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Monday, February 3, 2025

 Dr. Ashok Kumar

 "Beyond the Borders, Beyond the Caste and Greed"

By Dr. Ashok Kumar

Baraut, Baghpat, UP, India


February 3, 2025

Beyond the borders, where love knows no bounds

A world united, without fences or grounds

Where hearts beat as one, in harmony and peace

A global village, where love and kindness release

Beyond the caste, where equality reigns

A society just, where all are treated the same

No chains of oppression, no walls to confine

A world where freedom rings, and all are aligned

Beyond the greed, where compassion takes its place

A world where sharing and caring, bring a smile to every face

Where resources are plenty, and all are fed

A world where love and kindness, are the threads that are spread

Let us rise above, the petty and the small

Let us unite as one, and give love its rightful call

Let us break the chains, of hatred and of fear

Let us build a world, where love and kindness appear

Beyond the borders, beyond the caste and greed

Let us create a world, where love is the creed

A world where all are equal, and all are free

A world where love and kindness, are the keys to humanity.

Copyright 2025 Dr. Ashok Kumar. All rights reserved.

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