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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Aly Berd 


Hasta que llegue alguien, que te entienda el pensamiento, que te acompañe en el sentimiento.

Que te quiera bien, y cuando estés mal también.

A solas, hasta que se haga poesía lo que ayer fue puro cuento.

A solas, a favor del viento, contra la marea.

Hasta que alguien sonría cada vez que te vea, y tenga tiempo para la risa fuerte, para el beso lento.

A solas, hasta que suceda, y al fin te admiren tal cual seas.

Donde siempre puedas. Donde no pierdas las ganas, donde no encuentres cadenas.

A solas, hasta que no sean solo palabras, hasta que corra el amor por las venas, hasta que corra el sueño por las penas. 

A solas, sin miedo a la soledad.

Porque todo llega para quien se la juega de verdad.

A solas, hasta que llegue alguien que merezca tanta felicidad."A SOLAS, HASTA QUE SEA EL MOMENTO".

Hasta que llegue alguien, que te entienda el pensamiento, que te acompañe en el sentimiento.

Que te quiera bien, y cuando estés mal también.

A solas, hasta que se haga poesía lo que ayer fue puro cuento.

A solas, a favor del viento, contra la marea.

Hasta que alguien sonría cada vez que te vea, y tenga tiempo para la risa fuerte, para el beso lento.

A solas, hasta que suceda, y al fin te admiren tal cual seas.

Donde siempre puedas. Donde no pierdas las ganas, donde no encuentres cadenas.

A solas, hasta que no sean solo palabras, hasta que corra el amor por las venas, hasta que corra el sueño por las penas. 

A solas, sin miedo a la soledad.

Porque todo llega para quien se la juega de verdad.

A solas, hasta que llegue alguien que merezca tanta felicidad.

 Excelente día de reposo!!!

Autora: Dra, Janeth Elizarraraz.


Hay momentos en la vida

en quedo tú 

tienes que elegir 

el camino a seguir;

fluye libremente

sin dejar de desistir;

la vida es un regalo 

que tú elegiste al venir;

ya que solo los Guerreros

llegan aquí.

Sé fuerte en tus batallas 

en tu viaje existencial,

vive plenamente

nunca te permitas huir.

Enfrenta tus batallas

con valentía y sé feliz.

Libro: Fragancia Sesen.

Página 83.

Autora: Dra, Janeth Elizarraraz.

TeT-AHa 「pnuaH


 Іде в дорогу сонячний просвіт.

 У світ…

 Друкує час сторінку гречно.

 У миті стічні…

 Я впоперек себе малюю тіні.

 Привиддя стало золотим,

 Реальність сіра…

Встигни сказати.

Годинник сам собі у собі суть,

 Година на порозі.

 Глабеме в кожного – 

Безпечний клич

 До праведного Ока.

Ми в морзі, а чи у змозі?

А потім всі у собі мруть,

 Мовчання – гірше із мороків…

Стоси у стосі стосів…

 Мовчання нищить, спопеляє.

 Хоч главу попелом посип.

 Мине життя,  душа сконає,

Не заговориш –то й святий Архип

 Твого буття не заладнає.

Fatima Maaouia

Fille d'une je ne sais quel

Arbre qui veut montrer au ciel 

Le sel  de son esprit

Et les fruits de ses entrailles 

Que sur terre on mitraille

De quel cri  terrestre Essentielle  

Tu dois être 

Pour être 

Germe de tout être 

Sans maître 

Souveraine enzyme 

De dune en dune

Fille d'un tel CRI

Vérité ancienne et vieille

Qu'on décrie et aveugle 

Un cri TEL

De cri en cri Unis

Dans la  durée 

Sourd du silence et de la nuit 

De tous les cris de Vie

De saison en saison 


De génération en génération 

Vaporisant souffle, frisson


Ô, nuit, 

Hymne !

L'ignorer est un crime

Fatima Maaouia

Gordana Saric 


I would like my poetry to be a prayer for peace and love
dashing and elegant full of inner glow
to radiate the breath of an angel with an aura of purity
and the warmth of it unites yearning hearts. 

I want it to be magical soul music
a beacon of timeless love,
source of tenderness and blissful blinks,
creator of a world where goodness is celebrated.

To be enchanted with the breath of heaven
full of spring, dreams and light,
to be woven from eternal longings and desires
shining on the luminous throne of tenderness.

I would like the poem whose breath I breathe
leave my name among the stars
to exist as a blessing from God
and forever shines with the flame of love.

 Un silencio me habla 

Dr. José Luis López

Puerto Rico 


Anoche llegó un sonido muy peculiar 

que hizo temblar mi espíritu debilitado 

Y, aunque no supe cómo actuar, lo escuché 

De inmediato, me percaté que era mi SEÑOR

fue un zumbido arropado en dulce sabor 

Y, sé que me dijo: ¡NO TEMAS QUE ESTOY AHÍ¡

Yo nunca hice acción de temer pues no sentía 

Lo que me hiciera extraño fue su silencio 

Así permito que se expresara con libertad 

Él sabe cómo soy y seré siempre como él desea 

Porque nadie tiene poder sobre nada 

Si lo tiene, tampoco hay autorización 

Ése silencio se volvió una pieza de vida 

Del cual me lleva dónde ése quiere que vaya 

Un silencio me habla 

Una voz que se encarna para mi esencia 

Una presencia indisoluble, una fuerza incorruptible 

Un silencio me habla 

Me confirma lo que pienso asertivo 

Me reafirmar todo aquello escondido 

Me certifica lo digno de respeto que soy

Un silencio me habla 

Siempre habrá un acto de humanidad 

Siempre seré reverente ante la majestad 

Siempre acatar su trabajo y glorificarle

Un silencio me habla 

Todo tiempo estará disponible y dispuesto 

Él es yo, yo soy él 


Chalo Rodriguez Burgos (Chalo

Rodriguez Burgos)

 ¿Cuántas personas pueden decir que son parte de otras?

Habitas en cada uno de nosotros. Desde el momento en que sentíamos que tu llave entraba en la cerradura de la puerta de la casa, era la señal de alerta, todos exclamamos: “¡Ya llega papá!”. En ese instante, comienza la desbandada: unos corren a sus cuartos para terminar de arreglarlo, otros se apresuran a la cocina o a recoger alguna escoba o ropa fuera de lugar. Sin embargo, siempre había uno que no corría (ya había perdido toda esperanza); sabía que no podría escapar de la justicia doméstica. Pero, también estaba ese otro sonido: el de unos pasos firmes y seguros, que traían consigo una sombra inmensa, cargada de una profunda alegría. Esa sombra anunciaba tu llegada, papá. Ese ser inmenso, como un árbol majestuoso, cuya benéfica sombra lo envuelve todo. El que lo sabe y lo puede arreglar todo.

Papi eres como un árbol lleno de fortaleza, has extendido tus raíces en el tiempo y en el espacio de muchas vidas, llevando tu savia y majestad. Eres un símbolo de fuerza y protección, que nos guía y nos llena de orgullo.

Hoy, los arcanos vientos han ido arrancando las hojas de tu enérgica juventud, dejando paso a tu inmensa y serena sabiduría. Esa brillantez, ralentizada, nos permite recibir el resplandor de tu experiencia en cada octava que tus inacabables manos acarician y se deslizan sobre las teclas blancas y negras. “El toque”, ese toque que te distingue y singulariza, resuena en nuestras almas como la armonía que marca el pulso de nuestras vidas. Es el compás con el que tu legado se esparce, como una diáspora, desde el instante en que decidiste dejar tu puerto para abrazar otros hermosos espacios del país.

Eres un padre ejemplar, fuiste un dilecto esposo, un soberbio abuelo y un entrañable bisabuelo que todo lo permite. Yo te saludo, viejo amigo, por tus sabias enseñanzas, por tu incondicional apoyo cuando caía y, porque tu sola mirada siempre fue el estímulo para levantarme y seguir. 

