es esa magia que nos envuelve cada

dìa màs, y me hace reconocer que

siento necesidad de ud, que lo

necesito en mi vida , "Mi Caballero


El miedo de amarte va desapareciendo,

cuando me estrechas en tus brazos,

y calma el desasosiego que hay en mì.

Que grato es mirarte, y sentir confianza

al tomarme de la mano, y caminar

junto a tì, orgullosa y feliz de sentirme


Cierro mis ojos y me sumerjo a tus

pasiones, dejàndome llevar por

nuestro inmenso amor.  "Mi Caballero

Enamorado" "Mi Prìncipe Adorado".

Llegaste A Mì

No se que tenìas cuando le

mirè por primera vez, insistìas en

tener mi amistad y yo solo querìa

alejarme de ud, de esa atraciòn que

me inquietaba.

Esa amistad se convirtiò en una

necesidad de ud, que ahora permanece

en mi corazòn.  

Me gusta estar en sus

brazos, y disfrutar de tu amor apasionado

y mirarnos a los ojos, sentir en mi cuerpo

tus caricias, dulce sortilegio que me

embriaga, y besarnos con ese frenesì

que me seduce y  entregarnos a

nuestros deseos.

Es esa magia que nos envuelve cada

dìa màs, y me hace reconocer que

siento necesidad de ud, que lo

necesito en mi vida , "Mi Caballero


El miedo de amarte va desapareciendo,

cuando me estrechas en tus brazos,

y calma el desasosiego que hay en mì.

Que grato es mirarte, y sentir confianza

al tomarme de la mano, y caminar

junto a tì, orgullosa y feliz de sentirme


Cierro mis ojos y me sumerjo a tus

pasiones, dejàndome llevar por

nuestro inmenso amor.  "Mi Caballero

Enamorado" "Mi Prìncipe Adorado".

Alvarez Ivonne Julia

4 de febrero de 2025

3:10 PM

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Derechos Reservados



"Nella Nicchia di Coscienza"

Alla finestra del sogno, una chiave illuminata e una candela fioca, su una narrazione di confusione poco edificante, mentre grida e lamenti di una solitudine grigia trapassano le mura dei palazzi nella notte delle false apparenze.

Un'allegra rivoluzione incontenibile, forse effimera, elude con sorrisi le idee contraddittorie; affiorano le complesse realtà e le guerre di civiltà tra le seducenti opportunità. Nel cuore della prova, l'attesa è avvolta da una speranza appassionata, una speranza luminosa nel grembo dell'attesa.

Oltre, l’apoteosi artistica, nel presente, la decadenza musicale ed etica; piove la malinconia, avvilisce la melodia e la narrativa. Sfavilla la tromba. Gli «anni d'oro» sono un soffio in volo? Le coscienze risvegliate emergono dalle nebbie dei pensieri, l'umanità preziosa, vigile e coesa, alimenta l’espansione luminosa.

Il tempo delle false ideologie e delle gesta di guerra è finito, avvolto nella bruma di nebbia. Alla sorgente, l'eco della vita: un'humanitas destata e unita in un flusso crescente di luce.

È un soffio al vento? Nessun sforzo è perduto nel flusso evolutivo. Un percorso nella nicchia della coscienza. Esistenze consapevoli in un flusso di pensieri, in un susseguirsi di possibilità.

Silla M. Campanini  - Tutti i diritti riservati 

Recensione di "Nella Nicchia di Coscienza"

"Nella Nicchia di Coscienza" è una poesia che evoca una vasta gamma di emozioni e immagini, trasportando il lettore in un viaggio ricco di significato e riflessione. Il testo si apre con una scena di confusione e solitudine, dipinta attraverso l'uso di simboli potenti come una chiave illuminata e una candela fioca. Questa apertura introduce immediatamente il tema della dualità tra luce e oscurità, realtà e apparenze.

