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Sunday, January 19, 2025

The unwanted Child by Dr. Ogomegbunam Success Nwoye


Name: Dr. Ogomegbunam Success Nwoye 

Country: Nigeria 

Theme: The unwanted Child

Title: The Dream Child

Date: 19 01 2025


He came out unwanted, 

Due to the circumstances, 

Behind his Birth,

The Mother gave birth to him,

Out of wedlock.

An act that is regarded,

As immoral disposition in their tribe.


The rejected Child went through Pains,

Sorrow, frustration and discrimination.

The mother was isolated and despised.


Divine came through for them.


The rejected Child,

Grew to become a celebration.

At the age of 25,

He was elected as a Councillor of his ward.

He delivered exceptionally, and was elected as the chairman of his LGA.


From being an LGA Chairman, he was elected to represent his constituency,

In the Federal House of Representative.

Fate smiling on him,

He was elected a Senator,

Representing his Senatorial Zone, and later became the President of the Senate.


Life is a teacher,

And no one can be written off,

Once there is breath.




Dr. Ogomegbunam Success Nwoye is a Nigerian International Multi Awarded Writer.

He has to his credit 12 Honorary Doctorates and more than 200 awards. He has to his credit, MSC Public Health, MA, Theology.  He was a former lecturer with College of Health, as well Head of Department Medical Laboratory Technology. He is a Doctoral Fellow Chattered Institute of Human Resource Management 

He is an educationist. He has Authored Many Books, including Anthologies, with Notable International writers. 

He is a Literary and Peace Ambassador to Hungary, Nigeria, Philippines, Bethlehem, and United States.

Published by Tamikio L. Dooley

Motherland by Munira Sultan




Thousands of years later, everyone is still awake.

The wonderful soil where my navel blood was spilled,

"Sweet suffering" why is the coin trembling?

I miss you, Motherland!


Homeland, I miss you even far away,

I can't describe it, I write poetry,

Hearing your words, I will water my country,

My mother is hot from you, Mother is the place!


When I first step on your threshold,

My father was always like a mountain.

He prayed and observed every day, every moment,

My father wants to come from you, Father is the place!


Memories come alive in me again,

When I first opened my eyes,

Silence would be the governor in my world,

I want you in my blanket, Motherland!


Eucalyptus in the tracks of my cradle,

If my mother repeats her sweet prayers,

If the past season of my childhood returns again,

My baby is sick of you, Motherland!

I felt your music, Fatherland!!!




Munira Sultan (Eshonkulova Munira Rasulovna). 

Munira Sultan was born on October 7, 1981, in Bekobod city, Tashkent region. In 1998, she graduated with honors from School No. 11 in Bekobod. From 1999 to 2001, she studied at the Bekobod Pedagogical College. For 24 years, she has been teaching the younger generation at School № 45 in the Bekobod district. She is currently a 4th-year student at Gulistan State University. Munira is married and the mother of three children.

In October 2021, her first poetry collection, titled "You Are in My Heart", was published.

Her poems have been featured in various poetry collections, such as "Turon Taronalari", "Do‘rmon Durdonalari", "Nazm Ifori", "Barhayot Sohibqiron", and "Ganjiravon Yo‘llarida". They have also been published in magazines like "Saboq", "Targ‘ibotchi", "O‘zbekistonda Ta’lim", "Guliston", and "Gulxan". Her works have gained international recognition and have been printed in the UK ("The Works of Talented Uzbek Creators"), Germany ("Raven Cage"), the USA ("International Literature Language and Online Journal", "Women's Literature Magazine", "Friendship of People"), and India ("The Raft of Dreams"). Her poetry has appeared in Uzbek, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tadjik and English in various prestigious newspapers and journals both in Uzbekistan and abroad.

Munira Sultan is the winner of several international online poetry competitions and a laureate of the republican creative youth contest dedicated to "Barhayot Sohibqiron". For her active participation in the international online competition organized under the slogan "Two Brothers—Soul Relatives" by the Kazakhstani organization "Qos Qanat Jas Daryndyqlardy Qoldaw Jäne Damu Qory", she was awarded the "For International Services" badge of honor. Additionally, she received the "ISTE'DOD" badge of honor as per the decision of the editorial board of "O‘zbekistonda Ta’lim".