Esa alegría que destilas cuando te sientas frente a un piano te da esa mayéstica figura y prosapia que enorgullece a tu linaje. Las notas de tus arpegios están grabadas en cada surco de nuestros recuerdos y ese bendito compás que imprimiste a nuestras vidas, jamás se irá como símbolo de una generación que ponía en relieve el respeto a los mayores, el trato cortés y caballeroso hacia las damas, la protección a los niños y el imperecedero deseo de avanzar en la búsqueda de nuevos horizontes. Así, como cuando terminabas de interpretar alguna palpitante melodía, con la elegancia que te caracteriza y ese ritmo que tu cuerpo gustaba en expresar, las partituras de tu vida han ido pasando, dejando estelas del deleite que tienes al posar tus manos sobre el marfil y ébano de tu piano. 

Que tu abrazo de hoy, que cumples 95 años, siga dándonos ese calor que potencia y revitaliza, junto a esa profunda mirada que tanto ha visto y que nunca deja de enseñar.

 In The #Depths of #Night

#Sufi #Poet Sayeeda Sharmin

In the depths of night, when silence reigns supreme,

A celestial light descends, a sacred, radiant stream.

The heavens bow low, the earth holds its breath,

Allah, the Eternal, visits His creation’s breadth.

Beneath the veil of stars, the world lies still,

Every heart whispers His name, surrendering to His will.

Shadows dissolve as His mercy unfolds,

In this divine moment, the universe beholds.

He comes not with thunder, nor with blazing fire,

But with the whisper of love, lifting hearts higher.

The trees sway gently, the winds softly hum,

Creation in chorus cries, “The Beloved has come!”

To the weary souls, He brings endless peace,

To the broken-hearted, His love grants release.

The moon reflects His light, serene and pure,

His presence eternal, His wisdom sure.

O mankind, awake! The night is alive,

His nearness calls, let your spirit revive.

Prostrate in the quiet, let your tears flow,

For in the depths of the night, His essence will glow.

Allah, the Most Loving, the Source of all Grace,

Visits His servants in this sacred embrace.

In the still of the night, His mercy rains,

Healing the wounds, erasing all pains.

So rise, O seeker, let your soul take flight,

For Allah comes near in the depths of the night.

A moment divine, a treasure untold,

A bond with your Creator, more precious than gold.

Copyright ©️ Sufi poet Sayeeda Sharmin

 Zineta Ćehović Šahović

Ako me dotakne kap kiše 

neba tvoga, 

nići će u meni polja

 crvenih makova

 i obojiti dan 

bojama prošlosti, 

davno zaboravljene. 

Rodit će se duga

izmedju zemlje i neba 

po kojoj ću hodati 

i prkositi trenutku. 

Zineta Ćehović Šahović

Friedrichshafen, 14.012.2024.


Tống Thu Ngân 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Băng tuyết đã nghìn đời 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Mây vẫn hoài trôi trôi 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Dịu vợi một bóng người 

Thinh không là vô tận 

Khói bụi ngập chiều rơi 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Tuyết trắng đến tận cùng 

Với tay ta hái tuyệt 

Lạnh buốt cả tim hồng 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Ơn cha mẹ cao vời 

Trong tận cùng vũ trụ 

Ta vẫn yêu hai người 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Ta hái vội nhánh đời 

Thảy vào hẻm vực sâu 

Nghe thanh âm nức nở 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Trùng trùng ngàn mây bay 

Nghìn năm giấc mơ dài 

Đếm từng đêm tuyết trắng...

Tống Thu Ngân@ All Rights Reserved 

January 05/ 2025

TTN 1916



MIS SILENCIOS LLEVAN TU NOMBRE (de mi 2do.Libro de poemas “El País de los Enigmas”)

                                                    ZAIDA JUÁREZ

Mis silencios llevan tu nombre

peregrino de transidos rumbos,

sostén donde ahogo mis pesares,

afluente inagotable de días grises.

Vuelvo a encontrarte

y conduces las bravías mareas

de angustiadas raíces.

Asoma tu interioridad.

Arroja el velo de la sangre,

modela esta efigie de eterna niña.

Desata tus conflictos,

juntos sintetizamos el milagro, 

Descubrirnos simbolizará la conquista.

Nunca olvides la proclama de los manes….

mis silencios llevan tu nombre.


 Mi incondicional amor a Jesucristo plasmado en este poema


                      Y REFLEJOS"      

Extraño tus soles

quebrantando mis orígenes,

La cadencia de la multitud

cercenando las sonrisas,

el sonido de ausencias

arrasando mis mañanas.

Tu.. oh Señor…

fundando mis plegarias

tu inequívoco mensaje,

ahuyentando las incertidumbres.

Tenue rubor asola la nostalgia.

Un milagro serpentea los límites

de la esperanza.

Hoy pueblas de sorpresas

las desérticas aceras.

Convocas a los niños

a cubrirse de esplendores.

Mitigas mi sed

por encontrar tu amparo.

Ahora… desbordan las palabras

en la infinitud de los silencios.

Huimos de este mundo

Hacia una desconocida alborada.


Gordana Saric 


Želim da moja poezija bude molitva za mir i ljubav

otmena, poletna puna unutrašnjeg sjaja

da odiše dahom andjela sa aurom čistote

i toplina njena  žudna srca spaja.

Želim da bude čarobna muzika duše

svetionik bezvremene ljubavi,

izvor nježnosti i blaženih treptaja,

tvorac svijeta u kome se dobrota slavi.

Da bude dahom neba opijena

puna proljeća, snova i svjetlosti,

da tkana od vječnih čežnja i želja

svijetli na blistavom tronu nježnosti.

Želim da pjesma čijim dahom dišem

medj zvijezdama moje ime ostavi

da postoji kao blagoslov božiji

i zauvijek sija plamenom ljubavi.

 Teresa Mascarenhas

.🌹Queridos amigos, hoy me siento muy emocionada de poder compartir con ustedes el poema que escribí para el concurso de poesía organizado por la Casa de Cultura de Gibraltar, en diciembre, titulado " Soledad"  y que fue seleccionado como el mejor poema en español.


lecho de agua marina

golpe de sal en la mirada

un cuenco vacío al fondo

un árbol sin aire

la tarde yerma 


con su derrumbe de pájaros 

cielo extraño que


     muda piel

hace del hombre  

animal de costumbre

escama de tiempo


a oscuras

    la única luz

            se vuelve olvido

Teresa Mascarenhas ©2024

@seguidores @destacar

 Charo Valdivia Paz-Soldan


je partage avec vous un poème commencé l'année dernière et terminé d'écrire hier... la poésie ne s'explique pas, elle se sent, je veux juste dire que j'ai été inspirée par deux Noël assez lointains...

Câlins poétiques,


Ma naissance n'est plus faite d'algarabies

d'enfants fous traçant le chemin des agneaux

ni de cris géants

opaque au soleil

ni de pleurs embarqués de pluie.

Ma naissance est maintenant sereine

me parle des sentiers justes

à la recherche de l'amour

à la recherche d'un cessez-le-feu

au Moyen-Orient et

au milieu de mon cerveau.

Ma naissance me contemple

en complicité avec l'arbre des extrêmes albos

à moitié tomber pour la danse d'un chat noir

qui caresse mon âme

quand dans mes nuits de nostalgie

Je pense à mes amours inachevées.

Dans un coin

une demi-douzaine de barbes blanches

forment un orchestre de chants de Noël célestes

qui sonneront quand je serai parti.

Guirlandes et lumières jusqu'à la folie, jusqu'à l'espoir

d'un mot, d'une ombre, d'un regard

tandis que l'Enfant attend de naître.

Ma naissance je le garde dans ma poitrine

a passé de nombreuses années à tenir le faux bonheur

Maintenant les bergers ne sont pas sortis des boîtes.

Au bord du désespoir

dans les couloirs éternellement froids de l'enceinte

ma naissance était ma mère attachée à un rêve

un Noël de plus caressant ses veines violacées que

semblaient allaient exploser de ses mains.

