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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Corina Junghiatu


Corina Junghiatu is a poet and writer from Bucharest, Romania. She has been a prominent writer, who started her literary life five years back. She touched upon mostly on subjects related human nature with spiritual relevance. She believed that cosmic reference can be used to inspire humans to take the path of peace, contentment and prosperity. Corina is currently a Moderator for Motivational Strips handling Romanian Zone writers. This entity where she connects to global writers is today, the worlds most active writers forum which has more than 5.3 million readers and visitors visiting it every month. Corina Junghiatu has been decorated with numerous international literary honours and awards. She also has many international literary publications around the world to her credit. She was recently honoured by Government of Peru with the  "World Awards for Literary Excellence 2019 - 2020". The Government of Peru had conducted this massive recognition program of honouring world writers with a joint collaboration to international forum of repute, such as Motivational Strips ( Sultanate of Oman) and worlds two largest writers union being the “World Nations Writers union”, Kazakhstan and “Union Hispanomundial De Escritores”  (UHE) Peru. These unions and forums are headed by literary leaders like Dr. Carlos Hugo Garrido Chalen (UHE) , Shiju H Pallithazheth (MS) and Kairat Duissenov Parman (WNWU). Corina continues to inspire her readers with quality and authentic literary merit.

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