Il linguaggio utilizzato è ricco di metafore e immagini evocative che catturano l'attenzione del lettore. La "rivoluzione incontenibile" e le "guerre di civiltà" suggeriscono un conflitto interiore ed esteriore, mentre la "speranza luminosa nel grembo dell'attesa" introduce un elemento di speranza e rinascita.

L'elemento musicale presente nella poesia aggiunge un ulteriore strato di profondità. La "malinconia della melodia" e la "tromba che sfavilla" contrastano con la decadenza artistica ed etica, creando un senso di tensione e risoluzione. Questo utilizzo della musica come metafora per le emozioni umane è particolarmente efficace nel trasmettere il messaggio della poesia.

La struttura della poesia, divisa in strofe ben delineate, contribuisce alla fluidità della lettura e permette al lettore di assaporare ogni immagine e sentimento presentato. L'uso di domande retoriche, come "Gli 'anni d'oro' sono un soffio in volo?", stimola la riflessione e invita il lettore a considerare il valore delle esperienze passate.

Dal punto di vista letterario, la poesia eccelle nella sua capacità di combinare elementi concreti e astratti, creando un equilibrio tra il mondo tangibile e quello delle idee. L'uso della ripetizione, come nel caso della "umanità vigile e coesa", rinforza i temi principali della poesia e crea un senso di unità.

In sintesi, "Nella Nicchia di Coscienza" è un'opera espressiva e ben strutturata, che esplora temi universali come la speranza, la lotta interiore e l'aspirazione verso una maggiore consapevolezza. La ricchezza delle immagini e la profondità dei sentimenti espressi rendono questa poesia un'esperienza intensa e coinvolgente per il lettore. C.P.

©José Luis López

Roses, carnations and lilies

I give a bouquet of flowers

roses, carnations and lilies

so many that they give their delirium

because they wear beautiful colors

they highlight beautiful fervors

sublime to the favors

exquisite their perfume

but the impure fades

please those desires

worthy will be their smells.

©José Luis López

 رحاب العسري 

#رحاب_العسري فنانة طنجاوية عاشقة لأصيلة، تترجم هذا العشق إلى لوحات تنبض بالحياة. بريشتها المغموسة في ألوان الأكريليك الزاهية، تنقل تفاصيل المدينة بأسلوب فريد، فتبدو أزقتها الضيقة، وأبوابها المزخرفة، وأمواجها الهادئة وكأنها تنبض بالحياة.

في لوحاتها، تنعكس روح #أصيلة الساحرة؛ ألوان البيوت البيضاء والزرقاء تمتزج مع ظلال الشفق البرتقالي، والأسواق القديمة تفيض بالحركة والدفء. لا ترسم المدينة فحسب، بل تنقل إحساسها بها—ذلك المزيج من الهدوء والإلهام الذي يشعر به كل من يتجول في شوارعها.

كل ضربة فرشاة تحكي قصة عن ليالي الصيف المقمرة، عن الجداريات التي يحولها الفنانون إلى تحف خالدة، وعن بحر أصيلة الذي يحتضن أحلام العشاق والفنانين. إنها لا ترسم، بل تحيي ذكريات المدينة وتجعلها خالدة في الزمن.

 Commentary and analysis of Aziz Mountassir 's poem:

Carlos Alberto Huamán Arellano 

This poem is a profound and emotional reflection on mortality, the transience of life, and the importance of living each moment with intensity and passion.

The structure of the poem is very effective, as it unfolds in a logical and emotional manner, taking the reader through a series of reflections and emotions that culminate in a profound and moving conclusion.

The first stanza sets the tone of the poem. It highlights the transience of life and the inevitability of death. The image of the "footprints fading in the sand" and the "autumn leaves in restless flight" is especially evocative and suggests the idea that everything we do and create is ephemeral and can disappear at any moment.

The second stanza elaborates on this idea, highlighting the futility of our efforts to leave a lasting legacy. The image of the “names carved in stone so high” that they can be torn down by time is especially powerful and suggests the idea that even our greatest achievements can be ephemeral.

