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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar

País : Venezuela

Poema : quisiera olvidarte

Quisiera olvidarte 


Y tener el poder de sacarte 

de mi piel y mi mente. 

Arrancarte de mis pensamientos 

Y borrarte de mi corazón 

Pero ya veo que los sentimientos

Son siempre más fuertes que la razón. 

Y yo quisiera olvidarte

Pero hay una parte

De mi ser que se rebela

Un pedazo de mi que te anhela

Y que no deja nunca de extrañarte. 

Y yo quisiera olvidarte, 

Pero hay un impulso

Que cambia mis planes de curso

Que me hace que piense

por siempre en buscarte

Y que no deje nunca de extrañarte.

 Mehmet Rrema 


Çfarë ka mbetur më në Tokën e Shenjtë

Gjithçka të mirë që pat u dogj

U bë hi, u bë shkrumb

U dogjën shtëpitë, pemët, gurët rrugët 

U dogjën njerëzit, të gjallë

U dogj shpirti i fjalës,e ardhmja në udhëkryq…

Kudo tym, flakë

Loti i nënave u dogj

Gojëhapur ferri, ndez flakët

Askush nuk ka guxim të hedhë një kovë ujë

Ujë?! Hahaha, ku ka ujë sot? Uji është djegur

Nuk e shikoni? Hapni sytë o njerëz

Po digjet uji!....po digjet …qielli kudo tym e flakë

Zemra mbetur lakuriq mbi hirin e nxehtë

Nuk gjen vend për varr

Duart vendosur rreth kokës

Nuk e mbrojnë jetimin

Megjithatë ai mund të shprehë dëshirën 

Dielli numëron hapat në tokën që digjet 

Mbi Tokën e Shenjtë

Një vello e hollë ende shkëlqen

Nuk di

Ka mbetur aty për të shprehur shqetësimin

Apo shpresë në zemër të gurit

As deti nuk mundi ta lajë fytyrën e nxirë të tij 

Trupat e thyer të shpresës 

Përpëliten në një tas oriz të bardhë

Buzët e ngrira digjen nga akulli

Dashuria braktisi Tokën e Shenjtë

Në vend të sajë, urrejtja pjell këlysh të zinj

Klerikët me zë të fishkur

Flasin akoma për Tokë të Shenjtë 

Unë në injorancën time pyes

Çfarë ka këtu për tu quajtur e “Shenjtë” 

S’mund të Shenjtëroj luftën dhe urrejtjen 

Ne ateistët “shenjtërojmë” veç dashurinë

Le të kujtojmë Aushwic, Vietnam, Kamboxhia 


Ooo sa shumë, sa shumë tym,zjarr, gjak..

A mund tja falim historisë?

Urrejtja dhe lufta ti mbeten të shkuarës

Të ndërtojmë kështjella dashurie mbi tokën tonë

 Contemporary human beings on the earth must urgently jointly build a reasonable and intelligent "world government system".


 ~Ying-Chieh Huang ~



 Contemporary human beings on the earth must urgently jointly build a reasonable and intelligent "world government system".

 Contemporary human beings must use the "smart earth" concept of "world integration administrative thought global democracy constitutional government republican cosmopolitanism" to urgently build a smart "Earth unified management committee", formulate the "Earth World Constitution" to transform the United Nations into a reasonable smart world  The government system uses global computer network and big data technology system technology to make overall plans to establish the collective management of the global human leadership to command the administrative center to achieve the most reasonable and effective "smart global sustainable governance policy" for the global human being.  , A one-stop administrative system for decision-making and execution, to resolve the increasingly severe survival crisis of humanity on the earth, and to make humanity move towards a safer and more stable life on the earth, so as to ensure the sustainable peace, coexistence and common prosperity of humanity worldwide.

 This is the only countermeasure to maintain the public safety and public interests of the earth.

 This has great benefits in common for all humans in the world.

 This is the greatest plan for the leadership of 245 political entities around the world to urgently work together.

 This is the greatest solution that can accelerate the expansion of the world’s only chance to resolve the more severe survival crisis of the planet.

 In this case, based on the collective wisdom of human elites, precise logical reasoning and verification, we will determine the single most effective measure to promote various global governance policies, with a world-wide scale and greatest influence.

 This will be the only human food chain system that can bring together global elite humans and resources, and fundamentally change the planet. It will transform the sustainable human food chain system of the planet or other defenses that resolve the natural disasters of the earth, and solve the crisis of human survival on the earth.  The idea of ​​the only intelligent innovative and feasible solution that makes humanity safer and more stable, the greatest and most global potential.

 It will make the greatest contribution to the sustainable peace, coexistence and common development of human beings on the earth.


 1. Phenomenon

 Humanity has gone through two green revolutions in history.

 The first green revolution

 It is to create scientific and technological agricultural development methods for the purpose of increasing grain output and produce sufficient food for human beings.

 In the modern era of 650,000 years, the earth's greenhouse gases are extremely high.  A United Nations research report shows that this is caused by humans.

