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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Author: Violeta Márquez


In a moment of reflection
A memory came from
My childhood.

I remembered when
I ran through the field
Trying to capture
The  most beautiful butterflies

So many times
I was waiting for dusk
To contemplate
And play with the fireflies.

Days that are never forgotten
Because do they stay recorded
In consciousness and in
Our soul.

Many times I woke up
Too early to see the

And other times waiting for the night
To count the stars
In the company of the moon
And the music of the crickets.

Beautiful memories of
Nostalgia and joy.

Today after being locked up
For over a month,
Looking out the window
And listening to the birds
Singing they made me go back
To those moments
That they filled with peace.

Memories that feed
My heart and soul
Of grateful and love.

What a privilege
Of my generation
Now just

I sigh for those beautiful

Pinterest picture.
© Violeta Marquez
Copyright 4-25-20

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