The third stanza is especially poignant, as it highlights the inevitability of death and the transience of life. The image of the “running rivers” and “rising mountains” that can be torn down by the “reaper’s hand” is especially evocative and suggests the idea that everything we live and experience is ephemeral and can disappear at any moment.

The fourth stanza is a call to action, highlighting the importance of living each moment with intensity and passion. The image of “love with open arms” and “embracing pain” is especially powerful and suggests the idea that we should accept and embrace all of life’s experiences, both good and bad.

The Bottom Line:

The poem is especially poignant as it highlights the idea that although our bodies may die, our souls and legacies can live forever in the hearts of those who love us.

In short, this poem is a profound and emotional reflection on mortality, the transience of life, and the importance of living each moment with intensity and passion. The translation is excellent and manages to convey the essence and emotion of the original clearly and accurately.


Carlos Alberto

Aziz Mountassir Morocco 

No Matter How Long We Live, We Will Leave

No matter how long we walk this land,

Like footprints fading from the sand,

Like autumn leaves in restless flight,

We drift away into the night.

We carve our names in stone so tall,

Yet time will crumble every wall.

We write our songs, we light the sky,

But echoes fade, and stars must die.

The rivers run, the mountains stand,

Yet none escape the reaper’s hand.

A silent whisper, cold and deep,

Calls every soul into its sleep.

We chase the dawn with burning hearts,

Yet know that all must fall apart.

The hands we hold, the lips we kiss,

Will one day turn to dust like this.

So let us love with open arms,

Embrace the pain, the fleeting charms.

Let laughter rise, let sorrow sing,

For every moment is a king.

No gold nor crown can change our fate,

The hour is set, the time won’t wait.

Yet in the hearts of those who grieve,

A part of us will never leave.



From the planet of light I came to a world full of unrest

to illuminate souls without sunlight

to embrace them with the radiant rays of the universe

and breathe love until my last breath.

I cannot understand what is happening here

the senseless quarrels and divisions between people

where time is wasted on insignificant things

and there is only one short life.

With noble words and a smile I fight for peace,

for reason and harmony that everyone needs,

I want to change the world with kindness

so that there is unity among all peoples.

I carry the song of peace like a prayer across the planet

I look for kindred spirits to share love,

because we are stronger together

so that we can melt the ice from frozen hearts.

Let us teach them that we are only fleeting shadows,

to live together under the same sky

enjoy the beauty of friendship and the eternity of the moment,

because tomorrow is too late, today we need peace and love.

I want to leave a mark behind me

defeat the evil that rules the earth with the power of love

uproot the root of hatred with noble deeds

and proudly return to my planet of peace.



 Palma Papa 

Hola Sr. amor

Hoy te escribo esta carta

Para que tu inmensidad

No quede solo en este papel...

Acompaña con ese latir

Cada momento que sorprende en una sonrisa

Un abrazo, un sentir...

En el latir que nos recuerda

La celebración tibia

Del momento...

Y al tocar las palabras dulces

Escritas desde la profundidad de los sueños

Te encuentre amor, que todo lo transforma

¡Y firme mi carta con el deseo anhelante de encontrarte!

Para que quedes en junto a mi

En el soplo constante de la vida

Dr. Palma Papa 


IRIS CALIF is an international writer, poet, dancer, editor and translator of poetry to Hebrew. She is in charge of foreign relations in the online culture, literature, art and poetry magazine "The Direction of the Holy Spirit Wind" ("Bekiovn Hroh") and is a translator and an editor of world-wide poetry in the magazine, as well as in the culture and lifestyle magazine "Mokasini" and in the "World Poetry" section on the literature website "Rooms" ("Hadarim"). She is also a member of the Composers' Association of Hebrew authors and publishers in Israel named "ACUM".

Iris is received of the International Prize for Literature Italy - Milan 2024: 'CITY OF GALATEO' Special award for excellence 'città del Galateo' in the category of foreign writers from around the world, poetry and fiction on a free topic, for the poem she wrote "Angel of Life".