Munira Sultan is a member of the "Do‘rmon Club" established under the Do‘rmon Creative House, a member of Kazakhstan's "Qos Qanat" organization, and a member of Italy’s "World Poets’ Solidarity" organization.

Published by Tamikio L. Dooley

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Scented Letters by Parvinder Nagi


Scented Letters


I can still feel the fragrance,

of your perfume,

From all the letters you sent,


Those scented letters bringing,

Unlimited kisses so warm,


Touching every curve so beautiful,

Freaking the sensations mad,


Ahh! how I love the touch of your,

Quill so intoxicating,


Electrifying my senses so deep,

Penetrating into the depths of my skin,


Revealing secret tales of love,

Each letter carries the bond so strong,


Sitting at the window sill,

Waiting for the delivery,

of your ink,


I could not wait,

To lay my hand on it,

And go through the read so sweet,


Whispering in silence,

Reading your three letters,’ I love you, ‘

to the winds caressing my tresses,


Blushing I cherish each word of yours,

Anchoring your dreams in portals of my eyes,


Finding the dried petals of roses,

From the pages of your notes,


Drowning me in nostalgia,

In the depths of my heart,


Some dreams tucked away,

That I could not express,


I miss your golden letters,

Touching the core of my heart,


For we live in the world,

Where letters do not exist,


The ink of your love is worth preserving,

For it has travelled miles across,


I’ll cherish your letters till my last breath sealed with a cozy warm kiss!



Parvinder Nagi is born and brought up in the coastal city of Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa.

Parvinder has dedicated her career shaping the minds of future generations as a Principal from distinguished senior secondary schools in India.


Parvinder is a national award winner from NCERT, New Delhi, for making teaching and learning process more easier through the classroom aids for both the teachers and pupils.


Parvinder’s poetic journey begins with a great inspiration from her visit to the museum and Dove cottage a residence of vulnerable poet William Wordsworth in Grasmere, Lake District, UK.


Her passion for poetry found recognition when she was bestowed with the prestigious accolades in a national poetry contest orchestrated among a gathering of over 2000 poets from across India on the national level.


She is recipient of many literary awards in poetry. She has done collaborative poems with the global noble poets. Her poems are reviewed by some eminent critics in literature world.


Her poems are also translated in various languages and are music of the heart that express different aspects of life, conjure up emotions from happiness to sadness using different styles and themes giving pleasure to the readers.




Published by Tamikio L. Dooley


Hope Never Dies!


Hope Never Dies!


What a division of the Lord!

Instant, man swings and bids fie,

Tastes immortality, eternity in yellow clad;

Holds sky in the striking eyes,

Walking, creeping among tenacious tradition,

Smiling at silly, embracing demotion,

Years after years, man quenches the thrust,

And feels delighted on dazzled burst,

Urania hosts and sings the divine song,

Athena welcomes and pours Potion,

Hera delights and defeats Odysseus' notion,

Penelope knits even in commotion;




Muhammad Adnan Gujjar, lecturer in English at The University of Chenab, Gujarat, Pakistan. He has completed two Masters in English Philosophies: M.Phil. in English Language and Literature from UOS and M.Phil. in English Literature from MUL. His research concentrates on Classical Folktale Heer and Ranjha. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Wordsmith E-Magazine.

Furthermore, he engraves English Poetry and glorifies as a phenomenal poet, Adnan has been served as co-author in various National and International Anthologies, websites, newspapers and journals. He has been highlighted as an author in a renowned E-paper in the USA and Africa, Mount Kenya Times. In addition, his interview has been featured in an African Paper, The Mount Kenya. 

Moreover, he heartens and provokes the students in Creative Writing. His students are also sharing the vibrant sharing around the globe. Truly, his students are emblems of transparency. He inculcates passion into the minds of their students in order to nurture their raw potential. His aim is to bring out the glory and immeasurable brightness. He believes in having a vibrant perception. He is always there to energize the eager spirits with his soulful thoughts.