Dieu me fait un clin d'œil

promet un jour de plus


les petits anges jaunes se fatiguaient au sommet

et j'ai envie de pleurer...

Charo Valdivia Paz-Soldan

Copyright décembre 2024/janvier 2025.

Lima, 3 janvier 2025 

Milica Lilic 


Распирило се огњило

Божанске искре креснуле

Коло се Чило  раскрилило

 Чарне девице блеснуле

У круг се опет савило

У пупак жарни дарнуло

Циклус животни поновило

Жар јутро нам свануло.

Слава се памћењем орила

Богиња прва, једина,

Новим се девством овила

Из Духа Сина  родила

Дубине Слова појмила.

Распирило се видело

Новим се старо преплело

Корен животни појило!

Семела родом родила

Вас мир Словесни хранила

Питару  Првом се поклонила

Божански порив излила

Тророги темељ и увир

Предачки наук у распир

Ис- питати исконске боје

Где једно би  да буде Троје.

Куће нам на три сохе стоје

Вичанске мајке  шире повоје

Тривала шаре и разбоје

За нове младе домове

Где преци јасно говоре

Распири језик нагоре

Куд звезде смерове творе

Лепенски призвук отворе

Ту дешифруј  говоре -

Прастарог бића прозоре

И не дај да их затворе.


9.12. 2024.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

 ### Biography of Hariom Bawa

**Early Life and Background**

Hariom Bawa was born on December 4, 1983, in Haryana, India, a state known for its rich agricultural landscape and vibrant cultural traditions. Growing up in a rural environment, Bawa was immersed in the local art and crafts that characterized his community. From an early age, he showed a natural affinity for creativity, often sketching the scenes of village life that surrounded him—festivals, rural landscapes, and the daily activities of the people. 

Bawa's upbringing instilled in him a deep appreciation for the artistic heritage of his region, motivating him to pursue a career in the arts. His formative years were marked by exploration, experimentation, and a quest for knowledge, setting the stage for his future as an accomplished artist.


Recognizing his passion for art, Bawa pursued formal education in the field. He enrolled at the College of Art, University of Delhi, where he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree in Sculpture. This program provided him with a solid foundation in artistic techniques, theory, and history. During his time in Delhi, Bawa was exposed to diverse artistic movements and ideas, which broadened his perspective on art and its role in society.

After completing his BFA, Bawa continued his studies by pursuing a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Sculpture at the Dr. Sanjoy Khure College of Modern Art in Amravati, Maharashtra. This advanced education allowed him to refine his skills and explore innovative approaches to sculpture. His studies focused not only on technical mastery but also on conceptual development, enabling him to express complex themes through his work.

**Artistic Journey**

Bawa’s artistic journey has been marked by a commitment to exploring the interplay between traditional and contemporary art forms. His early works were deeply rooted in the cultural narratives of Haryana, often reflecting the lives and struggles of rural communities. He used his sculptures to tell stories, drawing from folklore, mythology, and everyday experiences.

As he evolved as an artist, Bawa began experimenting with various materials and techniques. He embraced modern sculptural practices, incorporating mixed media and installations into his repertoire. This versatility allowed him to push boundaries and explore new dimensions in his work. His pieces often convey powerful messages about identity, environment, and societal change, resonating with a wide audience.

**Awards and Recognition**

Throughout his career, Hariom Bawa has garnered numerous accolades and recognition for his artistic contributions. He has participated in many national and international exhibitions, showcasing his work to a global audience. His dedication to his craft has earned him several prestigious awards, reflecting his status as an influential artist in the contemporary art scene.

Notable among these recognitions is his participation in the Artcom Expo, organized by the International Artists Association in Norway. This platform provided Bawa with the opportunity to connect with artists from around the world, fostering cultural exchange and collaboration. His work has been celebrated for its unique perspective and ability to bridge different artistic traditions.

**Membership and Professional Involvement**

In addition to his artistic practice, Bawa is actively involved in the art community as an international art coordinator and exhibition curator. His role in these capacities allows him to promote artistic dialogue and facilitate connections between artists, collectors, and audiences. He believes in the power of art to transcend borders and foster understanding among diverse cultures.

Bawa’s curatorial work often focuses on showcasing emerging artists and highlighting the importance of regional art forms. By creating platforms for dialogue and collaboration, he aims to support artists in their creative journeys and raise awareness about the rich tapestry of global art.

**Themes and Influences**

The themes present in Hariom Bawa’s work are deeply rooted in his experiences and cultural heritage. His sculptures often explore concepts of identity, memory, and the human connection to the environment. He is particularly interested in the impact of modernization on traditional lifestyles, reflecting the tensions between rural and urban existence.

Bawa draws inspiration from various sources, including literature, folklore, and his own life experiences. This eclectic mix of influences contributes to the depth and richness of his work. He employs a variety of materials—such as clay, metal, and found objects—allowing him to express complex ideas through tactile forms.

His sculptures are not only visually striking but also thought-provoking, inviting viewers to engage with the narratives he presents. By addressing social issues and cultural themes, Bawa seeks to create a dialogue that encourages reflection and understanding.


Adela Elisa Conejo

 El jardín de mamá

Hermosas las calas

que al cielo elevaban

con su generosa flor

 una bonita plegaria.

Ese jardín florido

era una enorme fiesta

de pétalos y mariposas

aromas y ensueños.

Marimoñas, alelíes

pensamientos, lirios

violetas y gladiolos

narcisos y geranios.

Las mariposas alegres

danzaban sobre las flores

donde todo era alegría

de risas de niños.

Era hermoso el jardín

que en primavera lucía

de júbilo y regocijo

donde el sol quedó cautivo.

Adela Elisa Conejo

Mendoza- Argentina


País: España

Fecha: 04/01/2025


Todo lo entendí al observar tus ojos,

al escudriñar tu mirada 

y percibir el sufrimiento de tu alma, 

que se asomaba, 

triste y apagada,

y me observaba desde las sombras, quizás esperanzada.

Eras un ave herida, 

tus alas ya no eran capaces de emprender el vuelo.

Te hicieron daño, 

mucho daño,

apagaron tu luz 

y mataron tus sueños,

devoraron tus ilusiones

y te lanzaron, 

inocente y desvalida,

de cabecita al infierno.

Desde allí me miraste, 


demandando mi ayuda,

permitiéndote imaginar una salida 

a tu temible tortura.


me suplicaron tus ojos.


me reclamaron tus labios,

sin pronunciar palabra, 

tan solo un tímido silencio.

Yo ya me había enamorado,

de tus ojos, de tus labios, 

de tu pena, de tu anhelo.

Yo sería tu luz y tu consuelo,

quién reparara tus alas 

y te ayudara a emprender el vuelo,

porque sí, porque lo mereces, 

porque te amo, 

porque te quiero.

Todos los Derechos Reservados

Imagen de Instagram chroism_art 

Yuto Otsuki

Friday, January 3, 2025

 Autora: Elizabeth Nogales Bohórquez 

País: Bolivia 🇧🇴


Mi ventana de cristal 

alhaja translúcida

que se quiebra ante el mal.

Acaricio lo mágico 

cuando la nieve cae,

ignoro lo trágico 

en tanto una rama rae.

Mi ventana de cristal 

detiene el frío, 

el viento y la sal,

la mirada y el brío 

buscan el portal,

donde la ilusión anida

cerca del zaguán.

desde donde otea 

al tiempo pasar

Entonces pregunta

¿Dónde los días van?. . .

Perdida en la figura de un ampo

se cavila el pensamiento 

haber visto de todo, tanto 

a veces causa retraimiento;

dar las gracias a Dios 

es lo único que haremos;

porque para él. . .

Sólo somos átomos 

divagando libres en el universo.

 Poem original by Aziz Mountassir 

Translation into English by Neidi Romani 

Your Love Outshines My Trials

Through stormy skies and restless seas,

Your love has been my steady breeze.

When shadows fall and doubts take flight,

Your love becomes my guiding light.

