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Sunday, February 2, 2025

©® Dr. Zainul Husain


A fair and radiant fairy

From the heavens descended

Into the tender pages

Of a budding poet's diary. 

As if seeking her own soul,

She ventured deep, 

Lost in the profound depths

Of love's embrace

Where her sighs

Traversed the skies, 

Reaching paradise. 

This fairy with all her heart, 

Savoured each word, 

That bore witness 

To a love so divine, 

Before the enchantment of the poet's verse, 

Her own magic 

Faltered and waned. 

Despite a myriad of denials, 

In the spell of immortal poetry, 

She forgot herself, 

Captivated by the poet's tender affection. 

©® Dr. Zainul Husain


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