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Friday, October 8, 2021

Slavka Bozovic

 Dancing in the galaxy


Your thoughts fertilized the sky tonight

The sounds of celestial harps echo through the galaxy

Millions of sparks come from the core of the constellation

And those magical notes ripple in my veins.

Following my wish, I danced in the fields of dreams

Carried by the wings of the night, I felt the spindles of the sky

My footsteps were on the edge of a whitish cloud

When I saw your silhouette, naked to the waist.

You held out your hands to me, I thought they were Orpheus' wings

The magic of your body is reflected in my eyes

I melted with happiness as your right arm wrapped around my waist

In that cosmic love spell, I would dance with you forever on long nights.

The lovely movements of my footsteps ignited lust in you,

Hugging himself tightly, he murmured; "Love, I only love you",

In the ecstasy of love, passion and lust united in will,

I softly whispered: "Please don't separate me from you"!

The universe fell silent, the moon slowly fell asleep,

Dancing, we reached a limit that no one had yet reached,

With the birth of the horizon, the mighty parody stops,

Only the sisters of the star know the traces of our seductive footsteps.

Author: Slavka Božović

Country: Montenegro

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