Iris received the 2023 award for International Best Poets & POETS: THE JOURNAL OF RENDITION OF INTERNATIONAL POETRY (ITRC) [Multilingual] [China] and she was selected to be one of the "20 Top International Journalists for the year 2024 of Legacy Crown’s" -Asia. She also holds a diploma from the "Russian Professional Writers Union" and the international magazine "Arina NN", registered in the Ministry of Culture of Russia, for her contribution to the culture world "International Poetic Community" 2022.

Iris is the head of the Israeli liaison department of the Hong Kong Literature and Arts Magazine and a member of the Association of artists and writers of the World SAPS. She takes part in the editorial board of the World Poetry Yearbook 2024 (English edition) and holds an honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity, Humanity and Coexistence, Kingdom of Morocco.

Iris is a descendant of a lineage of Kabbalists, blessed with the prophecy of the spirit of the heart and the ability of communication and vision, which are expressed in her mystical and Kabbalistic writing, endowed with spiritual touches of holy upper and hidden worlds. For her, it is a blessing to shine with the spirit of the Jewish voice from the depths of love, life, and faith in the creator of the world- our father in heaven
"And as I soar with the flight of my spirit soul, I will carry the holy halo of the light of my Jewish loving voice, in the eternally world of the wings of the Dove of God spirit of the land-living peace"-Iris Calif
Three of Iris's books have already been published: "In a fascinating lane breathes Lolita" (2001), "), "A Pure Wild moon" (2017), and "The daughter of God" (2020), and she is currently working on her fourth book. Her poems have been published and read on the radio, on television, on the internet, in national and international magazines and newspapers and in anthologies around the world, and were translated by international poets into numerous languages such as Spanish, Bengali, Nepali, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, Assamese, Russian, Albanian and Italian.

Iris's poems were presented in many prestigious and international exhibitions in Israel such as "Crowns of Winter" (January 2023), where a poem of hers translated into Bengali was displayed alongside poems by seven international poets, each translated and edited into Hebrew by her. Also the exhibition "Black-Red-White" displayed Iris's translated versions of poems written by five international poets. Most recently, Iris's poems, also translated into Chinese, Italian, Spanish and Arabic, were presented in the universal exhibition "Butterflies of Peace", which also included the poems of 21 poets from around the world, translated by Iris into Hebrew.
Iris's poetry reflects the inner journey of her soul, which looks through love, dreams of life and breathes holy and hidden worlds. Her poetry is a symbol and an expression of her victory over anorexia and her courageous decision to choose life and love.
"And in my living Iris soul, my spirit dances the living voice of the holy God life" -Iris Calif

The land of my heavenly skies of my poetic worlds in the wind of the worlds of holy hidden life
My poetry is in the heart of the soul of the heaven land of holy halo wind of light, and in the soul of the heavens and worlds of my created soul, which bows, dances and prays for the nature of life of God and illustrates my longings to the journey of worlds of wind, love, life, holiness and the hidden from the depth of the flame of the storm. From desire, light, pain, fracture, loneliness, fear, hope, purity, femininity, motherhood and the eternal girl that breathes in me eternal worlds of holy hidden life.
"And in my living Iris soul, my spirit dances the living voice of the holy God life"
Iris Calif
"All rights reserved"

My beloved
In the crown of the Iris heart flower of heaven,
I am dripping a golden- painted dawn into your eyes,
The prayer of the holy sun rain land, silenced her voice,
The hidden wind blows; the secrets of my wild moon dance
I remove the essence of the clothing of my Iris flower soul
in front of the halo river rock of your body.
I am the naked ballerina, The living Iris flower of heaven,
dancing your living Iris heart
My wet lips whispering to the purity of the human beauty darkness of the Night of the loving;
I am dripping,
The Iris flower of Your heart
"All rights reserved to the poet Iris Calif"