 It is speculated that by 2050 AD, the average temperature of the earth will rise by 2 degrees Celsius; the average temperature of the earth in the past 10,000 years has only risen by 2 degrees Celsius.

 Comparing with the standards from 1980 to 1999, the United Nations estimates that the average surface temperature of the earth in 2100 will rise by 1.1 degrees Celsius to 6.4 degrees Celsius.  The sea level will rise by 150 cm in 2100, and more than one-third of the world's population will be threatened, and agriculture and industry will be shut down.

 Today's human development needs exceed the supply capacity of nature.

 In 1961, mankind’s demand for natural resources was equivalent to 70% of the earth’s regenerative capacity.

 In the 1980s, the balance was maintained.

 In 1999, mankind's demand for earth resources was already greater than 20% of the earth's regenerative capacity.

 The second green revolution

 It is the global warming effect since the genesis, and human beings must be alert to a carbon-reducing lifestyle.

 Until now, the global population has exploded to more than 7.5 billion people.

 Scientific evidence shows that global greenhouse gases must start to decline in 2015 to control the rise will not exceed 2 degrees Celsius, otherwise the earth will enter an irreversible vicious cycle, including war, plague, famine, drought, flood, hurricane and other disasters will  Take turns sweeping the earth.

 However, the United Nations IPCC Global Climate Summit has been in discussion for 30 years. The average annual carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has reached 410ppm, and it has continued to rise without stopping.

 Scientists point out that there is a 93% chance that humans will avoid a global average temperature rise of 2 degrees c.

 2. Strategy

 There are two directions to avoid the vicious detonation of contemporary climate and environmental disasters and change the way of life of human beings on the earth:

 1. Moral persuasion of human beings around the world and change the way of life of human beings.

 Second, formulate a proper and unified new life law for human beings around the world, legislate and strictly enforce it.

 The moral persuasion of human beings has clearly failed to achieve the desired results in the past 30 years.

 The only way to save the earth’s greenhouse effect today and to prevent the human survival crisis from detonating is only the world’s human beings jointly formulating a unified new law of life and implementing global legislation.  In other words, global human beings must integrate to formulate and implement effective global governance policies and carry out global governance in order to ensure the goal of human coexistence and common prosperity.

 The current United Nations is just a platform for exchanges among countries around the world.  In fact, there is no role function of global governance.  At present, the resolutions passed by the United Nations General Assembly do not have appropriate legal constraints on various political entities in the world and are not effective.

 Today, the rise of "world integration, administrative thought, global democracy, constitutionalism, and republican cosmopolitanism" is to promote humanity across the globe. Under the limited resources of the earth, everyone is on an equal footing, with mutual respect, mutual understanding, mutual love, mutual trust, fairness, justice, and dignity.  The minority submits to the majority and uses democratic concentration to jointly formulate a common law of "coexistence and common prosperity" to form the greatest and highest level of consensus and innovation of the greatest ideological plan of the "human learning organization".

 Today, 245 political entities in the world must be urged, and a rapid awakening must be carried out to "step out of the era of traditional national-nationalism and create the only global human coexistence and co-prosperity" with "the world integrates administrative thinking, global democracy, constitutional government, and cosmopolitanism."  "World Integration Administration World Government System".

 This case allows global human reality to lock in the current status of various political entities and administrative regions in the world, abandon all kinds of inter-ethnic disturbances and historical hatred, and jointly establish a reasonable world government system that integrates administrative thinking. It is the only common humanity to resolve the survival crisis on the earth.  select.

 The most intelligent human elite in the world, the creator of the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein demonstrated the necessity of a reasonable "world government" of mankind with "unified field theory".

 The universe can be described by "unified field theory".  In the future human society, there will be a "unified constitution" to manage.

 How to prevent the earth from entering an irreversible vicious circle? Only humans on the earth can have effective global governance policies.

 The only way is to transform the United Nations into a "world integrated administrative world government" system that includes 245 political entities worldwide as one of the administrative regions of this system.

 The pandemic of the "new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic" in the world today seems to have been proven to be blamed for the lack of an effective "global epidemic prevention policy."

 Today's global political leaders should actively transform the United Nations organization into a reasonable "world integrated administrative world government" system as soon as possible, so that global humanity can indeed have effective global governance policies.

 Moreover, it is necessary to work tirelessly and effectively to implement effective global governance policies within a limited period of 10 years before the goal of the October 2018 UN IPCC Special Report "0.5 Degrees Celsius" is achieved.

 Emphasize that the atmospheric temperature should be controlled above 1.5 degrees Celsius, which is the level before the Industrial Revolution, instead of 2 degrees Celsius.

 Otherwise, in 2030, the earth’s climate change will run out of control and fall into an irreversible catastrophe.

 To achieve the above-mentioned general goal, it is necessary for global human beings to jointly establish a reasonable "world government system" and make effective global governance policies.  This is the only path humans on earth should take.

