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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Scented Letters by Parvinder Nagi


Scented Letters


I can still feel the fragrance,

of your perfume,

From all the letters you sent,


Those scented letters bringing,

Unlimited kisses so warm,


Touching every curve so beautiful,

Freaking the sensations mad,


Ahh! how I love the touch of your,

Quill so intoxicating,


Electrifying my senses so deep,

Penetrating into the depths of my skin,


Revealing secret tales of love,

Each letter carries the bond so strong,


Sitting at the window sill,

Waiting for the delivery,

of your ink,


I could not wait,

To lay my hand on it,

And go through the read so sweet,


Whispering in silence,

Reading your three letters,’ I love you, ‘

to the winds caressing my tresses,


Blushing I cherish each word of yours,

Anchoring your dreams in portals of my eyes,


Finding the dried petals of roses,

From the pages of your notes,


Drowning me in nostalgia,

In the depths of my heart,


Some dreams tucked away,

That I could not express,


I miss your golden letters,

Touching the core of my heart,


For we live in the world,

Where letters do not exist,


The ink of your love is worth preserving,

For it has travelled miles across,


I’ll cherish your letters till my last breath sealed with a cozy warm kiss!



Parvinder Nagi is born and brought up in the coastal city of Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa.

Parvinder has dedicated her career shaping the minds of future generations as a Principal from distinguished senior secondary schools in India.


Parvinder is a national award winner from NCERT, New Delhi, for making teaching and learning process more easier through the classroom aids for both the teachers and pupils.


Parvinder’s poetic journey begins with a great inspiration from her visit to the museum and Dove cottage a residence of vulnerable poet William Wordsworth in Grasmere, Lake District, UK.


Her passion for poetry found recognition when she was bestowed with the prestigious accolades in a national poetry contest orchestrated among a gathering of over 2000 poets from across India on the national level.


She is recipient of many literary awards in poetry. She has done collaborative poems with the global noble poets. Her poems are reviewed by some eminent critics in literature world.


Her poems are also translated in various languages and are music of the heart that express different aspects of life, conjure up emotions from happiness to sadness using different styles and themes giving pleasure to the readers.




Published by Tamikio L. Dooley


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