Though fate has woven a thorny thread,

And heavy burdens crown my head,

Your love transcends what life can bind,

A solace rare, a peace refined.

When walls arise, unyielding, cold,

And dreams dissolve, too frail to hold,

Your love, unyielding, fierce, and true,

Turns ash to stars, paints gray skies blue.

For every chain that clings to me,

Your love whispers, "You are free."

In every tear, in every fight,

Your love transforms the wrong to right.

When silence roars, and hope seems lost,

When every step demands its cost,

Your love becomes the voice I hear,

A gentle hymn that calms my fear.

No storm can quell this flame you give,

A spark that teaches hearts to live.

No trials twist or break the thread

Of love that binds, through words unsaid.

Your love, a bridge across my pain,

A shelter from life’s fiercest rain.

No weight of sorrow, fear, or strife

Could dim the glow you bring to life.

So here I stand, my heart laid bare,

Each scar a story we’ve learned to share.

For in your love, I’ve come to see,

A strength that sets my spirit free.

Through every test, we rise above—

No fate can match your boundless love.

Though the world may tremble, and mountains fall,

Your love remains my all in all.


Tống Thu Ngân

Send the wind to the clouds to fly

I send to the person who misses me so much

Send the autumn in sad eyes with tears

Send all the yellow leaves flying against the wind

Send the wind to the clouds to fly

Send the wind to the clouds with so much passion

Send the wind to the clouds with so many afternoons of longing

There was an autumn hand in hand

Send the wind to the clouds to fly

Gather in my eyes these autumns

I return in yellow silk shirts dreaming of the sun

There is a sad street corner with stinging eyes

Send the wind to the clouds to fly

Welcome the leaves this afternoon with both hands

Count how many leaves and burn them

Throw them all up to the sky without remembering anyone

There will be no more dreams of past lives

Will not wait for frogs sleeping during the day

Tomorrow I will gather the forest of leaves

Hold them all in my heart with passionate memories...

Tống Thu Ngân@All Rights Reserved

January 3/ 2025

TTN 1915






About the poet iris calif 


Iris Calif is an international writer, poet, dancer, editor and translator of poetry to Hebrew. She is in charge of foreign relations in the online culture, literature, art and poetry magazine "The Direction of the Holy Spirit Wind" ("Bekiovn Hroh") and is a translator and an editor of world-wide poetry in the magazine, as well as in the culture and lifestyle magazine "Mokasini" and in the "World Poetry" section on the literature website "Rooms" ("Hadarim"). She is also a member of the Composers' Association of Hebrew authors and publishers in Israel named "ACUM".

 Iris is received of the International Prize for Literature Italy - Milan 2024: CITY OF GALATE Special award for excellence Citta del Galateau in the category of foreign writers from around the world, poetry and fiction on a free topic, for the poem she wrote "Angel of Life".

Iris received the 2023 award for International Best Poets & POETS: THE JOURNAL OF RENDITION OF INTERNATIONAL POETRY (ITRC) [Multilingual] [China]. She also holds a diploma from the "Russian Professional Writers Union" and the international magazine "Arina NN", registered in the Ministry of Culture of Russia, for her contribution to the culture world "International Poetic Community" 2022.

Iris is the head of the Israeli liaison department of the Hong Kong Literature and Arts Magazine and a member of the Association of artists and writers of the World SAPS. She takes part in the editorial board of the World Poetry Yearbook 2024 (English edition) and holds an honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity, Humanity and Coexistence, Kingdom of Morocco. 

Iris is a descendant of a lineage of Kabbalists, blessed with the prophecy of the spirit of the heart and the ability of communication and vision, which are expressed in her mystical and Kabbalistic writing, endowed with spiritual touches of holy upper and hidden worlds. For her, it is a blessing to shine with the spirit of the Jewish voice from the depths of love, life, and faith in the creator of the world- our father in heaven

"And as I soar with the flight of my spirit soul, I will carry the holy halo of the light of my Jewish loving voice, in the eternally world of the wings of the Dove of God spirit of the land-living peace"-Iris Calif

Three of Iris's books have already been published: "In a fascinating lane breathes Lolita" (2001), "), "A Pure Wild moon" (2017), and "The daughter of God" (2020), and she is currently working on her fourth book. Her poems have been published and read on the radio, on television, on the internet, in national and international magazines and newspapers and in anthologies around the world, and were translated by international poets into numerous languages such as Spanish, Bengali, Nepali, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, Assamese, Russian, Albanian and Italian. 

Iris's poems were presented in many prestigious and international exhibitions in Israel such as "Crowns of Winter" (January 2023), where a poem of hers translated into Bengali was displayed alongside poems by seven international poets, each translated and edited into Hebrew by her. Also the exhibition "Black-Red-White" displayed Iris's translated versions of poems written by five international poets. Most recently, Iris's poems, also translated into Chinese, Italian, Spanish and Arabic, were presented in the universal exhibition "Butterflies of Peace", which also included the poems of 21 poets from around the world, translated by Iris into Hebrew.

Iris's poetry reflects the inner journey of her soul, which looks through love, dreams of life and breathes holy and hidden worlds. Her poetry is a symbol and an expression of her victory over anorexia and her courageous decision to choose life and love.

"And in my living Iris soul, my spirit dances the living voice of the holy God life" -Iris Calif

The land of my heavenly skies of my poetic worlds in the wind of the worlds of holy hidden life

My poetry is in the heart of the soul of the heaven land of holy halo wind of light, and in the soul of the heavens and worlds of my created soul, which bows, dances and prays for the nature of life of God and illustrates my longings to the journey of worlds of wind, love, life, holiness and the hidden from the depth of the flame of the storm. From desire, light, pain, fracture, loneliness, fear, hope, purity, femininity, motherhood and the eternal girl that breathes in me eternal worlds of holy hidden life.

"And in my living Iris soul, my spirit dances the living voice of the holy God life"

Iris Calif

"All rights reserved"


My beloved

In the crown of the Iris heart flower of heaven,

I am dripping a golden- painted dawn into your eyes,

The prayer of the holy sun rain land, silenced her voice,

The hidden wind blows; the secrets of my wild moon dance

I remove the essence of the clothing of my Iris flower soul

in front of the halo river rock of your body.

I am the naked ballerina, The living Iris flower of heaven,

dancing your living Iris heart

My wet lips whispering to the purity of the human beauty darkness of the Night of the loving;         



I am dripping, 

The Iris flower of Your heart

"All rights reserved to the poet Iris Calif"

From her fourth book, which will be published in the future


A golden ray touches my body

Tonight, God the creator sends to my wounded soul an angel of love

And in the cloak of silence envelops my eyes green earth

Holly sprouted world

Forming bodies of love in a soft stream forever

I am the wandering girl

My fear in the thickening rain is drowning my lonely iris

And on my naked body is the dress of God of heaven

And the sea floods to my hidden green eyes

Angel of life

"All rights reserved to the poet Iris Ca


From her fourth book, which will be published soon in the future

אִירוּס לִבְּךָ / איריס כליף                                


בְּכֶתֶר אַבְקָנֵי פֶּרַח יָהּ אִירִיס לֵב קָדוֹשׁ הַשָּׁמַיִם 

מְשִׁיחָה לְעֵינֶיךָ זֹהַב שַׁחַר כָּתֹם          

תְּפִלַּת הָאֲדָמָה


      קוֹל מִקְדָּש


שֶׁמֶשׁ רוּחַ פְּרוּעָה מַשִּׁילָה שֶׁלֶג אֱלֹהַּ רָזַי מְחוֹלִי;               

