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Friday, December 13, 2019

Joanna Svensson
A dreamed of
A bouquet of
Green roses
They were sent
To me
Last night
I don't know
Where They came from
Don't know
From where from whom
They just stood there
On my bedside table
In lovely color green
By the full moon

Quite overwhelmed
For never I saw
Colors of green
So brightly shining

These colors of green
I had never seen
This fragrance
I had never felt
All was so peaceful
Made me feel so at ease
The calm of it all
Was enchanted

Maybe They came
From another world
From another reality
From a world
Where other
Colors may rule
A world
With different fragrance
A world
Yet not known
To us

The roses in
My dreams was
Maybe a message
To broaden
My views
Just a bit

To be able to tell
To really describe
To explain
Unexplainable things
To tell
What you really
Can't see

I dreamed
Of a bouquet
Of green roses
A most highly
But to me
And never so sharp
And suddenly
Its message
Sunk in!

When I woke up
The roses
Were gone
Surprised I held
A green rose
In my hand
A shining rose
Beaming of love
It sparkled
With magic
Strong was its light
Shone ever so bright
Light of hope
Light of happiness
And joy!

©® Joanna Svensson

Swenstorp, Sweden

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