 3. In the future, the only concrete and feasible strategy for global human response

 In this case, the authorities of global political entities are called upon to gather urgently to conspire to abolish the "United Nations structure" and jointly create the "Global Political Entities Congress" of the Global Human Collective Leadership Administration Center, or the "Earth Uniform Development Management Committee", and the "Earth World Constitution"  To create "World Parliament" and "World Court" together.  Create a "world integrated administrative world government" system, work together to formulate, make decisions, and implement the most effective global governance policies, deal with natural disasters, human disasters, and other political crises that various political entities cannot handle on their own, and jointly build a community of human destiny,  Achieve the goal of human coexistence and common prosperity

 This case created the earth human “World Integration Administrative World Government” system, which was stipulated by the co-created “Earth World Constitution”.

 The "Earth World Constitution" in this case confirmed the development of the "world integrated administrative world government system" of global political entities in the form of laws, and stipulated the fundamental system and fundamental tasks of the "world integrated administrative world government" system of global political entities.  It is the fundamental law of the "world integrated administrative government" system of global political entities.  It has the highest legal effect of humankind in the world.

 Today’s human beings will use the first and second green revolution models to carry out the chance of a safer and more stable life for people around the world without food shortage.

 So, what is the only great solution that can make the world’s food more sustainable, safer and more stable?

 That is, we must adopt Genesis's social science operation mode to create a sustainable and sufficient supply of human food chains on the earth, and make life safer and more stable.

 Although the power of applied technology can solve a part of poverty eradication or other conditions that make human life safer and more stable.

 However, according to the current situation of the global environment, climate and environmental changes, to solve the global food crisis or the survival crisis of other factors, I am afraid that it is necessary to start from the perspective of social science and the transformation model of human organizational behavior science.  Room for improvement.

 This model of social science and scientific transformation of human organizational behavior is the only feasible solution to resolve the crisis of human survival on the earth.

 As long as we inspire the leadership authorities and think tank teams of 245 political entities around the world, start the "Uniform Earth Movement" to make the "real world peace" great plan of "unity of the earth", and take action, the humanity of the earth can move towards sustainable peace,  Coexistence and co-prosperity of "real world peace" development.

 "Global Integrated Administrative Thoughts" Smart Earth Global governance political and administrative information system is the "World Integrated Administrative Thoughts" intelligent earth management centered on the continuous innovation of the global computer Internet, global Internet of Things, and cloud technologies.  Through the integration of virtual and real, data analysis of the earth’s environmental resources, the earth’s individual, team, and regional image integration analysis, it determines the most efficient and fastest response. The global human survival crisis is prevented from "global governance" political treatment.  The "standard operating procedures" model completely changes the traditional nationalist political thinking in order to respond to the rapidly changing human living environment of the earth.

 The leaders of contemporary nationalism must begin to upgrade and transform into "world-integrated administrative thoughts", combined with the leaders of 244 political entities around the world to become the collective leaders of "smart global political governance" of the smart earth, leading "world-integrated administrative thoughts"  The smart "world government system" administrative team formulates a complete "smart earth management plan" to construct the most effective smart global governance policies.

 This is the most appropriate and best choice for humanity in the world.

 4. Expected benefits of the model

 This creative case is based on the advantages of the political characteristics of the Chinese and Western countries, and is created according to the current situation of the sinister global environment.  It has fully effective global governance and global crisis management capabilities:

 Based on the principle of earth resource balance, formulate correct and intelligent global governance policies to make the use of global resources more sustainable and lift the global environmental crisis.

 Make the global economic and social development strategy forward-looking, and various smart global governance policies are highly stable and continuous.  Being able to concentrate all resources, strengths and wisdom of the world and implement the most effective intelligent global governance; make the global correct economic and social development policies sustainable and implement, which is conducive to maintaining long-term stable and sustainable development of the global society and economy.

 V. Conclusion

 This creation, a global political entity, implements the "local autonomy" of various regions of the global political entity in accordance with the intelligent "global governance policies" implemented by the intelligent "world integrated administrative world government" system, to resolve all the vicious risks of humanity on the planet,  Step into global coexistence and common development.

 This case is based on the scientific creation model of intelligent social behavior, creating the effects of various effective intelligent global governance policies for human beings on the earth. It has a unique scale and huge global application potential.

 This is the greatest solution with the world’s greatest potential for accelerating the expansion of the only chance to resolve the more severe survival crisis of the planet.

 In this case, based on the collective wisdom of human elites, precise logical reasoning and verification, we will determine the single most effective measure to promote various global governance policies, with a world-wide scale and greatest influence.

 This will be the only human food chain system that can bring together global elite humans and resources, and fundamentally change the planet. It will transform the sustainable human food chain system of the planet or other defenses that resolve the natural disasters of the earth, and solve the crisis of human survival on the earth.  The idea of ​​the only intelligent innovative and feasible solution that makes humanity safer, stable, the greatest, and has the most global potential.  It will make the greatest contribution to the sustainable peace, coexistence and common prosperity of human beings on the earth.


 ~Ying- Chieh Huang ~

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...