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Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Shahnaz Shahin

Shahnaz Shahin was born on March 20,  in 1956, in the village of Ulachali, which located Sabirabad city. She graduated from Azerbaijan Medical Institute,which  named after Nariman Narimanov with the degree on pediatrics, in 1979. She completed an internship in Baku,in 1980.

     She worked as a doctor in Shirvan city in 1981-1983, then she worked as the head physician in a  local hospital in  Sabirabad city, between  1984-2007: and then as district deputy chairman of the executive power between 2007-2019.

      She began her literary activity during her student years. Her poems were published in the newspaper of the Institute of Foreign Languages. She has been appeared with her literary works inpress  periodically from 1996. Besides those her literary workswere publishedin Turky,Tebriz,Uzbeckstan,Albania and in other countries of the world.

         Shahnaz Shaheen has published books on various topics until todays.Nowdays books publications are about Martyrs of Azerbaijan during Karabakh. She is the author more than 20 books , on different contents.

Her essays and articles are published on different pages of  press ,which were devoted to the theme of “Karabakh is Azerbaijan.” 

       And nowadays  our President mister Ilham Aliyev awarded her for her achivements They are : “International Rasul Reza Laureate” - 2018; “Member of Azerbaijan Writers' Union ” (2007); “Member of Azerbaijan Journalists' Union ” (2017).She is famous poet-publicist of Azerbaijan

International Forum For Creativity and Humanity kingdom of Morocco

Rifat Ismaili

Cikël poetik; 5 poezi të shkurtra


Kur i lidha sytë me shami

Shkova drejt saj atë çast.

Nuk di nëse rashë 

në një pus të zi

O gjeta një ishull 

që s' ndodhet në hartë!


Akrepi i orës lëviz kuturu

Si zog i paçelur i vezës.

Ti shpërthen si gonxhe tek unë

Nga thellësia e zemrës.


Fletët e verdha 


Si barka magjike...

Qyteti fluturon

Pas dallandysheve...

Si pergamenë

Udhëve të përkohshme

Shpresave të mëdyshme!


Ulem tek ai shtrat

Ku fle vajza dhe gruaja...

I shoh dhe ndjehem fajtor.

Nga dritarja e hapur

Hyjnë klithjet e një treni

Çohem dhe unë të shkoj...

Cigarja mu shua në dorë.


Çdo ditë që ikën

Frikë kam të vdes

Çdo natë që vjen

Kam frikë të jetoj...

Nëpër qiej enden

Parajsë e ferr;

As njërën, as tjetrën

Dot si pushtoj...


Amb. Dr. H. C. María Elena Ramírez




Hallowed Peace in the world

of endless wars that

man does not stop facing;

internal wars, an alarm

that the spirit cannot endure,

screams and silences inside

in front of a mirror he cries until

vent your reality; it is necessary

the help or empathy of others.

Peace in the world,

Peace in Humanity,

Peace in children,

May the violence stop now.

Hallowed harmony in the

brother peoples, rise

flags, white handkerchiefs

and balloons too, in union

of nations for a life without fear,

internal wars that reflect

discontent and sadness,

May there be peace all together in prayer.

Amb. Dr. H. C. María Elena Ramírez



Pseudonym: The Mystical Muse of Poetry

Ambassador of International Peace

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...