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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

By Mazher Hussain Abdul Ghani
"Earth's Peace"


The mother earth is human's mirth
The soulful connection of human and earth is divine
The existence of human is as geriatric as the existence of Earth itself
Life is keep changing on this globe with each passing moment
Each soul efforts for peace, yet they suffer in polluted atmosphere
Humanity is facing stress, diseases and obsession with materialism
This dismal sight of toxics use destroys nature and reduce the distance between life and death
Mother earth longs for peace and freshness, green pastures, clean waters and happy faces
Hands in hands, let's nurture the culture, sow the seeds of compassion to save the natural lives
The roads might be different but our goal should be one to serve the earth, as it serves us.

Mazher Hussain Abdul Ghani

1 comment:

ADAM said...

Beautiful thoughts.

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