אֲנִי פּוֹשֶׁטֶת חֹשֶׁן אִירִיס מַלְאַךְ מַלְבּוּשִׁי     

אֶל מוּל חַי נִשְׁמַת 





אֲנִי הַבָּלֵרִינָה הָעֲרֻמָּה; כַּפֶּרַח חַוָּה אִירִיס גַּן עֵדֶן 

מַתְמִירָה לִשְׂפָתַיִךְ הַלּוֹחֲכוֹת אִירִיסִים שֶׁל שָׁמַיִם כְּחֻלִּים 

מַעְבֶּרֶת יְפֵי פִּרְאֵי הַזַּךְ בְּחֶשְׁכַת רֹךְ הָאֲהָבִים   





אִירוּס פֶּרַח לִבְּךָ


כל הזכויות שמורות למשוררת איריס כליף 

        מספרה הרביעי שבכתובים 

מַלְאַךְ חַיִּים - איריס כליף   


קֶרֶן זֹהַב לְגוּפִי נוֹגַעַת                               

הַלַּיִל הַבּוֹרֵא מְשַׁלֵּחַ לְנַפְשִׁי הַפְּצוּעָה                                                         

מַלְאַךְ אֲהָבִים 

וּבִגְלִימַת הַשֶּׁקֶט צוֹעֵף יָרֹק עָפָר עֵינַי                                                

קֹדֶשׁ נִבָּט עוֹלָמוֹת                                            

מְכוֹנֵן בַּנַּחַל רֹךְ עוֹלָמִים גּוּפִי    



אֲנִי הַיַּלְדָּה הַנּוֹדֶדֶת פַּחְדִּי

בַּגֶּשֶׁם הַמְּעֻבֶּה טוֹבַעַת אִירוּס בְּדִידוּתִי                                    

וּלְגוּפֵי הֶעָרוּם מַעֲטֶה שִׂמְלַת אֱלֹהּ שָׁמַיִם                                                     

וְהַיָּם מֵצִיף לְטֶבַע רָזֵי יָרֹק אִירִיס חַוָּה עֵינַי 






"כל ה

זכויות שמורות למשוררת איריס כליף "

        מספרה הרביעי שבכתובים 

Photography combined with painting: The International artist

Zehava Netter

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

 Poems by Yehudit Malik-Shiran from the book: 

 "The Well of Wisdom"

English translated by: Yarden Zehavi

About the poet Yehudit Malik-Shiran


A creative artist writes and composes my songs. Owns an "efi-log" radio in Israel. An educator and a therapist with a combination of arts. A poet and writer for children and adults

Owner of "Bat Or" book publishing house. She won awards for her books and her works were published in magazines in Israel and abroad. Editor of the magazine "On the Way" which gives a platform to poets, writers and painters. High school teacher and journalist, literary and music critic

Ballet dancer / Yehudit Malik-Shiran 

Butterflies flapping their wings

Touching the rustle of the wind

That moves alone

Dances as a ballet dancer 

On the stage of the universe 

Her stage

That is love

Birds chirping a song

On a fragile chinaberry branch 

And a floating wind

Brings them together into a choir

Brings them together with a tone and a chime.

The sound of stirring water 

How could one not fall in love.

Translated by Yarden Zehavi

In this place / Yehudit Malik-Shiran 

In this place where love faints 

Thousands of times

Compassion spreads its hands

The prayers are silent

Hope sighs 

And life returns back war.

I don't know / Yehudit Malik Shiran 

Where does the water come from 

And overflows

And the water just like a mirror

Glowing of life


In the cheerful sun

That dazzles gleaming tiny pieces 

Like leaping drops

In a dizzy spiral

Like a golden cloak that wraps the horizon

Translated by Yarden Zehavi

שלושה שירים מאת יהודית מליק שירן מתוך הספר -"באר התבונה"

רַקְדָנִית בָּלֶט / יהודית מליק-שירן 

פַּרְפָּרִים מְרַפְרְפִים בִּכְנָפַיִם 

נוֹגְעִים בְּאִוְשַׁת הָרוּחַ

הַנָּעָה לְבַדָּהּ

מְחוֹלֶלֶת כְּרַקְדָנִית בָּלֶט

עַל בִּימַת הַיְּקוּם

הַבָּמָה שֶׁלָּהּ

זוֹ הָאַהֲבָה.

צִפּוֹרִים מְצַיְּצוֹת שִׁיר

עַל עֲנַף אִזְדָּרֶכֶת שָׁבִיר

וְרוּחַ מְרַחֶפֶת 

אוֹגֶדֶת אוֹתָן לְמַקְהֵלָה

אוֹגֶדֶת אוֹתָן בִּצְלִיל וּמְצִלָּה. 

רַחַשׁ מַיִם מִתְעַרְבֵּב

אֵיךְ אֶפְשָׁר שֶׁלֹּא לְהִתְאַהֵב.

בַּמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה / יהודית מליק-שירן 

בַּמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה בּוֹ הָאַהֲבָה מִתְעַלֶּפֶת 

אַלְפֵי פְּעָמִים

הַחֶמְלָה פּוֹשֶׁטֶת יָדֶיהָ

אִלְּמוֹת הַתְּפִלּוֹת

נֶאֱנַחַת הַתִּקְוָה

וְהַחַיִּים מְשִׁיבִים מִלְחָמָה.

אֵינִי יוֹדַעַת / יהודית מליק-שירן (עמ'152)

מֵאֵיפֹה בָּאִים הַמַּיִם

וְעוֹלִים עַל גְּדוֹתֵיהֶם

וְהַמַּיִם כְּמוֹ מַרְאָה 

מִזְדַּהֶרֶת שֶׁל הַחַיִּים


בַּשֶּׁמֶשׁ הָעַלִּיזָה

שֶׁמְּסַנְוֶרֶת פְּתוֹתִים זַהֲרוּרִיִּים

כְּמוֹ טִפּוֹת מְנַתְּרוֹת

בִּסְלִילִית מְסֻחְרֶרֶת

כִּגְלִימַת זָהָב הָעוֹטֶפֶת אֶת הָאֹפֶק

ציור מאת האמנית: יהודית מליק שירן 

Painting by the artist Yehudit Malik-Shiran

כריכת הספר באר התבונה מאת: יהודית מליק שירן 

The cover of the book The Well of Wisdom by Yehudit Malik-Shiran




About the poet iris calif 


Iris Calif is an international writer, poet, dancer, editor and translator of poetry to Hebrew. She is in charge of foreign relations in the online culture, literature, art and poetry magazine "The Direction of the Holy Spirit Wind" ("Bekiovn Hroh") and is a translator and an editor of world-wide poetry in the magazine, as well as in the culture and lifestyle magazine "Mokasini" and in the "World Poetry" section on the literature website "Rooms" ("Hadarim"). She is also a member of the Composers' Association of Hebrew authors and publishers in Israel named "ACUM".

 Iris is received of the International Prize for Literature Italy - Milan 2024: CITY OF GALATE Special award for excellence Citta del Galateau in the category of foreign writers from around the world, poetry and fiction on a free topic, for the poem she wrote "Angel of Life".

Iris received the 2023 award for International Best Poets & POETS: THE JOURNAL OF RENDITION OF INTERNATIONAL POETRY (ITRC) [Multilingual] [China]. She also holds a diploma from the "Russian Professional Writers Union" and the international magazine "Arina NN", registered in the Ministry of Culture of Russia, for her contribution to the culture world "International Poetic Community" 2022.

Iris is the head of the Israeli liaison department of the Hong Kong Literature and Arts Magazine and a member of the Association of artists and writers of the World SAPS. She takes part in the editorial board of the World Poetry Yearbook 2024 (English edition) and holds an honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity, Humanity and Coexistence, Kingdom of Morocco. 

Iris is a descendant of a lineage of Kabbalists, blessed with the prophecy of the spirit of the heart and the ability of communication and vision, which are expressed in her mystical and Kabbalistic writing, endowed with spiritual touches of holy upper and hidden worlds. For her, it is a blessing to shine with the spirit of the Jewish voice from the depths of love, life, and faith in the creator of the world- our father in heaven

"And as I soar with the flight of my spirit soul, I will carry the holy halo of the light of my Jewish loving voice, in the eternally world of the wings of the Dove of God spirit of the land-living peace"-Iris Calif

Three of Iris's books have already been published: "In a fascinating lane breathes Lolita" (2001), "), "A Pure Wild moon" (2017), and "The daughter of God" (2020), and she is currently working on her fourth book. Her poems have been published and read on the radio, on television, on the internet, in national and international magazines and newspapers and in anthologies around the world, and were translated by international poets into numerous languages such as Spanish, Bengali, Nepali, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, Assamese, Russian, Albanian and Italian. 