Published by Tamikio L. Dooley

Friday, January 17, 2025

 Fatima Gameiro


For you .... love you

O que não aprendi ainda sobre o amor 

está em teu beijo, 

teu beijo me daria serenidade, para viver 

essa espera por ti.

Teu beijo acabaria com

minha solidão, com essa saudade.

Ah!  O teu beijo com certeza

iria me fazer sorrir 

e não mais rolaria em minha face 

essa lágrima que derramo agora,

que  não  pudesse ver e, menos 

ainda, imaginar o quanto te quero

junto a mim!

Imagino quando meus lábios 

tocarem os teus,

sentirei a essência da tua ternura 

a me envolver.

Teu beijo tem magia e ser 


Sonhar com teu beijo 

me faz pensar em ti

todos os dias e noites 

da minha vida!

Mas eu não tenho certeza 

se um dia acontecerá o

nosso encontro, 

Será que um dia serei

compreendida na intensidade 

do meu amor por voce?

Nesse dia  a página da história 

do nosso amor irá 

mudar  o caminho que 

por fim seguiremos juntos!!!

O que não aprendi ainda sobre 

o amor  está em teu beijo!!!

Fatima Gameiro 

Poeta 🇧🇷

Direitos autorais reservados por lei 9610/98

Photos acervo pessoal F.G. e Internet

Glória Pereira!


Sou  eu mesmo, tenho  sensações  que  vem  do coração, porém  poderá  sair pela boca  em forma  de uma linda  canção. 

Meus lábios  tocando  levemente  no coração  de  alguém. 

Outros  desejos vem  quase saindo  pela boca. 

Os lábios  não  tremem, porém  o  coração  sai pela  boca. 

Existe  uma  janela  que  sempre  estará  aberta  em todas  nós, coração, emoções. 

Porém  não se deixe levar por  momentos. 

A razão  tem  lugar...

Porém  amor perfeito  é  sempre  envolvido  em  sentimentos grandiosos. 


Gostar  é  comum,amor complexo...

Envolver  esse amor  é  acontecer  um ato  libertador  .

Porém  não  sai  distribuído  seu coração.

Amor são  grandiosos  momentos  de vida, onde existe  partilha. 

Amar é  profundo  tem  gosto, cheiro, momentos  entrelaçados  em dois. 

Amar é  deixar o coração  sair para fora do  peito. 

Amar é  não  ter medo  de doar. 

Ter certeza  que  onde houver reciprocidade, aí você poderá  morar.

      Glória Pereira!!

Direito Autorais reservado Escritora/autora.

 Glória Pereira!


É  maravilhoso chegar  na maturidade, cabelos  brancos, soltos  ao vento. 

Olhar sereno  onde tem  seus  encantos. 

Rugas,sinal  de  momentos  especiais  vividos. 

Vivo o hoje  com  serenidade, carrego  comigo  gratidão. 

Tenho  uma  bagagem talvez  pesada, porém sempre  alguém  me deu  a mão. 

Nunca  fiquei  sozinha. 

A maturidade  traz consigo  belezas inesquecíveis, leveza no olhar  que  brilhantes são, embora  já  sofridos. 

A sabedoria  da maturidade  é  um  legado  de  vida onde não  precisa  carregar  consigo o peso  do  mundo. 

Ah! Amar é  simplesmente...

Nuca é  tarde  para  viver sua  história  de  amor. 

Porém  não  precisa  mendigar amor. 

Se for amor  real, ele sempre  estará  presente, porém  não  corra atrás  de quem  faz você  sonhar. 

Depois  de usa e não  tem nada para lhe  dar.

Amor é  sublime  e você  na sua  bagagem, não  precisa  carregar  turbilhão  de emoções. 

Você  mulher  é  desejada, é  sensacional perceber como é  prazeroso sentir seus olhos azuis fitando  o horizonte. 

Ame sempre  quem  quiser  chegar  ...

Chegar  para amar...sentir os mesmos  sentimentos, entender suas fraquezas...

Ninguém é  forte  sozinha. 

Ame sempre...

Viva o hoje..

Lembre-,se você  é  sensacional...

Você  é  única, exclusiva..

 Glória Pereira!!

