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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

 Dr. Ashok Kumar

Can a Bird Fly on Only One Wing?

In the realm of the skies, where birds take flight,

A question echoes, a wonder in sight.

Can a bird fly on only one wing?

A query that sparks, a debate that clings.

The answer lies, in the laws of the air,

In the principles of lift, and the balance that's fair.

A bird's wings beat, in a harmonious sway,

Creating lift and thrust, to soar through the day.

But on one wing alone, the balance is lost,

The lift and thrust, no longer countercrossed.

The bird would falter, and its flight would cease,

For balance and harmony, are the keys to release.

Yet, in the realm of dreams, where imagination soars,

A bird with one wing, can still fly to great shores.

For in the heart and soul, of every living being,

Lies a strength and resilience, that can make the impossible seeming.

So let us not limit, the possibilities of our mind,

For even on one wing, a bird can still leave its mark in kind.

For it's not the physical form, that determines our flight,

But the strength of our spirit, and the courage that ignites.

Copyright 2025 Dr. Ashok Kumar

All rights reserved.

Baraut, Baghpat, UP, India

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