Iris's poems were presented in many prestigious and international exhibitions in Israel such as "Crowns of Winter" (January 2023), where a poem of hers translated into Bengali was displayed alongside poems by seven international poets, each translated and edited into Hebrew by her. Also the exhibition "Black-Red-White" displayed Iris's translated versions of poems written by five international poets. Most recently, Iris's poems, also translated into Chinese, Italian, Spanish and Arabic, were presented in the universal exhibition "Butterflies of Peace", which also included the poems of 21 poets from around the world, translated by Iris into Hebrew.

Iris's poetry reflects the inner journey of her soul, which looks through love, dreams of life and breathes holy and hidden worlds. Her poetry is a symbol and an expression of her victory over anorexia and her courageous decision to choose life and love.

"And in my living Iris soul, my spirit dances the living voice of the holy God life" -Iris Calif

The land of my heavenly skies of my poetic worlds in the wind of the worlds of holy hidden life

My poetry is in the heart of the soul of the heaven land of holy halo wind of light, and in the soul of the heavens and worlds of my created soul, which bows, dances and prays for the nature of life of God and illustrates my longings to the journey of worlds of wind, love, life, holiness and the hidden from the depth of the flame of the storm. From desire, light, pain, fracture, loneliness, fear, hope, purity, femininity, motherhood and the eternal girl that breathes in me eternal worlds of holy hidden life.

"And in my living Iris soul, my spirit dances the living voice of the holy God life"

Iris Calif


All rights reserved"


My beloved

In the crown of the Iris heart flower of heaven,

I am dripping a golden- painted dawn into your eyes,

The prayer of the holy sun rain land, silenced her voice,

The hidden wind blows; the secrets of my wild moon dance

I remove the essence of the clothing of my Iris flower soul

in front of the halo river rock of your body.

I am the naked ballerina, The living Iris flower of heaven,

dancing your living Iris heart

My wet lips whispering to the purity of the human beauty darkness of the Night of the loving;         



I am dripping, 

The Iris flower of Your heart

"All rights reserved to the poet Iris Calif"

From her fourth book, which will be published in the future


A golden ray touches my body

Tonight, God the creator sends to my wounded soul an angel of love

And in the cloak of silence envelops my eyes green earth

Holly sprouted world

Forming bodies of love in a soft stream forever

I am the wandering girl

My fear in the thickening rain is drowning my lonely iris

And on my naked body is the dress of God of heaven

And the sea floods to my hidden green eyes

Angel of life

"All rights reserved to the poet Iris Calif"

From her fourth book, which will be published soon in the future

אִירוּס לִבְּךָ / איריס כליף                                


בְּכֶתֶר אַבְקָנֵי פֶּרַח יָהּ אִירִיס לֵב קָדוֹשׁ הַשָּׁמַיִם 

מְשִׁיחָה לְעֵינֶיךָ זֹהַב שַׁחַר כָּתֹם          

תְּפִלַּת הָאֲדָמָה


      קוֹל מִקְדָּש


שֶׁמֶשׁ רוּחַ פְּרוּעָה מַשִּׁילָה שֶׁלֶג אֱלֹהַּ רָזַי מְחוֹלִי;               

אֲנִי פּוֹשֶׁטֶת חֹשֶׁן אִירִיס מַלְאַךְ מַלְבּוּשִׁי     

אֶל מוּל חַי נִשְׁמַת 





אֲנִי הַבָּלֵרִינָה הָעֲרֻמָּה; כַּפֶּרַח חַוָּה אִירִיס גַּן עֵדֶן 

מַתְמִירָה לִשְׂפָתַיִךְ הַלּוֹחֲכוֹת אִירִיסִים שֶׁל שָׁמַיִם כְּחֻלִּים 

מַעְבֶּרֶת יְפֵי פִּרְאֵי הַזַּךְ בְּחֶשְׁכַת רֹךְ הָאֲהָבִים   





אִירוּס פֶּרַח לִבְּךָ


כל הזכויות שמורות למשוררת איריס כליף 

        מספרה הרביעי שבכתובים 

מַלְאַךְ חַיִּים - איריס כליף   


קֶרֶן זֹהַב לְגוּפִי נוֹגַעַת                               

הַלַּיִל הַבּוֹרֵא מְשַׁלֵּחַ לְנַפְשִׁי הַפְּצוּעָה                                                         

מַלְאַךְ אֲהָבִים 

וּבִגְלִימַת הַשֶּׁקֶט צוֹעֵף יָרֹק עָפָר עֵינַי                                                

קֹדֶשׁ נִבָּט עוֹלָמוֹת                                            

מְכוֹנֵן בַּנַּחַל רֹךְ עוֹלָמִים גּוּפִי    



אֲנִי הַיַּלְדָּה הַנּוֹדֶדֶת פַּחְדִּי

בַּגֶּשֶׁם הַמְּעֻבֶּה טוֹבַעַת אִירוּס בְּדִידוּתִי                                    

וּלְגוּפֵי הֶעָרוּם מַעֲטֶה שִׂמְלַת אֱלֹהּ שָׁמַיִם                                                     

וְהַיָּם מֵצִיף לְטֶבַע רָזֵי יָרֹק אִירִיס חַוָּה עֵינַי 







"כל הזכויות שמורות למשוררת איריס כליף "

        מספרה הרביעי שבכתובים 

 Poems by Balfour hakak

About the poet Balfour hakak



Personal Details: I was born in Iraq (1948)on the date of Israel Decleration ofIndependence. My twin brother is Herzl. Our family emigrated to Israel at 1950. At the age of 17 I won the championship of the International Bible Quiz (1965). (My twin brother was vice champion in this quiz).

Army service in the Israel Defence Forces (1966 - 1969).

I am married and I have three sons.

Adress: rekhasim 12 p.o.b 10081 zur hadassa; israel 99875

Academic Studies:1970 -1977 Hebrew Literature and Bible,

The Hebrew University, Jerusalem,

B.A. and M.A. degrees both with distinction.

Publications:7 poetry books:"jemini Poems", Lights of love", "Wedding Wood", "Genealogy Poems" , “Homeland Poems “, “poems from the Mystic Garden “, “State of Mind”.

  A Literary Research: "The Prose of Berdizchevsky"

  3 Children Books: "Carmella"

                          “Twins “, “ Balagana”..

I also won two literary prizes.

Chibat Hapiout – Interpretation of holy songs

Taut Hazor – Hebrew Lexicon

Careers: Young journalist at Ma`ariv La'noar, 1963 - 1966

  Teaching in Highschool: 1974 -1987

  Curriculum Planning, The Israeli Curriculum Centre,

  Ministry of Education & Culture, 1977 -

  Editting: A Teachers' Journal: "Chinnuch Al Haperek"

  (Education in Action) 1986 –1999.

Public Activities:Vice chairmain in the Hebrew Writers Association

  including membership in its Central Board 

                                     1982 –1996. 2000-2002.  

                                     Membership in P. E. N central board in Israel ( 1997 -2000 ).

  Founding of an Association of Zionist Writers,

  A Volunteer Organization, active in under-privileged schools (in 

  Migdal Haemek ,Kiryat-Shmona,Karmiel Etc.)

  Membership in the Jerusalem Sepharadi Board

  Membership in the Association for the

  Jewish-Iraqi Heritage

  Membership in the”Hamiphal “- Educational children ‘s          


April 2002


from the Hebrew by: Esther Cameron

Ever since you arose in my thought

You have been saying to me from a distance:

Your face is the face of a seraph

And you are one of the riders in the Chariot

We loved together in aimless motion

We lived together in a place of punishment

Those who go there are entwined, their soul goes out

Those who go there do not return.