   Direito Autorais reservado Escritora/autora

 Md Ejaj Ahamed

Murshidabad, West Bengal, India

Md Ejaj Ahamed is a bilingual poet, writer, journalist, teacher, an editor and a peace ambassador. He was born on 26 February 1990 in a remote village called Mahendrapur in Aurangabad of Murshidabad district, West Bengal, India. His parents are Md Samsuddin Biswas and Matiyara Bibi. His Educational Qualifications are English Honours, triple MA, B.Ed, D. El. Ed. He has taught in a few private schools and coaching centres from 2008 to January 2024. He has joined Shaikhpara Primary School under West Bengal Government on February, 2024. From an early age, he was able to cope with his family's financial difficulties and continue study, writing. During his college days, his Bengali-English poems and essays were published in the college magazine 'Ayon' every year. His Bengali-English poetry, essays have been published in various magazines, journals, news papers and joint poetry books. His poems have been translated into Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Italian, Albanian, Tajik, Polish, Hindi, Russian, Bosnian, German, Duch, Persian. His research article 'Discovery and the Golden Peak of Improvement' has been published in an International Journal Called RJELAL and his another research article 'Exploring New Trends and Innovations in English Language and Literature' has been published in an international standard book. His published Bengali books are 'Swopno Tori'(Dream Boat), Bangla Sahitya o cinemaya Goyenda Charitra (Detective Characters in Bengali Literature and Cinema), 'Maner pandulipi'(Manuscript of Mind), 'Hrid-Canvas'(Heart-Canvas) and 'Antarer Kabyakatha'(The Poetry of Heart), 'Paranta Sandhya' (Fall Evening), 'Selected Bengali Poems for Humanity & Peace'. He has made 'Ejajan Poem' and 'Science Poem'. He is the chief editor of Swapner Vela Sahitya patrika (The Raft of Dreams Literary Magazine). He was a member of the editorial board of 'International Sahitya Subarna' magazine, now he is a member of the advisory committee. He is the North Bengal editor of 'The Quadri Times' news paper, an admin of 'Puspaprovat' news portal and finance secretary of 'Joy Bangla Sahitya Parisad' of Bangladesh. He has edited a collection of Bengali poems by poets from India and Bangladesh, 'Kabitar Akash'( The Sky of Poetry) and 'Kabitar Aranya'(The Forest of Poetry), 'Kabitar Sagar' (The Sea of Poetry). He also works as a journalist for various newspapers. He has gotten many awards and honorary doctorates, honorary diplomas from various organisations. He got honour from the SAARC Human Rights Foundation. 

                 He has received 'Ambassador of peace' of WLFPH, 'Global Ambassador' of International Literacy Study Group (Bangladesh ) Member of Global Ambassadors of Sustainability and Certified Sustainability Officer (Dubai), Member of International Peace Ambassadors Academy (Egypt), Ambassador- 'Iqra Foundation' (Jerusalem), Member of Peace of 'International Academy for Peace and Human Rights' (Egypt), Member- 'Feather and Extender Humanity Academy' Europe and Turkey Branch, Member- Global Friends Club, Ambassador for World Peace- Foundation Maria Gladys. He is also a moderator of 'London Poets Club' (England), member of Farsala Academy (Greece), International Director of Diplomatic Relations and member of OCertiVa Social Media Administrators/Moderators Committee, an agency of The Sovereign Online State.


Md Ejaj Ahamed

O Humanity, extend your helping arms 

And embrace all the humans 

To enter the power

So that they may learn to help each other.

O Humanity, spread your protesting arms

And embrace all the humans

To input the quality

So that they may learn to protest against impropriety.

Not only inequity, but also against all evils.

O humanity, expand your arms of harmony

And hug all the people of the earth 

To penetrate the nobility 

So that they may assimilate the virtue maintain must.

O humanity, adorn the humankind

With love, kindness, compassion like a bride;

O humanity, blow up the birds of honesty and generosity in the sky of human mind 

So that the virtues can be restored in a file

 of subconscious mind and

 DNA of humankind.


 Md Ejaj Ahamed

The earth has been suffering from throe today.