Our Father in Heaven
Lord of all the lands
Sovereign of all the Worlds
I'm naked from the flame of mysterious reds rivers heaven land Zion
As a human universal iris flower
I am breathing occult to the spirit of the whiteness virginity, pure dream
In the candlesticks of heaven's living the purple halo of my burning Candle
As Iris, a human flower, I am inflaming my fire goddess Worlds dance to a human blue Star David in the land of heaven Canaan
And in pure wilderness of human Eve, desert, ashes, days gather my promised land Life
And the holy tempest was purified
Kneeling in me world of love
Creates my Israel moon of my living heart
To a Human Flower Iris,
In the eternity of the Spiri of Eternal universal World Peace
"All rights reserved to the poet Iris Calif"
Photography combined with painting:
The International artist: Zehava Netter
Model: The international poet Iris Calif

A golden ray touches my body
Tonight, God the creator sends to my wounded soul an angel of love
And in the cloak of silence envelops my eyes green earth
Holly sprouted world
Forming bodies of love in a soft stream forever
I am the wandering girl
My fear in the thickening rain is drowning my lonely iris
And on my naked body is the dress of God of heaven
And the sea floods to my hidden green eyes
Angel of life.
"All rights reserved to the poet Iris Calif"

Iris is received of the International Prize for Literature Italy - Milan 2024: 'CITY OF GALATEO' Special award for excellence 'città del Galateo' in the category of foreign writers from around the world, poetry and fiction on a free topic, for the poem she wrote "Angel of Life.

Palma Papa 


                                      Palma Papa 

 Dr. Ashok Kumar

"Chaos Reigns"

In disarray a room lies still

A reflection of the mind's turmoil and will.

A single chair a focal point of sight

Bears the weight of a long coat a weary knight

A pair of shoes like sentinels of old

Stand guard upon the chair stories untold.

Their laces tangled, their soles worn thin

Echoes of journeys of paths wandered within.

The floor a canvas of dust and dirt and grime

A topography of neglect a landscape of time.

The air, thick with stagnation, heavy with despair,

A weight that presses down, a sense of hopelessness there.

Yet, in this chaos, a tale is spun,

Of lives lived, of moments lost, of memories undone.

The chair the coat the shoes, a narrative weave

A testament to the human heart, in all its complexity we leave.

So let this room in all its disarray

Stand as a reminder, of life's own messy way.

For in the chaos, we find the beauty too

A reflection of our own imperfect human truth.

— Dr. Ashok Kumar

International Peace Activist, International Mystic Poet

International Critic, Ambassador of IFCH Morocco Africa

All rights reserved.

Dr. Ashok Kumar

 My Mystic Love for Philippines 🇵🇭

In the realm of the Orient, where sun dips into sea,

Lies a land of enchantment, a mystic love destined to be.

Philippines, my heart's haven, a tropical paradise found,

A fusion of cultures, a symphony of love that resounds.

Your emerald islands, a treasure trove of natural delight,

Lush forests, majestic mountains, a breathtaking sight.

Your people, a warm and vibrant tapestry, woven with care,

A resilient spirit, a heart that's full of love and flair.

From the majestic Mayon to the serene Boracay shore,

My love for you, Philippines, forever I'll adore.

In your bustling streets, I find solace and peace,

A sense of belonging, a love that will forever release.

As an international peace activist, I've roamed the world around,

But none have captured my heart, like your mystic love profound.

In your rich cultural heritage, I find a deep sense of pride,

A nation that's strong and resilient, with a heart that won't subside.

So let me cherish and honor, this love that I hold true,

For Philippines, my mystic love, forever my heart belongs to you.

Copyright 2025 Dr. Ashok Kumar

All rights reserved.

International Peace Activist, International Critic, Ambassador of Morocco, Africa 🌍

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

Dr. Ashok Kumar "Let My Mystic Soul Sing" Let my mystic soul sing sweet, soft songs of unity, Echoing through the chambers of the ...