Blue rivers then were of fire

You were a queen in beauty

I was a king in majesty

And we both loved according to the word.


Never forget:

We ascended from all the abysses and the breakings

We saw much happiness, also pain,

But we were on the highest height of all:

We had sight of the heart.

Translation from the Hebrew by: Esther Cameron

A scroll of Lineage — New Version

Poem by Balfour Hakak. 

Translation from the Hebrew by Schulamith Chava Halevy  

My grandfather 

received from his father a parchment 

a scroll of lineage

and his father received from his  

and his father received from his 

father from father

back to the elders of the 

great Assembly

But when my father departed in his immaculate gown

when he ascended to his great ancestral land

the scroll blew into sighs

the scroll blew in the wind

names aflame

 letters afly

Ever since

lost still in the tempestuous storm

I seek after my trampled scroll

in the light of day 

 in the twilight of sorcery

Indeed, I must create

starting now

a scroll of lineage

 — a new scroll

One that begins with


 בלפור חקק / מגילת יוחסין - נוסח חדש


קִבֵּל מֵאָבִיו מְגִלָּה

תְּעוּדַת יוּחֲסִין מְגִלַּת קְלָף

וְאָבִיו קִבֵּל מֵאָבִיו

וְאָבִיו קִבֵּל מֵאָבִיו

אָב מֵאָב

עַד זִקְנֵי הַכְּנֶסֶת הַגְּדוֹלָה.

וְכַאֲשֶר עָלָה זְקֵנִי בְּשׂלְמָתוֹ הַכְּלוּלָה

וְכַאֲשֶר עָלָה לאֶרֶץ אֲבוֹתָיו הַגְּדוֹלָה

עָפָה הַמְּגִלָּה לַאֲנָחוֹת

עָפָה הַמְּגִלָּה בָּרוּחוֹת

שֵמוֹת נִשְׂרָפִים וְאוֹתִיּוֹת פּוֹרְחוֹת.


תּוֹעֶה עֲדַיִן בַּסּוּפָה הַקָּשָה

מְחַפֵּשׂ אַחַר מְגִלָּתִי הָרְמוּסָה

בָּאוֹר וּבָּאוֹב.

אֵין זֹאת כִּי אֶצְטָרֵךְ לִכְתֹּב

הָחֵל מֵעַכְשָו

מְגִלַּת יוּחֲסִין מְגִלָּה חֲדָשָה

הַמַּתְחִילָה בִּי

(מתוך : ואז בקץ היוחסין, 1987)

 מראה לב / בלפור חקק   

 מֵאָז שֶׁעָלִית בַּמַּחֲשָׁבָה

אָמַרְתְּ לִי מִמֶּרְחַקִּים:

פָּנֶיךָ פְּנֵי שָׂרָף

וְאַתָּה מִיּוֹרְדֵי מֶרְכָּבָה

אָהַבְנוּ יַחַד בְּטַלְטֵלָה לְלֹא כִּוּוּן

חָיִינוּ יַחַד בִּמְקוֹם פֻּרְעָנוּת

בָּאֶיהָ קְלוּעִים, יוֹצֵאת נִשְׁמָתָם

בָּאֶיהָ לֹא יְשׁוּבוּן.

נְהָרוֹת כְּחֻלִּים הָיוּ אָז דִּינוּר

אַתְּ הָיִיתָ מַלְכָּה בְּיָפְיָהּ

אֲנִי הָיִיתִי מֶלֶךְ בְּהוֹדוֹ

וּשְׁנֵינוּ אָהַבְנוּ עַל פִּי הַדִּבּוּר.


לָם אַל תִּשְׁכְּחִי:

עָלִינוּ מִכָּל הַתְּהוֹמוֹת וְהַשְּׁבָרִים

רָאִינוּ אֹשֶׁר רַב, גַּם כְּאֵב.

אַךְ הָיִינוּ בַּמַּעֲלָה הַנַּעֲלָה מִכֻּלָּן:

רָאִינוּ לַלֵּב

The cover of the book 'ladder of shattered vessels' by Balfour Hakak

 Poems by Herzl hakak

Translated from the Hebrew by Schulamith Chava Halevy.

About the poet Herzl hakak


Herzl Hakak - writer, poet, literary critic. Published articles on various topics: literature, identity, Judaism.

Serveded as chairman of the Hebrew Writers Association between 2003-2005. 2011-2015.

He wrote 10 books of poetry and also published together with his twin brother books for children, books of criticism, a commentary on sacred poetry, a lexicon for language.

Recently, a book of his poems, The Song That Has Never Been Sung, was published by Shalhavt Jerusalem.

A selection of awards over the years:

Hari Harshon Award from the Hebrew University for the book of poems "The Light of Love ", 1972.

Honorable Mention "Olim and Achievers" - Ministry of Education 2018.

The Uri Orbach Poetry Prize of the Jewish Culture Division -2021.

Her Nuptial Kitchen by : Herzl hakak

As in every story

One must prepare the substance from which life is contrived.

To Mother it is clear:

The home lives with her and the kitchen breathes 

And if there is no farina or olive oil or salt, only crumbs can survive from our lives

In former lives, chimneys soared above the rooftop

And in the morning we indulged in sweet date honey.

Now she is preparing kubbeh for the children and grandchildren

Making sure there always is cold water at her side

Silence above, the skies are changed

The burgul rinsed and squeezed by hand, time after 

Time the semolina still alone in its bowl, with a

Pinch of salt, a drop of water

It will come, it will approach, it will return – 

That taste.

On her wedding day, she dreamt so high 

Felt as though she had been kneaded, passing

Through life dough in hands.

The kneading blends all, everything connects 

She recalls it all, sings a song and with her eyes shut

Places the lid on the pot.

If only the next generation knew to allow the dough

To breathe, to rise

If only she knew where to find her many dreams

Not one survived but now the kubbeh pieces are heated through

She took the lid off lest they disintegrate from the steam

As in every story one must understand the substance

From which life is construed and dismantled,

Without our knowledge.

Without sense.

When Everything was a Child- by Herzl Hakak

People wander in the streets. Try to rend

sleep. Mend life in their being. All ready

shirts laundered. Something in the vantage point

from which their life-story was written

starts to beat. Touches a line.

Perhaps I am with them.

Perhaps this is the story of a People.

When everything was a child, perhaps he had dreams

intended to fulfil, and parts to erase. When the mature

teller materialized, the mountain was smoking. It was hard to breathe 

in the heat of the torches. The lengthy purification. I sought there 

parts of me that threatened to disappear. Breaths from my 

past. I wandered with them perhaps to hold, 

as if seeking in them 

another whole. Beyond the fragmentary. The incidental.

Now I come before them, before their libraries

The stars drained of their strength 

in the world, bereft of heaven.

How did their skies turn into ice-water

their yearned-for fields to strangers?

The returning boy is looking for me now and I

Need and bleed. With them, stained. Their heart is no longer

turned to me

as they go.

There is a teller among them who binds pages into a book. In the bushes

A child prays to

 me. What kind of poetry do you wish?

My life is torn along the


שני שירים מאת :הרצל חקק 

הֶרְצל חַקָק / מִטְבַּח כְּלוּלוֹתֶיהָ 


כְּמוֹ בְּכָל הַסִּפּוּרִים

 צָרִיךְ לְהָכִין אֶת הַחֹמֶר מִמֶּנּוּ הַחַיִּים בְּנוּיִים.

לְאִמָּא הֲרֵי בָּרוּר שֶׁהַבַּיִת חַי אִתָּהּ וְהַמִּטְבָּח נוֹשֵׁם

וְאִם אֵין סֹלֶת וְשֶׁמֶן זַיִת וּמֶלַח

נִשְׁאָרִים מֵהַחַיִּים רַק פֵּרוּרִים.

בַּחַיִּים הַקּוֹדְמִים הָאֲרֻבּוֹת הִתְנַשְּׂאוּ מֵעַל הַגַּג

וּבַבֹּקֶר הִתְמַתְּקוּ כֻּלָּם בִּדְבַשׁ תְּמָרִים.

