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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

By Gelda Castro



being brights
by pure wishes
making the other shine

clear core
also you receive
grace become well being

the giver
irradiating pure intentions
overflow in deep peace

tight ties
join kind souls
becoming human being

©Gel Poetry Garden 🌹
قصيدة حلم.لشاعر القيود
اشتقت كما اشتاق البدر ....انوار الشمس لتبديه.
واشتقت كما ورد عطش.بعض القطرات لترويه.
واشتقت كقيس ليلاه........من عمق البعد تناديه.
قلبي مشتاق لحروفك....كي يحيى منك فحاكيه.
يالحن الصمت غزى عمري.يالحن خلود تشديه.
ياطيفا ان غاب فعيني.......تبقى بالدمع تناجيه.
فكري كم بات المشغول.والوجد العابث يضنيه.
جسدي مسموم من حزني..انت الترياق فداويه
يا املا يحيي لي قلبي .عودي يا املي واحييه.
ياحلم العمر فهل ياتي.....يوم ذا الحلم الاقيه؟
من شاعر القيود اجمل الاوقات

By violeta Marquez
Autora: Violeta Marquez.
         English version below.
Re visit.

Fría yo?

Tal vez violeta respira cada amanecer.

Porque mi vida es única!

Tal vez no sé, si duermo pensando mis propios sueños.

Podría poner en escritura mi vida completa.

Pero deberíamos?

El reto es ser y vivir tus propios momentos!

Podrán ser remolinos y tempestad, pero si tu vida fluye a tu imaginación de lo que tú crees! Así es.

La vida puede ser corta o larga, solo sigue y vuelve a vivir una y otra vez en esta vida divina.

La loquera para los demás es expresión de tu corazón.

Vámonos a seguir este camino, no cargues maletas ni ropa, la vida es ahora!

Manifiestate siempre tú, eres y sientes eso es vivir.

La vida es tan rara, pero no mala vive tu momento como quieras pero siempre manifiesta que te duele o que te da alegría, la vida es una y única.

Universidad de la vida es más intensa!

© violeta Márquez
Fotografías tomadas por violeta.

Todos los derechos reservados.
Author : Violeta Marquez

Cold me?

Maybe violet breathes every sunrise.

Because my life is unique!

Maybe I don't know, if I sleep thinking my own dreams.

I could put my full life in writing.

But should we?

The challenge is to be and live your own moments!

They can be swirls and tempest, but if your life flows to your imagination of what you think! That's right.

Life can be short or long, just follow and come back to live again and again in this divine life.

The shrink for others is expression of your heart.

Let's go this way, don't load bags or clothes, life is now!

Always be you, you are and feel that is living.

Life is so rare, but not bad live your moment as you want but always manifest that it hurts or that gives you joy, life is one and unique.

University of life is more intense!

© Violeta Marquez
Photography taken by Violeta.

All rights reserved.
By Joanna Svensson



The clockmaker of time
The clockmaker of light
Has shown me my lifetime
On the clockface of the horizon

I saw an intense light
Shining oh, so bright
A light that sparkled
With energy so strong and bright

A light that led to
Another parallell world
The clockmaker of time and light
Showed me the clockface of time

And that's when he saw
That my time was not due
I felt no anxiety
I did feel no fear

I did feel no fear
For the unknown
It felt so secure
In a way - just to know

That when my time has come
The clockmaker of time
Will take me
and lead me there

There where my new time
is waiting
The time that is always
In the closed unit circuit
of life
Where energy just doesn't
vanish into
Thin air - it transforms
into higher
Transforms into higher energy

Oh, I am so thankful
For just having seen
My all bright new picture of life
I am so thankful
For have being shown
Just what awaits me there!

©® Joanna Svensson
© Private picture

Aziz-Very Dear
Friday,24th April 2020
By Hasmukh Mehta


What makes I.F.C.H. so special?
is it because headed by competent individuals?
or on the base, it has been made to blossom
like flower's fragrance coupled with wisdom

To President, the organization is Aziz (very dear)
as his mind has worked on some thesis
with noble input running like blood in veins
I.F.C.H has clearly emerged in field and defined

"the creativity" and "humanity " both are precise words
and both are Aziz* to lord
on this holy earth, if that dream is realized
human beings may certainly be obliged

with little tragedy elsewhere
our heart is filled with fear
and to reach near
it needs bold approach here

it is now our duty to take the work ahead
build new concept in life with and remain well read
it is the thrust that has to be made with vigor
then only, I.F.C.H. in true terms will earn an honor

Hasmukh Mehta
Aziz-Very Dear
Friday,24th April 2020

What makes I.F.C.H. so special?
is it because headed by competent individuals?
or on the base, it has been made to blossom
like flower's fragrance coupled with wisdom

To President, the organization is Aziz (very dear)
as his mind has worked on some thesis
with noble input running like blood in veins
I.F.C.H has clearly emerged in field and defined

"the creativity" and "humanity " both are precise words
and both are Aziz* to lord
on this holy earth, if that dream is realized
human beings may certainly be obliged

with little tragedy elsewhere
our heart is filled with fear
and to reach near
it needs bold approach here

it is now our duty to take the work ahead
build new concept in life with and remain well read
it is the thrust that has to be made with vigor
then only, I.F.C.H. in true terms will earn an honor

Hasmukh Mehta

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...