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Monday, June 3, 2024

 Yatti Sadeli 

Yatti Sadeli



I give you my wounded heart

If you like it, I'll give it all

But know this is not a hug from the wind

on dead leaves.

Creak of windows and doors

As if giving a voice 

painful suffering

Maybe that's what I know

Draining the vibrations of life.

In the ocean you are a Shark

In the mountains you are a Leopard

But in a meadow or valley

You are the River Of Glory.


I don't know

How to live without you

Because you are far from me.

If you come again

Don't look for me

In the depths of the sea

Or in the heat of the desert.

But look for me under the full moon

Beneath the heavenly secret you must seek me.

After you find me

Let's look at the moon together

Even though you don't care about the world

Swim in the water of your heart

I'll see your smile and your eyes still in wonder

And all of that is hidden in the shell of love

But where? Wait . . . Somewhere at night in hearts and whispers

Even though I've lost faith

in the whispering wind

Or in the moving clouds

Also I have lost my ability

to write enchanting poetry for you.


المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...