עַכְשָׁו הִיא מְכִינָה אֶת הַקּוּבֶּה לַיְּלָדִים וְלַנְּכָדִים

וְדוֹאֶגֶת שֶׁתָּמִיד יִהְיוּ לָהּ מַיִם קָרִים.

מִלְּמַעְלָה יֵשׁ שֶׁקֶט,הַשָּׁמַיִם אֲחֵרִים

הַבֻּרְגּוּל נִשְׁטָף בַּמַּיִם וְנִסְחָט בַּיָּד פַּעַם אַחַר פַּעַם

הַסֹּלֶת עֲדַיִן לְבַדָּהּ בַּקְּעָרָה, קְצָת מֶלַח וּמַיִם

זֶה יָבוֹא, זֶה יִקְרַב, זֶה יָשׁוּב, הַטַּעַם.

בְּיוֹם כְּלוּלוֹתֶיהָ חָלְמָה גָּבוֹהַּ,

חָשָׁה כְּמוֹ נָלוֹשָׁה, כְּמוֹ עוֹבֶרֶת חַיִּים

וְהַבָּצֵק בַּיָּדַיִם

הַלִּישָׁה מְעַרְבֶּבֶת הַכֹּל, הַכֹּל מִתְחַבֵּר

זוֹכֶרֶת הַכֹּל , שָׁרָה שִׁיר, וּבְעֵינַיִם עֲצוּמוֹת

מְכַסָּה הַסִּיר.

אִלּוּ רַק יָדַע הַדּוֹר הַבָּא לָתֵת לַבָּצֵק לִנְשֹׁם, לִתְפֹּחַ

אִלּוּ רַק יָדְעָה הֵיכָן חֲלוֹמוֹתֶיהָ שֶׁהָיוּ רַבִּים

וְאֵין גַּם בּוֹדְדִים

הֲרֵי פִּלְחֵי הַקּוּבֶּה הִתְחַמְּמוּ וְהִיא פָּתְחָה הַסִּיר

שֶׁלֹּא יִתְפָּרְקוּ מֵהָאֵדִים.

כְּמוֹ בְּכָל הַסִּפּוּרִים צָרִיךְ לְהָבִין אֶת הַחֹמֶר

מִמֶּנּוּ נִבְנִים הַחַיִּים. וּמִתְפָּרְקִים. לִבְלִי דַּעַת.

לִבְלִי טַעַם. 

כְּשֶׁהַכֹּל הָיָה יֶלֶד -הרצל חקק 

אֲנָשִׁים מְשׁוֹטְטִים בָּרְחוֹבוֹת. מְנַסִּים לִקְרֹע

שֵׁנָה. לְחַבֵּר לְעַצְמָם חַיִּים. הֵם כְּבָר מוּכָנִים

וְהַחֻלְצוֹת מְכֻבָּסוֹת. מַשֶׁהוּ בִּנְקֻדַּת הַמַּבָּט

שֶׁבָּהּ נִכְתַּב סִפּוּר חַיֵּיהֶם

נִפְעָם. נוֹגֵעַ בְּקַו. אוּלַי אֲנִי אִתָּם.

אוּלַי זֶה סִפּוּר שֶׁל עַם.

כְּשֶׁהַכֹּל הָיָה יֶלֶד הָיוּ לוֹ חֲלוֹמוֹת

שֶׁנּוֹעֲדוּ לְהַגְשָׁמָה. וְחֵלֶק לִמְחִיקָה. וְכַאֲשֶׁר אֵרַע

הַמְּסַפֵּר הַמְּבֻגָּר הָיָה הָהָר עָשֵׁן. קָשֶׁה הָיָה לִנְשֹׁם

בְּלַהַט הַלַּפִּידִים. הַהִטַּהֲרוּת הָאֲרֻכָּה. חִפַּשְׂתִּי שָׁם

חֲלָקִים שֶׁבִּי שֶׁאִיְּמוּ לְהֵעָלֵם. נְשִׁימוֹת

מֵעֲבָרִי. אוּלַי נָדַדְתִּי אִתָּם כִּמְאַחֵז

בָּהֶם, כִּמְבַקֵּשׁ בָּהֶם

שָׁלֵם אַחֵר. מֵעֵבֶר לַחֶלְקִי. לַמִּקְרִי.

עַכְשָׁו אֲנִי בָּא לִפְנֵיהֶם, לִפְנֵי אֲרוֹן סִפְרֵיהֶם

לַכּוֹכָבִים כְּבָר אֵין הַרְבֵּה כֹּחַ

כִּי הָעוֹלָם נְטוּל שָׁמַיִם

אֵיךְ הָפְכוּ לָהֶם הָרְקִיעִים לְמַיִם קָרִים

אֵיךְ הָיוּ שָׂדוֹת נִכְסָפִים לְזָרִים

הַיֶּלֶד הַשָּׁב מְחַפֵּשׂ אוֹתִי עַכְשָׁו וַאֲנִי

מְשׁוֹטֵט וְשׁוֹתֵת. אִתָּם וְנִכְתָּם. וְאֵין עוֹד לִבָּם

אֵלַי בְּלֶכְתָּם.

יֵשׁ עִמָּם מְסַפֵּר שְׁמְּאַחֶה דַּפִּים לְסֵפֶר. בֵּין הַשִּׂיחִים

יֵשׁ יֶלֶד מִתְפַּלֵּל אֵלַי. אֵיזוֹ שִׁירָה 

אַתֶּם רוֹצִים. חַ

יַּי קְרוּעִים עַל קַו הַתֶּפֶר.

מתוך "אהבה היא מולדת", 1992

The cover of the book 'The Never Sung
Song' by: Herzl Hakak


 poems by Odelya Yehudiyan

About the poet Odelya Yehudiyan


I am a multidisciplinary artist, a self-inspired creator, integrating diverse artistic techniques into my work.

My creations span painting, photography, and digital processing, utilizing Mix Media with an emphasis on incorporating diverse materials in two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and Ready-Made works.

My poems delve into the human soul, revealing its secrets and expressing love and reverence for the Creator and the world.

I produce, edit, and host radio programs focusing on Judaism, history, spirituality, and tradition. Additionally, I curate a cultural magazine that promotes artists, poets, writers, and thinkers, alongside a health and lifestyle magazine that inspires a balanced and fulfilling life.

In My Words by: Odelya Yehudiyan

I love,

I think,

I write,

In my words.

I photograph,

I embrace,

I create,

In my words.

I paint,

I travel,

I tell stories,

In my words.

I pray,

I dream,

I reflect.

My stories and poems are in words,

My pain is translated into words,

My joy is expressed in words.

I swear by words,

And I correspond with my God in words.

Homeland by: Odelya yehudiyan  

I wove a carpet of flowers

On your sacred soil.

Among the clods, 

I placed my emotions,

Only for the dust to scatter them

In the east wind,

Where sparks of holiness

Were nearly extinguished.

שני שירים מאת : אודליה יהודיין  

בְּמִילוֹתַי - אודליה יהודיין  
















סיפורי ושיריי הם במילים 

מכאוביי מתורגמים למילים 

אושרי מסופר במילים 

אני נשבעת במילים

ומתכתבת עם אלוהי במילים.  

מוֹלֶדֶת מאת: אודליה יהודיין

מַרְבַד פְּרָחִים אָרַגְתִּי

עַל אַדְמָתֵךְ הַקְּדוֹשָׁה

בֵּין הָרְגָבִים הִנַּחְתִּי אֶת רִגְשׁוֹתַי

וְהָאָבָק הִצְלִיחַ לְפַזְּרָם בְּרוּחַ קָדִים

בָּהֶם כִּמְעַט כֻּבּוּ נִיצוֹצוֹת שֶׁל קְדֻשָּׁה.

ציור מאת האמנית: אודליה יהודיין

Painting by the artist Odelya yehudiyan  

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

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