His body is afflicted with various ailments;

People's minds are also sick today;

Sectarianism, exploitation, tyranny is reigning 

In the realm of the human mind;

They are running on the paths of the mind speedily, 

Is conquering from one country to another country effortlessly;

The soldiers of harmony, of humanity have been weakened;

Can't stop them.

I believe the soldiers of harmony, humanity Will soon be strong again;

In their body-mind will do photosynthesis of humanity-harmony;

Blocking their way will defeat them.

How many superpowers have emerged over the ages

But according to the rules of time they have fallen;

The DNA of history bears witness.

Bringing the panacea time will heal all;

The nephrons of time will purge and purify them.

The earth will be filled with humanity's and harmony's fragrance.

How Beautiful the World Would Be

Md Ejaj Ahamed

Path is walking in the Sky

Cloud-boys and girls are going to the horizon line

Crossing the borderline undisturbedly with a smile

Seated borderline indifferently

Is looking with curious eyes

Is also looking at the birds in surprise

They are also flying from one country to another country

They are going easily with own minds

I am standing on the border

Many are standing on both sides

Lowering the eyes from the sky the barbed wire railing 

winked at us

Then the memories were gathering in the depths of our minds

And painting on the canvas of the mind

Free goings and comings of sweet memories

Of the fenceless world were running

On the eyes and mouth of wire-fence

A sky-cloud of depression fell

I and he looked at each other with a chestful sadness

on our lips' corners

I thought if these fences weren't there

How nice it would be

How beautiful the world would be

 Nombre: Gloria Rios Ayzú


El mundo al revés

Cuando ser inteligente es plagiar,

cuando la mentira es la verdad,

cuando algunos creen que pueden pisotear a los demás:

el fascismo, el nazismo, desigualdad y misoginia, da igual.

Hoy vivimos tiempos de guerra,

se defienden las ideas, 

los poderes fácticos han hecho 

un proyecto de religión, de profecía;

los infantes, inocentes, sufren de hambre, miedo, frio,

mas escalofrió es lo que siento en mis huesos

al ver tanta barbaridad;

dividir es la consigna: estás o no estás.

Quiero estar en paz conmigo misma.

¡Ay, que brille la conciencia en el Espíritu Santo!

Quiero que despiertes

y que te encuentres con tu Ser;

él es inteligencia suprema, 

es la paz, que lleva a ser neutral.

¿Por qué ver el mundo a través del maniqueísmo?

Aprendamos a respetar las decisiones de las mayorías,

los convenios internacionales,

la libre determinación de los pueblos;

imponer es y siempre será un acto de agresión.

¡Oh, Espíritu de la libertad,

haz que el hombre se vea en el salón de los espejos,

que se encuentra de cabeza,

cual oveja sacrificada está la humanidad!

¡Haz que brille la conciencia, en la sabiduría 

de tu luz!

Derechos reservados de autor

Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 15,2024 

Baraut, Baghpat, UP, India

Dr. Ashok Kumar

 Let's Strengthen Nation with Education

A powerful weapon, education is the key,

To unlock the minds, and set the nation free.

With knowledge and wisdom, we can conquer all,

And build a brighter future, standing tall.

Let's arm our children, with the might of education,

And watch them grow, into a brighter nation.

With every book, and every lesson learned,

Our future leaders, will be born and discerned.

Education is the foundation, on which we stand,

A strong and stable base, for a prosperous land.

It's the thread that weaves, our communities together,

And fosters understanding, and love that lasts forever.

So let's invest in education, and give it our all,

For a brighter tomorrow, we must stand tall.

Let's strengthen our nation, with the power of knowledge,

And create a world, where love and peace flourish.

With education, we can bridge, the gaps that divide,

And build a nation, where all can reside.

Where equality and justice, reign supreme and fair,

And every individual, has the chance to flourish and share.

So let's march forward, with education as our guide,

And build a nation, where love and peace reside.

For a brighter future, we must strive and seek,

To strengthen our nation, with the powerful weapon of education unique.


January 15,2024 

Baraut, Baghpat, UP, India

Dr. Ashok Kumar

International Peace Activist & Social Activist

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

Alicia de la Paz  Ya casi... Ya casi termina el día  todo lleno de sorpresas  degusté la sinfonía que nació en mi cabeza. Esta mente imagina...