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Thursday, September 26, 2024

 🍀Poem original by Tống Thu Ngân  

Translation into Arabic by Aziz Mountassir 


(Ơ Hay Thu Nay Đã Sang)

آه آه .. لقد جاء الخريف

 القلب في عجلة من أمرنا

 لقد غيرت الغابة الخضراء ملابسها تدريجياً

 أحمر أرجواني

 وردي بني تحت الشمس الصفراء

 آه آه.. الخريف  بنسيم بارد

 بحيرة الخريف تنام  بها 

الأسماك بلطف خلال النهار

 يتمايل صفير الماء باللون الأرجواني

 الضفدع يحاول على مهل كعب حذائه

 آه آه... لقد عاد الخريف بهدوء

 عدد قليل من فتيات القرية تحت السد

 الأرز الذهبي يثقل كاهلهم

 هناك صوت مزمار

 الطائرة الورقية تنادي روح الريف

 آه آه.. تشابكت خيوط حرير السماء

 الضباب يغطي فترة ما بعد الظهر

 الحطاب يحمل الحطب خلف الجبل

 ها قد انجرفت قطعة من ضوء الشمس الناعم بعيدًا

 آه آه... الأقحوان يستمر في التأرجح

 سأظل أسأل نفسي إذا نسي قلبي 

 لماذا أتجول و الحياة ممطرة والرياح

 لماذا أنتظر خريف الماضي ..


(Ơ Hay Thu Nay Đã Sang)

Tống Thu Ngân 

Oh oh... autumn has come

The heart is in a hurry

The green forest has gradually changed its clothes

Red purple pink brown under the yellow sun

Oh oh... autumn has a cool breeze

The autumn lake gently sleeps the fish during the day

Water hyacinths sway in purple

The frog leisurely tries her shoe heels

Oh oh... autumn has quietly returned

A few village girls under the dike

The golden rice weighs heavily on their shoulders

There is the sound of a kite flute calling the soul of the countryside

Oh oh... the sky's silk threads are entangled

The mist covers the afternoon

The woodcutter carries firewood behind the mountainside

A patch of soft sunlight has drifted away

Oh oh... the chrysanthemums keep swaying

I keep asking myself if my heart has forgotten

Why do I keep wandering in the rainy and windy life

Why do I keep waiting for the autumns of the past...

Tống Thu Ngân@All Rights Reserved

September 26/2024

 International day of Peace 21 Sept 

Autor Aziz Mountassir

Prepevala Jasmina Cirkovic

By Aziz Mountassir 

Save the World: A Call for Peace, Love, and Harmony

The world is weary, torn by strife,

Its heart weighed down, its soul in life.

The winds of war, they rage and roar,

A storm of pain, that shakes the core.

But there’s a light, though faint, it gleams,

Within our hearts, it softly beams.

A voice that whispers, clear and true,

"Peace is the path, it's up to you."

Oh, can you hear the children cry?

Their hopes and dreams, beneath the sky.

A sky that once was blue and bright,

Now dimmed by hate, obscured from sight.

Let love arise, let fear depart,

Let kindness reign within the heart.

For every soul, a life, a name,

Each breath we take, we are the same.

No walls can stand, no chains can bind,

When hearts are open, pure, and kind.

The ties of blood, the bonds we share,

Are stronger than the hate we bear.

So hand in hand, we’ll rise above,

With every step, a sign of love.

The earth beneath our feet will heal,

When peace is not a dream, but real.

Let swords be turned to plows once more,

Let hatred cease, let love restore.

No need for war, no need for fight,

For peace can turn the dark to light.

Through every land, across each sea,

Let harmony and joy run free.

A world united, strong, and whole,

A common bond, a single soul.

It starts with us, with you and me,

A simple act, a kind decree.

A smile, a word, a helping hand,

A bridge of peace across the land.

Oh, save the world, the time is now,

Let love and peace become our vow.

With harmony as our guiding star,

We’ll heal the wounds, erase the scar.

Together, we will stand as one,

Until the fight for peace is won.

No more division, no more fear,

A future bright, a world sincere.

So let the message loud resound,

In every

Međunarodni dan mira 21.9

Mеđunarodni dan mira 21.9

Autor Aziz Mountassir

Prеvod IFCH

Prepevala Jasmina Cirkovic

Spasitе svеt: Poziv na mir, ljubav i harmoniju

Svеt jе umoran, razlistan svađom

srce preteglo, život i dušu čini 

bleđom, rat vetrom besni urlikom,

oluja bola jezgrovitim slikom.

Postoji svetlost kao tinjalica,

prosto srcima strujno blista,

tiho se gnjezdi u srca čedno čista.

šapat joj glasan u šapatu istine,

"Mir" je put, vi birajte.

Da li čuješ decu kako suze rone?

Od nade pod nebom zrakom posejane.

Nekada svetlo i plavo , prozirno beše, 

Mržnjom se zgči, potamnelim krugom.

Ljubav nam treba u osvitima, strah nek se gubi,

preselimo dobrotu u širinu srca, ljubav 

u grudi, za sve duše i imena,

udahom su dahom spojena i zagrljena.

Zidovi nisu visoke ograde sloboda besni,

ni lanci nе mogu da okuju, ako su srca čista.

Venozno spajeni, krvlju spojeni bez zlobe,

silovito jače neg' mržnju koju nosimo.

Rukom u ruci se pred Bogom izdižemo,

korakom ljubavi jedni drugima stižemo.

Pod našim nogama nova zemlja se rađa,

ali mir nije varka sna, već stvarna lađa.

Mačeve opet pretopimo u plugove,

utihnimo mržnju, glorifikujmo ljubav.

Ratovi i borbe neka nađu svoj mir, 

Slomite hir, mir tmici daje lice sjaja.

Zemljom i morima harmonijom krojimo 

sudbine, neka se grle ljudi od miline.

Ujedinjenje dušom se gradi,

ceo svet jednu slobode sadnice sadi.

Počni od sebe, tebe, nas, jednostavnošću

čina,kao dekretom pravimo most mira,

osmeh kao duge preliće sve što nas dira.

Budućnost svoju harmoniju svira.

Spasimo svet sada je vreme, ne odlažu

ljubav i mir zavetni dug ti pokaži.

Humanošćui slobodom kao zvezdom vodiljom,

zacelimo rane i spirajmo ožiljke kao skrame.

Stanimo kao jedan dok se mir ne oslobodi,

Nedajmo strahu da pobedi ni da nas vodi

Budimo oni koji sve novo čistotom kuju,

svet je budućnist iskrenosti a ne da nas pljuju.

Neka svaka poruka izrečena bude odzvon svakom i svima rečena!

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

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