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Monday, August 26, 2019

Aabha rosy vatsa

 Of the four yugas in the world
I was born in Kaliyug, hands curled
Grew up in a revered home
Away from the city's dubious domes.
As I grew, I realized what a mess
Wrongdoings right and left I guess
Appalled at the lack of conscience
Pray, where has goodness gone, no sense.
Brother killing brother for money
Property, a bone of contention, O honey
Our conscience has frozen to sub zero
There is a mighty absence of real heroes.
Relationships are broken and mended daily
No more warmth of relations, hardly gaiety
Everyone is running a mad race
Hiding gory tales behind masked face.
But at last a joy reaches my ears
A multi-millionaire decides to donate an amount dear
An awesome way to celebrate his daughter's birthday
Making a cashless hospital, a magnanimity if I may say.
And the Sadhguru bemoans the fall of humanity
Shocked at the sale of children even before puberty
Pray what has humanity come to
He tries to raise a collective conscience too.
It is people like the millionaire and Sadhguru
Who reaffirm my faith in humanity anew
All will be well now I am sure
We just might save humanity by this cure.
د. عز الدين حسين أبو صفية ،،،
أتركوني ..
أتركوني ... أبحث عنها
علي ضفاف النهر
فاض النهر ...
فأغرق قلبي حُباً
وسَبَحَ قاربي الورقيّ
مع التيار ... فلحقتُ به 
كان التيار أسرع مني
فتركته وأيقنت بانه
لن يَضلَ عنوان حبيبتي
فهي جالسة  بين الزهر
 على الضفة الأخرى للنهر
تُحادث العصافير وتخبرها
عن رسالتي التي نسيتها
تَعُد أواق الصُفصاف
وتَتَطيرُ بها ... وتقول :
قادم هو ...غير قادم
قادم هو .. غير قادم
قادم هو ... غير ...
قادم هو ...فرحت
شاهدتها في الحلم
أنها تنتظر قاربي
الذي حَلمَت به
وأيقَنَت بأنه حتماً
قادم مع التيار
وأدركت ما به ..
هو رسالتي الأخيرة
عند آخر لقاءاتي بها
ونسيَتها لحظة
نشوة قبلةٍ
طبعتها بكفها
كميثاق شرفٍ
ولحبنا برهان
وغادرتني مسرعةً
للضفة الأخري
تُسابق الشمس
لتصل قبل أن
يكتمل البدر
فصنعتُ من رسالتي
قاربي الورقيّ
فكتبت عليه
رغم البُعد
ما زلت

د. عز الدين حسين أبو صفية ،،،
Joanna Svensson

I will marry you
In all my future lives
For you have lit the stars
On my dusky path of life

A path full of stones
On which I used to stumble and fall
With eyes that could see nothing
For the straight jacket of darkness
Made me blind

Blind and unseeing
Unseeing the good
In the one that had hurt me
So many times
Because of no reason
Just because - just because

I asked myself
So many times - so many times
Although I knew
I would never get no answer

But then you - came into my life
Like a burning torch
With warmth and love
And kind words of comfort

And I will never
Ever forget
When first I saw
The stars of hope
Light up
I saw them
In your eyes

Suddenly my road of life
Became lighter - brighter
Easier to bare
Suddenly I felt love
Love in full bloom
All around me

Your power of love
Your strength
Reflected in me
Comfort and security

And now I know
No matter how
The day our bodies
Tha day our souls
No longer dwell
Upon this earth

I will marry you
In all my future lives
For you have
For ever more
Lit the stars
For me!

©® Joanna Svensson
© Private picture Joanna Svensson

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